Americans are tipping less in the wake of tipping fatigue

Americans are tipping less in the wake of tipping fatigue. Service tips spiked at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. But two years later, the service economy is witnessing a drop in tips.


Armengol Rivera well let me wast my time educate you, I do blame Brandon for the simple reason he doesn't know how to lead and let's ignore that his executive orders in energy policies is what contributed to inflation, especially closing the energy infrastructure industry of which that alone is inflation. You really don't know economics , without oil or reduced oil is inflation as every product and service is dependent on oil, oil 101 educate yourself. This country is oil independent and can supply the World but this fool of a president is inept and incompetent as to reverse Trump's dependency on foreign oil. Inflation is oil, spending more and Regulations are inflation factors.

My local Dairy Queen, a FAST FOOD DRIVE THRU now asks for tips. They’re all: “The tip goes there… right there…. on that line… :::eyes wander then look at me:::”

I didn’t tip and the B told me to pull to the side and after 10 minutes brought me my bag of food. Thing is… my food was ready, the bag was sitting next to her when I got the receipt, I was only waiting for my soda. They purposely delayed my order because I didn’t tip them. F that place. I don’t go anymore.

Same S is happening at Domino’s WHEN I GO IN AND PICK UP MY ORDER! Yeah, just to hand me my pizza in the store they want a tip. F that.

Chris Burkhardt-Snelling Yes. It is. Anyone who dines out and is ignorant of the current state of affairs can become informed. Those who are informed and refuse to tip, deserve to be dragged. Clearly, you believe service industry workers have the burden of low wages and the burden of changing the industry on their own. Until legislative action alters the tax code and labor laws change on a massive scale, diners who don't tip for services rendered will continue to earn every nasty remark. They chose to dine out. If they aren't willing to cooperate with the framework and reality of compensation for service, they need to make the choice to stay home and cook groceries.

Russ Farnham It’s not about affording it or not. Should I tip the person taking my order at Panera bread for doing her job? Or the guy putting new tires on my truck working harder than the girl standing there ONLY taking orders? The mail lady?? The ONLY time I tip anymore is if I go to a sit down restaurant and I get stellar service. I don’t get tips at my job when I show up and do what was agreed upon when I took the job. And stay home and have a TV dinner? I cook meals for my daughter and I that probably are better than most of the places around here AND healthier without the hassle of waiting on a soda refill or them forgetting to bring extra ranch.

I over tip for delivery service like Doordash. I know the flat rate they get. I know the price of gas. 1, Doordash pays very little making the tips the draw. 2. The drivers come much faster for a decent tip. My request is posted for whoever wants it. Post a good tip and its snapped up. 3. Im wheelchair bound and they will not only give me my food but if theirs packages outside or something they noticed in the way for me they help me. i always pay more than 20 percent because i think i like to reward the kind and caring.

Juan Perez I'm sorry you feel like that but you can't blame Biden for the inflation. You really have to know economics and whats going on around the world to know what's really going on. I can go on and explain this but I don't wanna waste my time sorry. I explained that this was going to happen 2 years ago and how Brandon's was going to blame Biden for it. I was ready for this inflation. I like Trump but I'm not blaming Biden neither. I hope it's over but it's really not, something will rotate and hit the fan next but I'll try and stay more positive.

Ive been in jobs were I literally lived off tips. I get it. However, I’m so sick and tired of tipping everywhere. Hair salons that are charging me an arm and a leg. Dog groomers. Movie theaters Delivery (I’m one of those and tips are much appreciated because even though you’re seeing a shot ton of fees my pay is very little it’s all going to the delivery company. I still hate all those fees on top of tipping. So much so I’ve only done it in spots were I can’t leave to get it myself). Coffee shops. All these other places that are trying to get in on tipping. Tipping used to be for great service now it’s been bastardized beyond recognition. Every tip blank on a receipt now comes with a moral moment where I have to decide if that person deserves a tip or if they’re living off tips. Makes me not want to shop at places that do this. I’m alllll for paying a livable starting wage and doing away with tipping except for great service-but not expected like in other countries. Yeah, I’m tip fatigued.

Sean Meyer because that $12 meal you refuse to tip on will now go up to $24 because people like you want to get rid of the tipping system. Just pay the 20% and move on it’s really not that much and someone is busting their tail to serve you. It called an experience when you go out to a sit down restaurant. If you want crappy service as many would see without tips that’s what you will get. The servers will provide you the basic service which is bring you the food fill your drink and that’s it. I can understand crappy service and not tipping the 20% but come on man if you can afford to go sit down and eat you can afford the 20% which isn’t a whole lot.