At least three killed in suspected terror attack in Israel

Police said the incident, which took place on Israeli Independence Day, involved two suspected attackers. One fired a rifle while the other attacked people with an axe or a knife, police said.


Ori Sanilevich the land which England gave you . That about sums it up. The land that England gave you. When the Belfour declaration was made the jewish people made up 10% of the population but the British (paramours of justice historically as the world knows gave you land) . I dont even have an issue with that .Palestinians rightly do.

But what is on agenda is what you did in 1967 and onwards. Israels 1967 borders were recognised by the west. It should not have been but it was because it was much more than what the British donated to you

That part is pure invasion , pure land grab , expelling arabs from their lands and resetlling them with armed jewish settlers. That part is sickening. Despicable.
What is even more horrible is that the exact situation is being replicated in Ukraine and the west condemns and supports Ukraine but in their hypocrisy turns a blind eye to their pals genocidal activities perpetuated over 50 years. Thats why no one relies on US media and politicians. They have become willing accomplices to this false narrative.

Guess what the Palestinians wont give up. Every time there is a General Assembly resolution on Palestine and Israeli occupation you loose.
Israel is a pariah nation regardless of the support you get from the USA. Without USA veto the occupation would have been over a long time back.

Ori Sanilevich there are many people like me, I was in Palestine in December and everyone I met want to live in peace with Israelis and they are fed up with the PA, and let’s be honest with ourselves, the country Palestine/Israel what ever the name is, mean a lot to all Palestinians and Israelis, we should look at each other as countrymen not enemies, we all love the same country and neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians are going no where.
The sooner we realise that the less people will be killed.
BTW, I don’t hate you I hate what your government is doing, and you have the right to live in freedom and dignity, the Palestinians have that right too.

These so called Jews are terrorizing Indigenous Palestinians Christians and Muslims!
CNN International: bias distorted reporting is the lowest form of humanity.... Get it right, please!

israeli forces have detained 500+
and injured 170+ Palestinians at Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem since the beginning of Ramadan.
These Palestinians were simply praying and congregating together at the mosque, which is one of the few remaining public spaces for Palestinians in Jerusalem.

The israeli forces weapons of choice have included sound grenades, tear gas, rubber-coated bullets, and batons. Their Palestinian targets have included children, journalists, paramedics, and women and men simply existing as Palestinian in public.

Remember that this isnt a conflict between two equal parties despite Western media claims to the contrary.

We must end israel impunity for its state violence against Palestinians.


Courtney Jaohara I understand you want to seek equality in the region but Palestine has no intention of coexisting. They’ve turned down the chance for a country numerous times. Imagine if Tibetans, or Kurds, or basques had the same chance. They’d never turn it down! Israel is also the largest donor to Palestine in terms of money and materials but all that funding just goes to terrorist endeavors. I genuinely feel for the Palestinian people as they are being held hostage by their government who uses the aid money they get to line their own pockets and fund more terror. They have no intention of changing the situation

Ori Sanilevich you are not an elected official but you have a voice. Use it. You cant believe that you are not an occupying force. Surely you are not like this Goldstein charector who said "pallie stink". That Palestinians stink are and are lesser human beings than Jewish people. Familiar words ?

This conversation is a debate between you and me. The invasion and land grab is a continuing violation of intl law which needs international courts decision or neutral countries to mediate.

Regarding your one billion which is now hundreds of billions - win the case at Hague and take it. But you cant, can you.
Your government knows it will not like the decision.

Ori Sanilevich Israelis are banned from entering Gaza by the Israeli government, Miko Peled (an Israeli peace activist) entered Gaza through the tunnels bcs his government didn’t grant him permission, the Palestinians didn’t hurt him.
Theirs no sovereignty for the Palestinians over their what’s left of their country, the Israelis control everything, entry, exit, imports, exports ….etc.
These are facts that’s you can see them for yourself if you live there or if you go visit.
Anti apartheid is not anti you, it’s just calling for justice so all of us will live in peace, freedom and dignity, until that happens non of us will be safe, that’s how it played in many different parts of the world and through history and Palestine/Israel is no exception.

Nancy Hasson i do blame the arab countries but I support the Palestinians fight to correct a massive wrong. They haven't given up in 50 years. If Ukrainians loose I hope they wont give up either.

Regarding money- the USA funds Israels occupation and military. So why shouldn't the Palestinians try to fund their goals.

Havent you seen zelenski asking for money and weapons ?
It is whining if it is Palestinians but it is leadership if it Ukrainians.

If the Ukrainians loose and have to live under russian occupation for 50 years - well I wont wish that on anyone.

I am always astonished at the convoluted arguments Americans and Israels come up with to defend a clearly illigal act.

Courtney Jaohara videos aren’t always the be all/end all. There’s a lot of videos that are entirely made up, to tug on heartstrings and in this case they work. The only homes Israel demolishes are those of terrorists. Say what you want about the inhumanity of it, there are so many terrorists from Palestine where Israel literally doesn’t know what to do about it other than demolishing their homes. Ultimately, Palestine’s situation is their own doing. Had they just chosen peace and lived alongside Israel with the country England promised them they wouldn’t be in this mess. But this is what banging your head against the wall for nearly 80 years looks like, in hopes that your neighbor somehow vanishes from the face of the earth

Ahmad Alomari I am from Israel so I know what I’m talking about when I say these things. Israelis control entry and exit into Israel, not into other countries, which like I said, is their sovereign right. any time Palestinians are given a minor amount of agency they use it to ramp up terror activities. Allow them free entry into Israel? They send suicide bombers and a boarder wall is built. Donate 500 tons of concrete? They use it to build tunnels for smuggling weapons and carrying out malicious activities.

The people claiming Israel is apartheid are more often than not the same people subscribing to the “from the river to the sea” mentality. Palestine has unfortunately dug itself into a hole through decades of focusing on nothing but violence and “revenge” that is now near impossible to get itself out of. The cries of apartheid are merely a shift in strategy for getting the world to sympathize with them even though their situation is largely their own doing

10ºAdam L. Goldstein you epitomise a new kind of nazi. The 21st century model. Sad that a people who has suffered so much will do something similar to another people.

The white community also believed they could continue their apartheid system. The USA also supported them. It came crashing down. Wake up and make a fair peace while you can. Your own PM Rabin understood this and tried to make peace . Your radicalised extremist jewish groups killed him for it bringing in Bibi N and the current idiot in power. The Palestinians deserve Gaza west bank including East Jerusalem as their capital. It is also lawfull.
