Oklahoma lawmakers pass 6-week abortion ban modeled after Texas law that allows civil enforcement

JUST IN: Oklahoma lawmakers have given final approval to a bill modeled after the controversial Texas abortion law, which allows private citizens to take civil action against abortion providers to enforce the law.



This is false. With the exception of Catholics, quiver full followers, and a few other religions Prolife people tend to be pro birth control. I personally would make birth control free and easily accessible to adults. I would also greatly improve information regarding how to avoid contraception. There are a few studies that have shown that somewhere between 1 in 11 an 1 in 20 women in their 20s or early 30s relying on oral contraceptives will become pregnant each year. They say this is because practical use effectiveness studies and controlled use effectiveness studies seem to come up with vastly different results. This needs to be studied and the results need to be very public so women can make informed decisions. Also why the heck is it taking so long for their to be a male oral contraceptive. That needs to be more of a priority, I’m really done with this whole if she gets pregnant it’s HER fault business. I’m also done with people being dismissive of women suffering from psychological fallout after abortion. It’s a real, natural, and very common thing and it’s not ok to just dismiss those women or try to sweep that under the rug.

Yes, the real masculine world you clearly have nothing to do with. I’m not surprised that someone who’s on the left and lives in a bubble is so ethnocentric. English isn’t the only language on the planet comrade. Funny that since you can’t possibly make an argument (if leftists could make arguments they would need the protection of total censorship) you think you can make me, your intellectual superior feel bad because in some fruity language my name is spelled differently. I’m sure you tell all the Jews and all the Latinos names “Ariel” the same thing. You didn’t ask any questions. You just made a fool of yourself with that “medical treatment “ and “second class citizen” . I’m sure in your leftist echo chamber nobody ever asks any leftists to actually explain their “logic”. Let me ask you a question: do you think this is the first time in human history that the side that censors everyone, the side that stops the flow of information and silences scientists who dare to question leftist dogma are actually the good guys? In order to be a leftist in 2022 one needs to totally stop independent thinking. I hope you live in a area full of mindless leftists where nobody questions the dogma. Do you actually believe far-left propaganda?

Cheryl Reese in countries with laws like these doctors stand by helpless as women die in the operating table waiting for a fetal heart beat to stop. Do you know the way they handled this at the turn of the last century during the industrial revolution? Infantariums. Women who were poor, because everyone knows wealthy women always can obtain abortions or the care they need, left their infants who became orphaned or foundlings. The infants were fed, clothed and kept warm. Do you know the statistics on how many died? Thousands.
I worked in sexual violence treatment for years. You should learn something about what happens to the human when their autonomy and liberty are taken away in this regard. A handmaid’s tale is not what you want to live in.

Andrew Slabaugh If you see someone "killing someone," you'd better call the police. If, however, you are talking about a legal (at least for now) medical procedure that is Constitutionally protected and an issue that only concerns a woman and her physician, then shut your tater trap, because you are trying to be purposefully emotional. That cluster of cells is not a "baybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" despite how the christofascists howl and seethe and toss themselves about and gnash their teeth and rend their clothing. Cope. Get over it. It does not concern you, and you should keep your snout out of crotches that don't concern you. Which is literally every crotch aside from your own.

Today's Republicans sure as HELL aren't "pro- life".
Today's Republicans are a burning porta-potty of a dumpster fire in a racist landfill INFERNO of bootlicking FASCISTS.
Republicans made access to contraception as difficult as filing a Federal Building Permit.
There's absolutely NOTHING "pro-life" about forcing ANYONE to have a child she cannot care for or want, then the moment the child is born then are "SORRY, no child care subsidies for YOU, no health care, no welfare, no child tax credits, no SNAP. You got yourself pregnant, NOT our responsibility"...
FFS, that's not "pro-life"
Republicans have a morbid obsession with CONTROL and fetuses

Jeff Ford and you do know that the attack on women's rights, and health choices has been a thing for a lot longer than a virus that has only been around for a couple of years. It is actually the fact that the same people who want to take away women's rights and choice, are the same people who fought mask mandates, and make fun of people for wearing mask. They don't want to lose their ability to chose for themselves to wear a mask that can and does affect others, and can prevent the spread of a virus, but Wants to remove a woman's choice, who's choice will not affect others outside of their family or even herself. You have yet to answer how you can equally compare a mask mandate and an highly infectious virus, to that a woman's pregnancy that has no effect on anyone outside of the woman's sphere.

Yeah ok Donna. So you still believe the CNN slogan that a medicine used by hundreds of millions of people is... “horse medicine”? . Oh yeah, I forgot, leftists think in slogans. Any Africans around you? Ask them what they take every week on Sunday. Also you really believe White women are brought to abortion clinics in... limousines??? Who pays for those limousines??? . Tell your doctor that you imagine White women brought to have abortions in limousines. The truth is, Democrats, the party of slavery and segregation want to keep Black population down. Note how Black communities are designed by crime ridden Democrat run cities. Do you think it’s an accident that the party that literally killed Black babies also turns Black neighborhoods into war zones?

I’m sorry, I thought you were on the left. Even the leftist media don’t respect their viewers and only operate in dumb slogans. What answer would you like me to give you? I bet that despite 105 years of leftist regimes history, you still pretend leftists are somehow the “good guys”. I bet you even justify the brutal Stalinist censorship. So what answer do you need? I already laughed at the typical leftist euphemism of “medical procedure” because deep down even the dumbest leftists know babies, pain and fear feeling little human beings are being torn to pieces. I guess the political side that oversaw hundreds of millions of people being murdered for political reasons don’t care about few hundred thousand more . Why don’t you give me an answer. Could be in a form of a dumb slogan, I don’t expect much more comrade

Texas: A law to spy exclusively on women in order to claim a bounty? In 2022?! Really? Those $10,000 should be deposited in a Bank under a fiduciary to be used for the baby’s future needs, not given to randos acting like urban mercenaries.

Welcome to the talibanistic republic of Texas, where a second version of the ecclesiastical Inquisition has just been established in order to have an excuse to go exclusively against women!!! And Oklahoma wants to be like Talibtexas?!!

When you go to the details, republicans hate the constitution.

Be careful what you wish for... your daughter might be next...

10ºHere are important statistics for OK state legislatures that speak volumes: 1) There are 100 seats and only 18% are women 2) There are 82 Republicans and only 15% are women. 3) There are 18 Democrats and 44% are women. Now, that’s more like it! 4) The kicker…there are more WOMEN in our country than MEN. So MEN in Oklahoma are calling the shots on abortion! Just doesn’t seem right to me. Are Oklahoma women OK with men making choices for them? Whether you are Pro-Life or Pro-Choice, these bans affect Women. So why do men even get a say…….?
