The things Covid victims left behind

Drawings by a young girl. A special money clip. A hat knitted by a grandmother. As the US approaches 1 million deaths, these items are among the things Covid-19 victims left behind.


Beth Schrayer Applegate These worthless turds show up anytime anyone dares express a viewpoint to the left of Atilla the Hun. These scumbags are interested only in griefing people. That's it. They have nothing of substance or value to offer anyone, anywhere. The extent of their sad, petty, miserable little lives is to "own the libs." I would pity them if they weren't so destructive to this country. You can tell by his misinformed, ignorant, populist grunting out of right-wing talking points that he is irredeemable and not even worth engaging. He is a "man" completely without substance, and suffering from fragile, fragile, utterly breakable masculinity.

Nancy your argument t is in accurate and misleading. First of all the "MAGA movement", I know plenty of conservative Republicans who do not and would never support this movement. Second of all, any movement thay assaults our nation's capital because of hurt feelings should be labeled as extreme. Third, the word terrorist is not in your quote at all. And fourth, he said extreme organization in AMERICAN history, therefor your argument about the Nazis and the Taliban is irrelevant.

Oh I have heard them call the MAGA movement and extreme movement but I've never heard them refer to it as a terrorist organizations. FFS, Garland is refusing to even have domestic terrorism charges brought against the capital rioters. I think you need to fact check your information dear.

Fred Parker ok, that's what some say, however my husband worked for public works. He rode in a truck and worked 8 hours each day with the lead man who was very sick, Tuesday and Wednesday, on Thursday he did not come in, MANAGEMENT called my husband on Friday to tell him he was exposed at work. We did not call them they called us.. On Sunday my husband ran a fever and was hospitalized on Monday. The lead man died the next Friday. His wife told their boss he knew he was sick but didn't want to miss work. No one in our house was sick until a few days after my husband became ill. While I get there's no proof, we feel the contact tracing should be evident.

Where is Biden’s plan he stated he had during the presidential campaign to “shut down the virus (Covid)”? How does it feel to elect a person who lied about a Covid plan? 4 years ago we were energy independent. It only took Biden 16 months to screw that up. 4 years ago our southern border was secure. It only took Biden 16 months to screw that up. 4 years ago we had a robust economy, low energy prices, record low unemployment, and low inflation. It only took Biden 16 months to screw that up. 4 years ago we had Russia, China, Iran and North Korea under control. It only took Biden 16 months to screw that up. Biden is a total screwup.

Over 1000 children have died from Covid in the USA!
Children are NOT IMMUNE to Covid!
Anyone who tells you that children are immune to Covid is lying to you.
Over 1000 children under the age of 18 have died FROM Covid in the USA, 350 of those deaths were children 4 years old or younger.
Not one child, not 1 child has died or suffered permanent health issues from the Covid vaccine
Some of the children that have died of Covid did have underlying health issues
Some of the children that have died of Covid were perfectly healthy
Did you know that children are far more likely to have myocarditis from Covid than from the vaccine

Please people
Talk to your doctors
Talk to your pediatricians
Talk to a doctor that works on a Covid ward
Ask them If they are vaccinated
Ask them if their children are vaccinated
Ask them which group is dying at a far higher rate: the vaccinated or the unvaccinated

Our parents and grandparents got vaccinated to protect us, please live up to the example they set.
We can save the lives of the next 800+ that are going to die if this virus is allowed to continue.
Please get vaccinated to save their lives.


ACOG - American College of Obstetricians and gynecologists

John Hopkins

AHA American Hospital association

AAP American Academy of Pediatrics



Mayo Clinic