Prostate cancer screening is better than originally thought, especially for Black men, study says

A blood test to screen for prostate cancer may be better at doing so than experts originally thought, particularly among Black men, according to a new study.


"Men who consumed three or more servings of dairy products a day had a 141% higher risk for death due to prostate cancer compared to those who consumed less than one serving. Both high- and low-fat dairy products were associated with increased mortality. Red and processed meat and eggs are also associated with increased risk for prostate cancer." Reason #3158 to go vegan. You can eat everything you love - ice cream, lasagna, nuggets, sausage, potatoes, stew, pizza, burgers, fries, cheese, cereal, cake - made from plants, with all the same flavor and nutrition, but none of the cholesterol, cancer causing agents, animal torture or environmental devastation.
