Arrest made in a shooting at Korean-owned hair salon that police said may have been motivated by hate

An arrest has been made in connection with a shooting last week at a Korean-owned hair salon in Dallas, one of three recent attacks on area Asian-run businesses that authorities have said may be connected and motivated by hate.


Mary Canaday Gray i’m pretty sure your brain has been debunked….. 

Let’s use your own logic….  democrats let a whole downtown area be completely taken over by Chaz
They encouraged them and called it a block party they did absolutely nothing until people started getting murdered…. So by your own logic the mayor Democrats etc. are all responsible for these murders correct??? Democrats are also responsible for all the people Murdered during the Black Lives Matter riots correct???? Or does your logic only apply to people who you disagree with politically???
I’ve literally debunked everything you’ve thrown at me and you’re still here to embarrass yourself

Tim Smith I’m a moderate I’m not a liberal in case you thought I was. Certain issues I’ll lean left others I’ll lean right. I just don’t like the way MSM pits us against each other to hate each other. We are all Americans. Well at least most of us are lol. I’ve come to realize that most people whether they are liberal or conservative are good people and of course vote for the issues that affect them. My problem isn’t left or right. My problem is the extreme versions of the left and the right and the media who supports them. They are destroying this country.

Mass shootings happen in Chicago all the time. The difference is that it is black on black killings and it doesn’t fit the liberal news media’s narrative. Black Lives Matter only when they are killed by police or a white person. It seems Black Lives Matter don’t matter when blacks are killed by blacks. In this case it was a black man that did this crime against a Korean owned salon. This fact was buried at the end of the article. If it was a white person it would have been in the headline or beginning of the article. He would of been called a white Supremacist. Most attacks against Asians are by black men. What do we call these people? Black supremacist.

Anthony Mileti No, not 'every color has a Racist', so what's with you supporting white supremacy should be addressed by you to yourself! No doubt about it since FOX's Tucker Carlson and 'the Great Replacement Theory' where he interchanges replacement and theory using it to incites whites who are afraid of a changing America! Fact is people of color will become the majority based on migration and birth rate data having nothing to do with Democrats as these right-wing white nationalists and white supremacist in right-wing media and the Republican Party 'theorize' aka LIE for votes based on fear! The browning of America has been a trend since 1990!

Bienvenue Mohotognon Since President Trump came to office, the left has ramped up its attacks on Republicans. Democrats are trying to rally liberal activists and a cooperative media to cast most everyone within the GOP as racists who sympathize with white supremacists. Democrats howl about Republicans, make everything about race or “diversity,” and don’t notice that voters are turned off. In the process, Democrats are further alienating many rational, thoughtful voters. It is easy to see that liberals’ insistence on politically correct identity politics isn’t just idiotic. In the past 24 hours, we are reminded that it is also dangerous.

Cindy Hale Waukesha, Wisconsin, November 2021, Black driver of a SUV plowed into a crowd of people during a Christmas parade at a high rate of speed of 55, killing 5 people and injuring more than 40 people, he did this intentionally, and it was a terroristic hate crime. All the people were white including children. Not one bystander was hurt. You should have known that, but it did not fit your agenda because they were not Black. Black on White crime and on others of different Ethnicities happen everyday and you see it on the TV, at least I do and I would have hoped you would have remembered that day in Waukesha, Wisconsin it was all over the News, but I know it's hard for you to comprehend because you are only interested in one color. I don't care what color you are, but if you commit hate crimes whether Black, White, or Purple you deserve to be labeled a Racist and a Terrorist. Be a little opened minded Racism works both ways and not just for one color as you believe.

Tammy Perry Probably should give Texas back to Mexico!!! Stefanik feeds Republicans the Great Replacement Theory interchanging Replacement and theory and those who listen to their lies cannot tell the difference between facts and theory because 'the theory the right have conjured up' appeals to those afraid of a changing America which is what Tucker Carlson and Stefanick theorizing does; fear-mongering and what it is intended to do; to simply to blame a changing America on democrats! 'Replacement' is just the facts of migration and birth rates. It's a demographic fact white people will be replaced as the majority in America by people of color, however; there is NO PLAN by Democrats, however; the right has an agenda as clear as day! That's a FACT! BTW, the lowest level of illegal immigrants across the U.S. border from Mexico was at the end of Obama/Biden administration and MAGA/Trump ginned those vulnerable to lies up for The WALL, FFS and Republicans keep attacking e.g., immigrants fo

Mary Canaday Gray Because you just want to be hateful let me clear things up for you... The shooter's own manifesto never mentioned Tucker Carlson. Only mentioned Fox News once to point out Jews that work there. He called Ben Shapiro a Jewish rat. He stated how he hated libertarians and conservatives. He talked about the evil greedy 1% and corporate greed. He called himself an eco-facist & socialist. To save the environment we need to rid the overpopulation of the earth. Starting with black people, because he was definitely racist. No denying that. Honestly, he has more in common with AOC and the Green New Deal.

Reginald C Mcgee Preconceived opinions have nothing to do with Racism. What am trying to say is that there are two sides to every story and not just one that you might have been accustomed to while growing up, and this is part of the problem most people have been groomed all there lives to believe in something or hate something and they carry it with them there whole lives and it is embedded in there minds, but never want to hear the truth or the other sides thoughts or opinions. This problem will never be solved unless there is a open minded discussion with extreme clarity.
