A third of people in US should consider masking based on their Covid-19 risk, CDC director says

The head of the CDC urges counties with high Covid-19 community levels to encourage people to mask up in public indoor settings.



Joshua David Did you wear a mask before the pandemic? Did you ever even give it a thought you might be a spreader when you were sick in the past? Been viruses around for the history of the world, were you concerned about killing people then?? We were misled from day 1, but you'll still continue to believe out of fear...guess you may as will stay indoors & seal up your house with duct tape and plastic

Choice is choice is choice
Does the unborn baby get a choice when it's being forcefully removed from the womb? Wait, that's right, you liberals believe "life begins at birth" I wonder how liberals/progressives ever made it to adulthood with they way they think/rationalize.
