Volkswagen has already sold out of electric cars in key markets this year

Volkswagen Group, the leading global competitor to Tesla, has sold out of electric cars in the United States and Europe this year because of soaring demand and supply constraints.


Tammy Harrison that is exactly why the current government wants to upgrade our power grid to the 22nd century, and bring us out of 3rd world standards. If you are using your car locally, most electric cars have a range of 250 miles. I seriously doubt the average American drives over 250 miles each day locally. That means an overnight charge is sufficient for your needs. Long distance is easier because the mapping software on the car’s computer can route you to charging stations along your route. Besides, after driving 250 miles, it nice to stretch your legs and go to the bathroom or get something to eat or drink for 30 minutes.

Tammy Harrison ha ha ha! I’m an interstate over the road professional truck driver! I’ve been one for over 20 years and log over 120,000 miles of driving for each year I’ve been out here. How is it apparent that I don’t do much traveling? In regards to your electrical conundrum, that is why the current government is trying to take steps to upgrade our current electrical grid. Also, solar powered homes include battery backup systems. It’s funny you’re asking a truck driver for answers you should be educating yourself on or at the very least speaking to representatives of the companies providing electrical amenities or your local legislation.

SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES – CHINESE VIRUS – All the soybean exports in the world, "Doesn't Amount to a Hill of Beans" dollar wise, compared to our huge overall trade deficit with Communist China.

Anyone with even half a brain isn't buying the old "Trade War" BS anymore – It's very simple – What's the TOTAL DOLLAR VALUE of all US Exports to CHINA, Korea, India, Japan, Germany, Mexico, and most other countries versus the other way around? – It's not about one product or industry – It's about the HUGE OVERALL VOLUME of DOLLARS and jobs GOING OUT of OUR COUNTRY every year versus what's coming in – Year after year – After year.

It's Not Rocket Science – Since the FreeTraitors have had their way of it, our largest export has been American jobs and money.

No matter how the globalist-free-marketeers and FreeTraitors try to spin it – Our huge trade deficits and indebtedness to foreign countries like Communist China are obviously not in the best interest of our country or the American people.

What about the tariffs and VAT that other countries use on our products? – Not to mention the foreign industries that are subsidized by their governments, including Communist China.

Tariffs are not just a "negotiating tool", they're a necessity at this point and long overdue – This old "Trade War" nonsense is just more Typical Predictable Globalist Propaganda.

Establishment puppet politicians, corrupt manipulative media pundits and their globalist masters can put their BS in a box, gift wrap it and even put a bow on top, but fortunately most Americans can still smell what's inside.

Time to level the playing field using common sense instead of political BS, tokenism, and rhetoric.

We need tariffs that are proportionate to the inequities in wages, regulations, subsides, taxes and tariffs in the country where the goods were actually produced and or where we’re importing them from – Including country of origin, even when imported from another 3rd party country – We could then use the money raised by these tariffs to help companies build state of the art manufacturing plants here in the USA, which would create more jobs here at home for US citizens, which would then in turn increase our income tax revenue.

Over the past several decades, all that our traitorous politicians from both parties have been doing is selling out the American People, by stalling, spending, removing protections and allowing illegal aliens and foreign H1B/H2B visa workers to continue to pour into our country and American jobs and industries to pour out to other countries like communist China, India, Mexico, Etc. . . , and all while collecting their American tax-payer funded paychecks, benefits and whatever else they get on the side from their various lobbyist friends.

One thing that became clearly evident during and after the last two presidential elections is that both parties, the corrupt manipulative media and their globalist masters just consider the American people to be collateral damage in their game of globalization and cheap wages.

If more Americans would have listened to Ross Perot back in 1992, we wouldn't be in this mess right now – Turns out he was right.

NAFTA was bad enough, but our huge trade deficit and indebtedness to Communist China is like NAFTA on steroids.

Under the FreeTraitors way of thinking we might as well just outsource all of our military needs to Communist China, India, and Mexico just like we did everything else – What – Why not – I'm sure they could do it much cheaper – Hum

Wake up America – Chinese Virus – China is where way too many of our food products, medicines and supplements are being processed and manufactured.

Bringing manufacturing back home to the USA and protecting our own southern border is going to end up being not only a key to restoring our economy, but to maintaining our national security as well.

Wanting trade and immigration policies that will put the best interests of our own US CITIZENS first and foremost, especially our veterans is not racist, fascist, or socialist – It's common sense, if you're an American of any race, creed, or gender.

We finally had a president that was actually doing something about our traitorous trade and immigration policies – And the corrupt manipulative media, establishment puppet politicians and their globalist masters blatantly fought President Trump and the American People tooth and nail every step of the way.

It’s not rocket science – The sudden economic downturn over the past 2-years was obviously caused by the Corona Virus and anyone with half a brain isn't buying that other nonsense – We were finally going in the right direction before China released COVID-19.

Not only did China release the COVID-19 virus just in time to completely change our election procedures and remove any legitimate verification of our voting process – But components in our election machines are made in China and software "glitches" have already been discovered that gave thousands of Trump votes to Biden – Very coincidental.

Yes media moguls, we should all just close our eyes and accept the results of a blatantly obvious fraudulent presidential election, after listening to four years of Russia, Russia, Russia, false racism, media race monger and paid agitator inspired riots, and then the false narrative and optics of a fake insurrection, just so the NWO Elites can keep making everything in China

Let’s face it – If it weren’t for Trump and this new Chinese virus, our bought and paid for globalist-puppet-politicians and corrupt-manipulative-media would still be talking about peripheral social issues rather than the core economic issues facing the American people, the real American economy, and the future of our country.

For decades it was nothing but gay marriage and abortion – Now it's nothing but Russians and false racism accusations 24/7/365.

It's called polarize and distract – But, thankfully most Americans aren't buying it anymore.

If we don't wake up soon, we'll all be singing, "Bye Bye Miss American Pie" – Welcome to the United States of America, owned and operated by Communist China with easy access to all from our Mexican border.

Bring our troops home from the Middle East the right way and deploy them along our own southern border and keep harvesting our own fuel here in the USA

LET'S GO BRANDON Notice to all of these open borders advocates – Take down your fences, unlock your doors and just let uninvited, unauthorized foreign intruders to come into your house and onto your property – And while you’re at it you can pay their bills as well – Good luck hypocrites.

The American People deserve to know exactly how many illegals are living in our country and especially how many are receiving any type benefits that are funded by US citizen's tax dollars – This is The United States of America, it's our country and being a US Citizen is absolutely relevant – What the American People clearly want and need are more elected officials that will actually start putting the best interests of our own US CITIZENS first and foremost, and that includes appointing judges and others that will do the same.

The entire premise of these so-called "sanctuary cities and states" is absurd and random diversity immigration lotteries, unlimited chain migration and the continuous flood of uninvited unauthorized foreign intruders are ridiculous.

Here in New Jersey our clueless governor Phil Murphy is totally out of touch with the American people – Millions of income-tax-paying American US Citizens are overburdened by higher education loans for themselves or their children, healthcare costs that they cannot afford and stagnant wages – Yet, Murphy is granting non-citizen illegal aliens and their children access to income-tax-payer funded college aide subsidies.

If they have funds available to subsidize these non-citizen uninvited unauthorized foreign intruders and their children, it should instead be going towards softening the hardship of these overbearing college loan repayments for our own income-tax-paying US Citizens instead.

It's pretty ironic – If walls don't do anything – Why are there walls and fences around prisons, zoos, forts, rich celebrity's homes, politician's homes, judge's homes, the Vatican, barriers around protester's self-declared autonomous zones and now around the Capital building in Washington DC? – Humm – Evidently, physical barriers do work in conjunction with other high-tech security measures and personnel.

If we don't have the funds to build the wall along our own southern border – Then let's stop sending American tax-payer funded financial aid to foreign countries, stop financial aid to illegal aliens, stop importing cheap labor, stop allowing and enabling US jobs and industries to be outsourced to foreign countries and do not import foreign fuel, steel nor electronics used in our military weapons, national defense systems and power grids – Build the wall and guard the border using our drone and satellite surveillance systems to find and turn back unauthorized intruders – Also, hire our veterans and former law enforcement officers to monitor and minimize visa over stays.

NEWS FLASH MEDIA PROPAGANDISTS and GLOBALIST ESTABLISHMENT POLITICIANS – Our leaders are supposed to be elected by the citizens of the United States of America to represent the interests of those citizens and the country itself – They are not supposed to be representing Wall Street, lobbyist, international corporations, the globalist-free-marketeers (WTO, NAFTA, TPP, KORUS, NWO), foreign citizens, foreign interests or illegal aliens – And it’s about time that all of our so called leaders start honoring that fact.

One thing that became obvious during and after the last two presidential elections, is that establishment puppet politicians, the corrupt manipulative media and their globalist masters just consider the American people to be collateral damage in their game of globalization and cheap wages.

Wanting trade and immigration policies that will put the best interests of our own US CITIZENS first and foremost, especially our veterans is not racist or fascist – It's common sense, if you're a US CITIZEN of any race, creed, or gender.

Wake up America – China is where way too many of our food products, medicines and supplements are being processed and manufactured.

Bringing manufacturing back home to the USA and protecting our own southern border is going to end up being not only a key to restoring our economy, but to maintaining our national security as well.

We finally had a president that was doing something about our traitorous trade and immigration policies – But the corrupt manipulative media, establishment puppet politicians and their masters blatantly fought the American People tooth and nail every step of the way.

Joe Biden is not just totally corrupt, but incompetent as well – It's about time that America starts holding globalist establishment puppet politicians and the corrupt manipulative media accountable.

It's Not Rocket Science – Since the FreeTraitors have had their way of it, our largest export has been American jobs and money.

Let's face it, China fought a trade war using a biological weapon, the corrupt manipulative US media and puppet politicians.

So, now mandating Vaccination ID is okay, but US CITIZEN'S having to provide legitimate VOTER ID is somehow racist – In what kind of bizarro alternate universe does that made any sense whatsoever?

Only US Citizens should be voting in our country’s elections – Not uninvited foreign intruders (illegal aliens), incarcerated criminals, dead people, system hackers or foreign governments – There is nothing racist, fascist or socialistic about US Citizens having to have verifiable Voter ID to be able to vote in our country’s elections – It's just common sense, if you're a US CITIZEN of any race, creed, or gender.

Our troops should never have been deployed to the Capital Building just to perpetuate our corrupt puppet politicians false optics of an insurrection – Instead, they should have been deployed to our border were they were actually needed.

That farce of an election was investigated and numerous cases of fraud, manipulation and unverifiable results discovered, but no court was even willing to hear the truth.

Welcome to the United States of America, owned and operated by Communist China with easily access to all from our Mexican border.

It's about time that America starts holding globalist establishment puppet politicians and the corrupt manipulative media accountable.


It used to be fashionable among politicians, pundits and so-called experts to claim that free trade is actually good for us – They say it enables us to buy cheaper goods made with cheap foreign labor and this, in turn, raises our standard of living – But, if most Americans lose their jobs or are reduced to jobs with much lower pay and little or no benefits, it really doesn't make any sense.

The Free-Traitors need to ask themselves a more fundamental question – How will Americans buy those goods when they don't even have a paycheck that covers their mortgage, healthcare coverage, much less the college tuition for their children, etc....................?

Time to level the playing field using common sense instead of political BS, tokenism and rhetoric.

NAFTA was bad enough, but the WTO and our huge trade deficit with Communist China is like NAFTA on steroids.

We need tariffs that are proportionate to the inequities in wages, regulations, subsides, taxes and tariffs in the country where the goods were actually produced and or where we’re importing them from – Including country of origin, even when imported from another 3rd party country – We could then use the money raised by these tariffs to help companies build state of the art manufacturing plants here in the USA, which would create more jobs here at home for US citizens, which would then in turn increase our income tax revenue.

Humm – Let me guess – Oh, here comes the Old Tariffs = Socialism / Trade war BS – Sorry, they're right removing them has worked out so well for the American People and the Real American Economy.

Oh yeah right – Here they come with the old Smoot-Hawley myth.

Smoot-Hawley is a notorious deliberately fabricated classic FreeTraitor excuse, based on an act from way back in 1929 no less.

Hello it's 2022 – Why not base your economic thoughts on the Fred Flintstone era?

We should not allow this mythical excuse to paralyze our policy making in the present day modern era.

Nothing less than an actual tariff or the equivalent is ever going to get Beijing to stop gaming the international trading system to America's disadvantage.

What about the tariffs and VAT that other countries use on our products? – Not to mention the foreign industries that are subsidized by their governments, including communist China.

No matter how the globalist-free-marketeers and FreeTraitors try to spin it – Our huge trade deficits and indebtedness to foreign countries like communist China are obviously not in the best interest of our country or the American people.

It's Not Rocket Science – Since the FreeTraitors have had their way of it, our largest export has been American jobs and money.

Wake up America – China is where way too many of our food products, medicines and supplements are being processed and manufactured – Bringing manufacturing back home to the USA and protecting own southern border is going to end up being not only a key to restoring our economy, but to maintaining our national security as well.

The people with all of the excuses as to why we can't, shouldn't or aren't willing to manufacture products here in the US are the same people who have provided us with the very same shortsighted thinking that's gotten us into this mess in the first place.

If more people would have listened to Ross Perot back in 1992, America wouldn't be in this mess – Turns out he was right.

We don't need homes full of cheap foreign products, but we do need jobs that will allow us to keep up with the mortgage, healthcare costs, higher education loans, etc..... – If it wasn't for all the outsourcing and insourcing taking away income-tax-paying American's jobs and driving down wages, we would have bank accounts cluttered with cash, instead of homes cluttered with cheap foreign products and buried in debt.

Wake up America – We've become a consumer driven debt ridden society.

Wanting trade and immigration policies that will put the best interests of our own US CITIZENS first and foremost, especially our veterans is not racist, fascist, or socialist – It's common sense, if you're an American of any race, creed, or gender.

Let's face it, China fought a trade war using a biological weapon, the corrupt manipulative NWO backed US media and US puppet politicians.

If we don't wake up soon, we'll all be singing, "Bye Bye Miss American Pie" – Welcome to the United States of America, owned and operated by Communist China with easy access to all from our Mexican border.

Chinese Virus – Wake up America – China is where way too many of our food products, medicines and supplements are being processed and manufactured.

Bringing manufacturing back home to the USA and protecting our own southern border is going to end up being not only a key to restoring our economy, but to maintaining our national security as well.

We finally had a president that was actually doing something about our traitorous trade and immigration policies – But the corrupt manipulative media, establishment puppet politicians and their globalist masters blatantly fought President Trump and the American People tooth and nail every step of the way.

NWO backed media propagandists and puppet politicians are fighting tooth and nail to perpetuate the stolen presidency – Trump won and we all know it, even actual Biden voters.

Yes, media moguls, we should all just close our eyes, listen to the media, and accept the results after four years of listening to Russia, Russia, Russia, just because the Elites want to continue making everything in China – It's all about the money.

Let's face it, China fought a trade war using a biological weapon, the corrupt manipulative US media and puppet politicians.

It's Not Rocket Science – Since the FreeTraitors have had their way of it, our largest export has been American jobs and money – It was never a skills shortage – It was a skills shortage at foreign wage and benefit levels.

Electric cars get less than 375 mile per charge. If you are caught in stopped traffic on the freeway your mileage is reduced. If you are running your heater or air conditioning your mileage is reduced. Cold weather up north reduces battery charge which reduces mileage. 110 volt outlet not recommended which means you need a 220 volt outlet. Homes built before 1970 won’t have an electrical panel that has enough capacity to handle a 220 volt connection. It takes 8 hours to fully charge a electric vehicle. Take a road trip you can only going about 300 miles and you have to stop for 8 hours to recharge your car, that’s if you can find a charging station. How much is it going to cost to use charging stations? Besides the vehicle problems we have to address where the power comes from. We have to address the challenges of updating the electrical grid to withstand weather events and geomagnetic storms. One other thing. Electric vehicles cost a lot more. Each year 20% of electric vehicle owners in California switch back to gasoline vehicles because of these problems. What about people who live in apartments or have to park on streets? There are 276 million cars now. Biden wants to put 500,000 charging stations around the country. That’s one station per 552 cars. There will be fights and shootings over charging stations. They will only take credit cards which is racist since low income and illegal immigrants won’t have them. Don't forget the batteries are toxic and non-recyclable. Is everyone happy for voting for this senile idiot? Does Biden or Kerry have electric cars? No!
