Nestlé is flying baby formula into America as shortage continues

Nestlé is rushing baby formula into the United States via airfreight in a bid to ease a nationwide shortage that is unnerving parents around the country.


Mary Ana Sánchez, taxpayers. The problem with taxpayers funding all these problems is that every single government has been corrupt since the beginning of time. As the size the government grows, so does the corruption. About half of all funds somehow get lost on their way to where they are intended to.

Let me use infrastructure as an example. NYC has more than 8,000 miles of roads, bridges, and tunnels. Florida has over 200,000 miles. NYC has less than half the people of the state of Florida. Yet, Florida’s state budget is only $10 Billion more than NYC’s budget. Florida’s infrastructure is in far better shape than NYC’s. Why? Because governments naturally give hand outs to their friends. That’s why we need to privatize more things and force businesses and religious organizations to take care of workers and the poor. The private market is far more efficient than the government. Do you see my point? I’m snot in favor of anyone suffering, I just don’t see how the government makes things better.

Healthcare SUCKED because Obamacare, and now it’s so expensive that the government has subsidize it, and you get less benefits and higher deductibles than before. We need to rethink a lot of government involvement.

Also, don’t assume I’m anti-regulation. I’m not. Regulations are necessary. Taxes are not as necessary, but still necessary for things like protection and the military.

Marty Strickland Okay, so you have a rough job… do you think that makes you special? I’m just finishing up refinishing 2100 square feet of oak flooring by myself. No, I’m not out in the heat, but I’ve got banged up knees and a banged up back from doing this job for the last 35 years. On the flip side, I *am* a liberal. But not for any of the reasons conservative media will tell you I choose to be liberal. I vote blue to make sure everyone has the same rights and opportunities. Not for the ‘free stuff’ BS that conservatives claim. I support BLM because I know that it means ‘Black Lives Matter TOO’ - Not ‘ONLY Black Lives Matter’ like conservatives act like it means. I support Roe v Wade because no woman should be forced to have her body used in a way she doesn’t choose. Do I support the welfare system? You bet - because there are people who actually do need help. But I fully support that system hiring on enough people to make sure people who are getting that support actually need it. As for stuff like college reimbursement - sign me up. I am absolutely fine paying higher taxes for our fellow citizens to get more education to help our economy. Do you know how China has grown to be such a super power in the past few decades? They pay to send their people to American schools, then those students come back and work for their country. But here, you go into tremendous debt if you want to get a higher education anymore. Conservatives like to talk big about trade school jobs and dismiss universities. Heck, I work in a construction trade, myself. I think they’re great. But I don’t want to have surgery done by someone who went to a trade school. So many jobs that help this country run need people with degrees in specific skills doing a great many things. So yeah - I’m going to keep voting blue and maybe even pay a little more in taxes to help this country and our economy. And so that everyone can actually have equal rights. I love this country. I even served in the Army. And that is why I want EVERYONE to succeed and to be happy. Not just those that look like me or believe as I believe.

“Yeah, we made it. There nothing on shelves or in warehouses. Lives depend on the product we made. Let’s put it on a boat to save some scratch and make ‘em wait!” - said no supply chain professional ever

This is how companies with overseas manufacturing recover from stock outs. Make it, make sure it’s safe and put it on a plane. Also helps that retailers right now are threatening all 4 manufacturers if they can get them back in stock ASAP.
Not really news - just an education on how supply chain people have been saving babies’ lives, giving us food, pharma, etc, and even building materials for shelter for decades.

Thanks for paying attention world. Now let them get back to their jobs - even if you don’t understand what they do.

Howard Bo Wright oh is that your entire point really give me a break.
Call it potatoes for all I care.
It’s in place wether you like it or not.

The Flores case was filed in 1985 to address the serious mistreatment of immigrant children in federal custody. The case settled in 1997 and remains under the supervision of federal court judge Dolly Gee in the Central District of California. The Flores settlement agreement set national standards for the treatment, placement, and release of all immigrant children detained in the custody of the federal government. Under the settlement agreement (with limited exceptions), children must be promptly released to appropriate sponsors, and children who remain in federal custody must be placed in the least restrictive environment in non-secure facilities that are licensed to care for dependent children.
The end

Rachelle Roberson What the hell are you talking about? Are you saying that subsidizing corporations to move to your State and bring thousands of jobs into a locality is not good for that region?

It is comical you said you were moving on, then start another fantastical tirade completely unrelated to the fact that left wing politicians in power will do everything they can to prevent new manufacturing from being developed.

And, Texas is not the State with the highest property tax rates. It is about 8th to 10th in rates, but residents also pay no income tax. Your locality and school district are the primary drivers of the taxes paid on property and not the State, so your fallacy that it is Texas placing the high rates on you is misplaced. And, based on your photo, you should have dramatically reduced property taxes as a senior citizen.

How many blackouts have you faced in Texas, except maybe the great freeze, when the windmills stopped turning? They happen regularly in CA and the northeast.

So much for moving on, I guess. Next time, get your entire tirade into one comment. It makes it easier to have a discourse.

Mary Ana Sánchez, actually it is capitalism. Capitalism doesn’t negate the social responsibility of the rich or religious organizations. I don’t think Adam Smith would disagree with me either. He made the case for regulations in Wealth of Nations, and he is literally the father of capitalism.

Socialism is about redistribution of wealth using taxpayer money to try to even the playing field. They believe in social responsibility, but socialism also says your rights come from the government, not that they are inherent in you being a human. Socialism also believes your right to property is granted by the government. Hence, just because you believe in social responsibility, it doesn’t make you a socialist. But keep pretending you’ve read a book or two.

Yes, health insurance was awful before the ACA, and it is worse now in many ways (although you can’t be denied service if you’re dying).

Judy Zeimet Engelke Another uneducated American not understanding how things work. I’m sure they didn’t expect it to take as long as it did to rectify the problem. The other problem that people such as your self don’t understand is, once this issue was in the media, people started hoarding formula just like they did with toilet paper and everything else at the start of the pandemic. That is why they also had to put limits on how much could be purchased. Too many people made hoarding purchases. There is no magic wand. Certain things such as babies safety can’t be expedited.

Rachelle Roberson First off, I choose to make my personal life private, so people like you cannot troll my stuff. Just because you broadcast your life for the world to see does not make you a better person.

The fact is, left wing activists are a severe roadblock during the regulatory process to getting things done, like building a manufacturing plant. It is why so many companies are leaving CA...regulations and taxes. Hell, CA has no water and the left wing activists have been blocking the construction of desalination plants for decades.

The sad part is, all I did was add on to your original comment and you, for some reason, got your panties in a wad over it. I did not disagree with you at all with my comment. I just added commentary. What you did made absolutely no sense, since I did not counter your opinion, nor attack you. Then you went on your childish rants with your little emojis and inane comments, why?

As for your latest tirade, if you comment on a public forum, expect that others may provide their opinion whether you like it or not.

LaVondra Harris it's the corporations that are not allowing production because they want the pennies on the dollar labor, lack of things like pollution control and safety control they can find in areas that are basically third world.

Read up on how Foxconn runs thier plant in China. The workers live on site and only get to go home once every month or two to see their families. The company controls every aspect of thier lives 24-7 except for the occasional trip home.

While the US tends to have the worst labor laws of the first world nations, you can find places that workers are treated even worse in the name of profit.

10ºLarry Williams no one will get the connection.
Abbott cause this seems a huge price hike on an essential..almost parallel to insulin.
Corporations do not want Dems in control....because....of many things..
Corporations went too far with baby formula!
Only the very blind don't get it.
Corporations like Trump and Trump like types.
They are setting prices because their noses are out of whack...about having to comply with higher standards.
Abbott failed regulations and they shut down the plant.
If you look to see what's in baby formula...then you get to see the scam.
Some children need formula..just not formulated with bacteria.
It killed babies. They were made to shut down and up till now..they were not given the ok to open.
I'm sure the NAFTA thing Trump disaster also is adding into this.
But know who caused this...this was Corporations thinking they could get by.
And they did for awhile.
They want it to go back the good old days...for them. Getting by.
