斯里兰卡经济危机:前因、后果等你需要了解的五个问题 - BBC News 中文




Chris Li From immemorial time, the Chinese people considered the legendry man Pangu created the universe and the Godness Nuwa created Chinese people. Chinese respect Yellow Emperor as their ancestor. However, the Chinese communists, including stupid Chris Li consider human beings came from Monkeys and Karl Marx, Lenin, and Engel as their ancestors. The Communist leaders such as Jiang Zemin ( 江澤民 - 江泽民), Zhou Yongkang, Zeng Kinghong (曾庆红, 曾慶紅), Bo Xilai (薄熙来, did not care about corruption, theft, robbery, prostitution, and drugs, but focus on brutally suppressing Falun Gong, a Buddhist cultivation practice, though Falun Gong brings cultivators miraculous benefits. let's disclose and criticize the CCP's crimes and sue the criminals who persecuted Falun Gong to the international courts immediately.

