Trump-backed J.D. Vance will win Ohio GOP Senate primary, CNN projects | CNN Politics

Even as most candidates in the race ran toward former President Donald Trump, the primary is the first Senate contest of the year to test the power of his endorsement.


Teresa Van Schoyck lol…so Biden’s withdrawal is trumps fault, Biden didn’t have to do anything he didn’t want to in Afghanistan… even his generals said they didn’t have a plan…you’re naive if you think Biden didn’t have an option … and I guarantee the disaster Biden created in Afghanistan wouldn’t have happened under trump… you know how I know? It didn’t happen under trump…the million crossing the border is trump’s fault too… annnd, the inflation is on Putin, the meat suppliers and the oil companies? Funny, all the mess we’re seeing now, none of that happened until Biden took office…

Phillip Joe Sep Scott No I know exactly what’s going on in the world too bad you don’t! Maybe you forgot that Trump made a deal with Afghanistan that we would be out in May and then he lost the election and Biden had no choice but to get our troops out of there! I guess you forget that they had bounties on American heads over there until Trump make this deal! It’s funny how you Republicans don’t want to remember stuff like that. I will also say that right now unemployment is lower than it’s been in decades! Maybe you wanna go do some fact checking

Grizell Johnson

Modern Dems are rightwingers (in the context of western democracy as a whole) akin to Eisenhower Republicans of the 50s. That’s what we consider lucky these days. Neoliberal economics and an occasional bone for the working class.

Modern republicans are so far Top-Right (authoritarian-right) that the 1950s republican platform with support for labor must look like full-on communism.

Both rightwing parties are ineffective. One is dangerously close to fascism and the other wants to fool people into believing it’s progressive. DNC is Lucy, the voters are Charlie Brown trying to kick the football. Fooled every time—and that’s why people drop out.

This is why we can’t have nice things. The country has been ruined by 50 years of conservatism. Longer if you look at the reasons why Eleanor Roosevelt had such a hard time lending support for the conservative, John F. Kennedy.

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Garimpeiros que invadiram a Terra Indígena Yanomami estupraram uma menina de 12 anos até a morte e jogaram uma criança de 3 anos no rio. Abominável! Uma semana depois, uma comunidade inteira, composta por 25 pessoas, simplesmente desapareceu.

Estima-se que mais de 20 mil garimpeiros estejam atuando ilegalmente em território homologado, cometendo diversos crimes contra o meio ambiente e os povos indígenas. Mulheres, jovens, adolescentes e crianças são as principais vítimas.

Se as vítimas fossem brancas, de classe média e bairros nobres, será que haveria esse silêncio ensurdecedor da mídia e das autoridades? O país teria parado e esse genocídio estaria estampado em todos os jornais e emissoras. A Funai-Fundação Nacional do Índio vai se omitir mais uma vez? O mundo quer saber: CADÊ OS YANOMAMI? Exigimos JUSTIÇA!

Artista: Cristiano Siqueira

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