A January 6 rally participant could unseat the longest-serving woman in the House | CNN Politics

"An Ohio Republican associated with the QAnon conspiracy movement – and who painted massive Donald Trump murals on his lawn and put out a crass rap song on his campaign website – will face off in November against a Democrat who could become the longest-serving woman in Capitol Hill history," writes Zachary B. Wolf | Analysis



I believe John McCain was one great man. God bless and really. You still have great others that's in the party. But when they fear because the votes of you and me and others. This is where it turns a circle a lies. If you can't do the job honestly. Bowlingllll and fear no one but the man upstairs. This is a job you took a salad of for the people. When you start to be a puppet and not loyal to your job and the people there comes a big price to pay. And what I'm trying to say be yourself and not nobody else. Be there for the people that really got you there. Don't be brainstorm for someone else do. Do for what your base really need to be really done for the people. No one should be able to tell you as you are adult. How to stand how to talk how to walk and most of all cannot take away what you work hard for. They are right they are laws. But when we come out of our character the wrong way. We losing everything what democracy and what the policy stand for. Especially when it's one nation one nation that they'd already forgot. Because now they look at it another way one nation under one man who will tell you this is how things is going to be done. But when they take away what has been hard and written. From our forefathers of the base of the words under God in the Liberty liberty for justice and for all. I think it's more selfish than enough. When they think it's all about them and not about us are you. So how would it be stronger for our next generations in the younger generations that they come and they don't stand up for what they supposed to be doing instead of using the base of Washington DC and I'm talking about the leadership on both sides not one. For a playground a game. Because they the ones going to gain out of the whole ordeal we will keep on worrying suffering and losing everything without forefathers and it was trying to build for the longest and let somebody else come along and tear down.

What the American people need to realize that were in a WAR FOR DEMOCRACY!!! What’s happened to others countries is now happening here and if we don’t wake up and fight back we could lose everything. Not just for us but our children and their children. AUTOCRATS ~ A ruler who has ABSOLUTE POWER, someone who INSISTS ON COMPLETE OBEDIENCE FROM OTHERS; an imperious or domineering person. If this sounds like Donald Trump you would be correct. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” “ Where you see wrong or inequality or injustice, speak out, BECAUSE THIS IS YOUR COUNTRY. This is your DEMOCRACY. MAKE IT. PROTECT IT. PASS IT OWN.” “In a democracy you believe it or not. In a dictatorship you believe it or ELSE.” The choice is up to us. We cannot afford to get this WRONG!

Stephanie Bebermeyer Lee you hate facts. Man you’d think being indigenous that you would know more about the five nations. You use the same regurgitated left garbage and try to deny the lefts ignorant history and don’t like facts about them. You’re no different than white republicans. It must be a white thing. I can do this all day long and present facts so you can keep blaming someone else. Your answers are the same as the people on the fox site. Again slavery still exists today in Africa it’s Africans that are doing it, not blacks. Africans don’t call themselves black. That’s a white thing by your kind. Again Muslims start is taking African slaves in the eight Century and Africans learned they could sell their own for profit. These are facts In history. The five nations as stated before had no choice but to accept he white peoples government ways are be complete destroyed. These are actual facts in history. This is your white ancestry history and you’re trying to pass it off to other whites in a different party. Whites of feather flock together. I know you’re indigenous. When In doubt avoid truth and use racism and if someone doesn’t have your beliefs calm the a republican. I’m sure your answer is in the democrat plantation book. I know already I’m a republican because you say so. Sound about white?

Karen Hunt Maddry please don’t expect me to slice my wrist open about anything you might think of me. I wonder if you really know the definition of Republic??? Republic: 1. a political order whose head of state is NOT a monarch. 2. A nation having a political order in which the supreme power line in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives reasonable to them. When Benjamin Franklin said “ we have a Republic if we can keep it. He wasn’t referring to one party. That why there’s a Constitution that guarantees the RIGHTS of all.

Augusto Huertas Acosta that is simply fear. The GOP is predominately those who are fiscally responsible and constitutionalists. This would be like saying all of the left is ruled by Sanders Socialists (even though their programs are beginning to smell that way) it simply isn’t true. I’m sure if you asked Cubanos or Venezuelans whether they would prefer Christian Conservatives or Atheist Socialists, you would have your answer. There is a balance of power between the three corners of our Democracy to keep one from ruling autocratically. You should really check on the wealth and background of the Biden’s, Pelosi, Newsome, Clinton’s etc. see who they really are when you pull back the curtain. See, I’m more libertarian. But, I am not a blind follower. I want the truth. But, then again, many can’t handle the truth or want to avoid it.

Ken Lugo No, actually I read book from the period on question. They can be found in digital libraries all over the world. As far as white people being held as slaves in Tripoli, that had to do with America piracy in the Mediterranean. They weren’t held in bondage by black peoples. They were held by those who lived in North Africa.

The Trans Atlantic slave trade was West Africa, from Senegambia to Angola, including the Bight of Benin. And if you don’t know how the trade began, which was based on sugar, then you don’t know the history at all.

I’m wasting my time. Your knowledge is high school level.

It is interesting to read the opinions of many here and the fear of Trump and some believing he is going to extinguish Democracy. If you take a step back,this is Democracy at work. The left, and right should be terribly fearful of the path we are taking. The development of a disinformation office is simply meant to censure free speech. The abortion topic currently and the rhetoric of “my body, my choice”, but, it doesn’t work with vaccination or masks. We can be mandated to do whatever the Government stipulates in the left’s opinion.

More importantly, the potential loss of rights is in the news and how Roe V. Wade is only the beginning of the loss of other rights. But see people, the process and rights are guaranteed by the Constitution. Why is the loss of religious freedoms or, the modification or elimination of 2A rights which are fundamental to the constitution, are fair game to be removed and yet, they are important to citizens of our country.

Again, I would be very careful of espousing only one political opinion is right or wrong. If you hate Trump, so be it. I’m ok with it. But, elect candidates which more truly represent the will of the people. Biden/Harris have gotten almost nothing right. Try to admit this and not blame Trump and find candidates which can bring effective change. Censure is wrong when you have freedom of speech, our economy is shot, we face a potential large scale war and appear very weak to the world, we are attempting to mitigate student loans but, are not concerned with those of us who didn’t acquire student debt by military service or are blue collar workers and chose a different path. Stop blaming Trump. Start opening your eyes to reality.

Well Dave, if the republican party wants to be one of the two remaining parties, they must first take it back from the Fascist who have almost taken it over. In order for the the republicans with values they will have to be the ones to take back their power from the Fascist, and there is only one way to do that! For me, it is not about Democrats! It is about our nation, our institutions, and the laws of our country! Most important, being united in the cause of our republic. Being divide makes us vulnerable to our adversaries! If being reasonable is key, I will willing consider a reasonable idea. The republican party I have voted for in the past, isn't the republican party we now have!

It’s comical to here these Dumocratic leftist fascist socialist communist Marxist regime followers attack the right as there leaders openly lie,…cheat and steal,….and while they pander and waste our tax’s dollars…strip our constitutional rights allow us to be invaded at our southern borders all to subvert our constitution republic for complete control and power…and those who are weak minded follow the pied pipers to their own demise or are openly socialist communist Marxist…anti American and follow because they hate America….as a former dumocrat I see now why I know It was the right time to jump ship when Obama was elected I will never vote Dumocratic ever again as that party is no longer in anyway Associated with American values or our constitution…!

10ºSherilyn Sowell so you’re into just putting unrelated comments in articles that are about specific people?

Makes total sense…

I know he didn’t go into the Capital, which means he was there for the rally exercising his First, yet you decided to make your comment about something unrelated to the article, or him…

Funnily enough you got other replies saying the same basic thing yet we’re all in the wrong?

Again, makes total sense… maybe you should phrase your comments and/or put them in more relevant places…

Oh, and it’s, fascist, Facebook isn’t going to ban you for using the word…
