Why car shopping is so bizarre in the United States

To understand why we buy and sell cars unlike other goods in America requires a look back at the crazy and often brutal early days of the American auto industry.



Sean Keenan actually you're going to be the one desperate when the American dollar loses its value or in a real pandemic situation with all these shortages and people start looting and you have absolutely nothing for trade. Gold will always be worth higher than the American dollar. and that's your opinion I've done just fine without a credit card for over 10 years. Especially in emergency situations. But thank you for judging since you're expert or world works during a real depression for a real national emergency. Hopefully you have some food stocked up as well for at least a year that credit card won't do any good when it comes to a real national disaster emergency situation like a massive solar flare they had one back in the 1800s that knocked out the entire telegraph system and set fire to it. You should research it when you get some time. They was just a solar flare a few months ago that destroyed a bunch of Elon musk satellites. And that was just a minor one. If we get hit with one like back in the 1800s it'll knock out every single electronic system and we will be forced back to the Stone age. But people like you don't really plan for real emergencies like that.. ..... It only takes between 7 and 10 minutes for solar flare to hit Earth after it gets ejected from the sun which that leaves absolutely no time and no warning.

You can have fun with your credit cards and I'll keep investing in gold copper and silver and aluminum and other precious metals. And you have not met a real prepper, we don't care for worst while you're stuck in an emergency situation complaining and crying that you should have prepared.

Bill Stewart well, here's some answers: this inflation is driven by first- the pandemic, then by consumers returning to normal life. Supply and demand is the culprit here which is a free market issue, not a president/government issue. Raising interest rates is not likely to solve the inflation. Gas prices are in the sane boat. The president has no control over prices, although he can direct releases from the strategic oil reserve which he has done. Again, free oil/energy market problems here. Thirdly: he didn't start this war with Ukraine, and if you're not oatriotivlc enough to stand up for a sovereign country trying to protect its own freedom, culture, and people then you're not as patriotic as you claim to be. He doesn't have to go on television every week to answer questions like a forner washed up reality tv host did, that's why he has a press secretary and media people.

Jim Dickman Credit cards are a scam you're actually paying more for the item because the interest rate versus if you were to pay it with just cash. I refuse to pay for a used car with a credit card or alone because most likely I'll be paying more than what the car is actually worth. And you don't need good credit to survive and have a wonderful life. I had a few friends that don't use credit cards at all and they do just fine living off grid with no bills to pay and they have a huge garden which feeds the whole family so no point in going to the grocery store either. But some Americans just can't live this lifestyle so they rely on fake money like credit cards.

Horrible system because you guys didn’t buy in Latino America. A Ford Fiesta in Brazil costs three times more than US and if you think air bags and anti lock system are mandatory only 8 years ago. Now in Ecuador pick up trucks are sold without the bucket only the frame, you pay separately for the bucket. Electric windows is a luxury, ABS, power steering and hydraulic fluid. Those are options and you pay big bucks for it. Finance a vehicle is difficult, we mostly buy through consortium, is like they divide the valor of the car for 50 months plus inflation and after you pay totally you can go to a dealer and get your car. Unless you are lucky and your bingo number is called so you can get the car first before paying the total, but still you have to pay the rest of the money you own on it until the 50 months ended.

Jake Curti why would a person want to borrow money that they don't have in the first place? If an individual can't afford something it makes absolutely no sense to borrow the money and pay more than that item is actually worth because you want that item so bad that you can't save your real money up to afford the item that you really want. It's called having control of your finances. Buy what you need to survive not what you want, but most Americans and most people in this world would rather buy what they want, then rather buy what they need to survive.

There's so many Americans, that use their credit cards to go eat out sometimes everyday, sometimes every other day and then they complain when they can't pay their credit card debt off because they're ill responsible with their spending habits. I really wish high schools and public schools would teach personal finance. Credit cards is not needed to survive in this world it's a total scam.

Sean Keenan you know people accept other payments like gold and trades they've done been doing it for thousands of years not everyone relies on the cash system. Especially when the federal government is over 34 trillion dollars in debt and it just keeps growing every year that American dollar isn't going to be worth anything because all they do is keep printing off more money that they don't have. Why would I want to get a credit card from a bank that took the money from the federal government and the federal government is already in debt? I'm pretty sure Spock would say that's extremely illogical. By the way it's always nice to have a forge and a blasting furnace at once home that way you can melt down your precious metals and save them for future use or cash them in. But some people just don't have the time in their lives for this type of stuff nor do they want to do this type of stuff. It's not for everyone just like credit cards aren't for everyone
