Two men accused of attacking DC Officer Michael Fanone on Jan. 6 set to enter into plea agreements this week

The two men, Kyle Young and Albuquerque Head, as well as a third, Thomas Sibick, are accused of spearheading the assault on the then-officer, who was dragged away from a police line, beaten, and robbed of his badge and radio.


Justin Hyder Afghanistan was already in motion and signed off on by Trump. The rest you are fed by Fox. Stop with the mental gymnastics, you are going to hurt yourself. You thought the world laughed at Clinton? Trump was the worse thing that has happened to this country ever. The fact is people didn’t vote for Biden, they voted against Trump. There is no way this country would have survived another 4 years. We would be in another Civil War. I’m sorry you believed him, sociopaths have a way of getting people to believe they are the true victims. It doesn’t make what he says true.

Plea agreement, if they were all dumb enough to be there in the beginning and that VIOLENT yes VIOLENT no plea agreement in this world should exist, they should go to jail the RUINED AMERICA each one single handedly. We need more women in office as we seem to see the situation much more clearly. January 6 a hot head lost, he caused a riot nd the rioters are now getting slaps on the wrist, NO they caused the down fall of America for all we stand for most of us are embarrassed that they even reside in America. In other countries they would have been SHOT here what are we doing thanking them for sharing their stories while they plot the next horror.

Justin Hyder I mean, we can start as simple as not tweeting, that helped a lot. But if that is too basic even for you, unemployment is lowest ever. The problem is there are too many idiots that still can’t comprehend that these gas prices and shortages are all over the world, not just here. It isn’t the President of 1 country, we had a pandemic (that means the entire world was affected). Our President at the time said not to worry, when Spring comes it will go away. Y’all believed him over doctors who actually study viruses. So here we are. The dumbing down of America.

Sandra Semmelhack we’ll have you seen hunters laptop? Why wax it held up until now ? Honest democrats?
More women in politics? Really.. well I’ll say it this way. Get some smart ones in I’m for it. Right now the geriatric ones the post menopausal ones, and the pre menopausal ones need to go
But both sides have bad ones
I’m glad orange man gone but to put a mild dementia ridden fool in is now what the world sees.
Russia started their crap. North Korea, China all see joe as weak.
Our political system is a disaster
Until it’s overhauled ie term limits in house and senate
Those nut jobs Jan 6 th didn’t ruin crap
Showed how weak security was is all
You brought up in other countries they’d been shot. So using that analogy joe n the dems are guilty because they believe in open borders, illegals voting.. which is a crime
Other countries require voter ID so let’s follow suit on that to.
Joe has his hands full er I mean his advisors do. Hope they don’t let him go off on a tangent on a open Mike again 

He doesn't deserve the badge. You Democrats are actually National Socialists that are so ignorant to any facts, that you voted for an inept old man to plummet the world into WW3. Democrats can no longer be trusted in America, but there may be hope for the Republican party if we expose them for their 9/11 Cover-up. As the Republicans spearheaded a War Hawk mentality to kill people in Afghanistan and Iraq, rather than focus our anger on executing corrupt federal agents and their informants who are still alive to this day. They are terrorists. And they will be hunted down like terrorists. These people on 9/11 also had undercover federal agents and informants suggesting to people to break in to the capital, just like federal agents were proven in a court of law to send informants and pawns to entrap people into kidnapping Governor Whitmer since she has gotten away with commiting treason in The State of Michigan, and has not been prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law yet.

America’s public institutions are attacked regularly from within but downplayed. It’s hard for this country to admit when it’s under siege. There are obvious historical examples that are cited but modern events are given a blind eye. I noticed this when the first major school shooting happened in columbine. That was a public facility owned by taxpayers. Yet it was treated as some non essential privately owned establishment besieged by some lunatics. That description best fits 9/11 attack which got major attention and repercussions. Of course federal crimes were committed by use of airplanes and the entire nation was terrorized. The point is perhaps it’s time to address ALL attacks on public grounds with equal rigor and vigor. Such that the next shooting on school grounds is both federal and state offenses and the outrage persists until we see the villains dragged to jail m. You know like the smoking of weed is.

I’m making the point that people get mixed messages and end up thinking they can attack anybody and anything, at anytime they want to.

Claudia Regenos these peons have no link to Trump. Other higher ranking peons do his bidding with the commoners. Getting the phone traffic from Congress will do more to get to Trump than letting those who actually carried out violence off the hook. This will happen again and it will be worse because there is no real consequence for ANYONE. These sentences should be making headlines. They may or may not get Trump. We know this. They have these jerks on camera assaulting an officer. They broke the law and should be punished accordingly, for justice and to provide precedent and a warning.

Joan Cooper Are you serious?! Her role in the events leading up to Jan 6.! Dismissing national guard and ordering her capital police to open access to the capital building and guide them inside. Haven’t you seen video?! You still don’t know it was a setup? How about the planning the Dems did the night before and the day of with their (paid) antagonists like BLM and Antifa?! You don’t know about this?! Thats why Pelosi should be answering under oath about her role in this since she was supposed to be in charge. She helped to orchestrate the whole thing and a women was shot by capital police because of her.

Janice Garvin Wow! How disgusting! You actually think it’s funny this man was beaten and tased repeatedly while they grabbed his gun and threatened to shoot him. He had a heart attack. Over 140 officers were beaten with Trump flag poles, baseball bats, stabbed with bicycle spokes and more. Some now have brain damage. 5 people in all are dead because of this riot Trump and his administration plotted from the Oval Office at the White House. Watch June 9th. The J6th committee will have 8 live hearings on television to show the world how an evil narcissistic loser committed treason because he could not accept defeat.

10ºPartisan Democrats and lefties like to fancy themselves the “fair” and “even-minded” ones, yet very few diversify their media sources. Most never actually listen to or even know each side of major stories. (Especially the chicks, they’re the worst)

Whether you consider yourself politically on the left, right, or center relying SOLELY on partisan news sources to characterize dissenting voices for you & to report opposing political or ideological points of view fairly is not a thing. Not in 2022. Not if you are seeking to be as fully informed as possible and you value truth and reality over ideology and political narrative. Relying on your favorite partisan journalists/outlets IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE for going to the primary source(s) of dissenting arguments and opposing perspectives, and listening for yourself.

Update on January 6th through the prism of the law.
Attorneys Viva and Barnes, sit down for a
Sidebar with Journalist Darren J. Beattie!
Viva & Barnes LIVE!
