Elon Musk denies sexual harassment claims

Elon Musk denied allegations that he sexually harassed a SpaceX flight attendant in 2016 in a series of late-night tweets



Robert Hamilton Let's start with CPAC being held in Hungry. Orban is the lead speaker. Do you know anything about him and the country he rules with a VERY heavy hand? If you approve of the Republicans and support them, you really should learn who Orban is and what he has done to Hungry. You can also affiliate with the Republican party and not want the US to become, essentially, a Dictatorship.
Do you REALLY want only state controlled media, internet and television allowed in the US?
Do you REALLY want POTUS to be able to dismantle the entire judiciary and election system?
Do you REALLY want every person who can not claim they have lived in the US for X number of years to have absolutely no rights to anything?
Do you REALLY want only one state authorized religion?
Orban states he does not want a diverse country. The problem with the US is, we are. People of Italian, German, Spanish, Polish ...etc., etc live here. As they build lives here and become our friends and family ... as they buy businesses or work for them... shall we kick them out? Should we "cleanse" our food choices of everything that is not "American" food? And, what exactly is "American food"? Should we not allow all events...concerts, plays, sports, parades, craft fairs, etc., that aren't part of American culture and society? Which one's aren't?
There's more, of course. Every Republican should think very carefully. Those laws won't only adversely impact the lives of those Republicans "hate", but their lives, as well.

Well he did say, once he announced he's going republican, the Dems would go insane and try to bring him down even more. he was right. lol. The evil Dems stop at noting. Look at Hillary Clinton who paid with campaign money for the Russian collusion nonsense., which never happened, but hurt many innocent people. It was debunked! People who worked for Clinton on that little gem, better make sure they have their life insurance paid up, and leave a note saying they are not planning on suicide.. They are taking their sweet time getting all the facts, but as they say, better late than never. It's coming out at the trial. She told her jackals to go ahead and spread it to the news media as the truth. Crooked Hillary. she is evil personified. Anything to win an election. hehehe. Still lost though! I see mainstream media is not covering it. Well they should, but then they are bought and paid for by the Dem Party. I suppose they are in survival mode. Let's face it, if they where to say to much, the Dem Party would destroy them. Biden is next. Just wait till after the Nov. election. Dems will get a taste of what they put the Trump administration through for years now, and still are, for no real reason. They better hope Biden will be completely engulfed in his dementia, so he won't know what is happening. Then again, I'm sure plenty of citizens want him to know what a crooked man he, his son and his brother really are, and they are wise to it. Justice takes time, but it always comes to serve. I don't expect Clinton will get much aside from a slap on the wrist, and it will be her henchmen who will go down, but at least the truth is coming out. As it should. Americans have a right to know what crooked people are running the country on behalf of them.

Jeffrey Liles well I'll try to answer that in the easiest way I can ok

Republicans are not afraid of minority s and immigrants that are Americans citizens voting.
That's not the issue from my understanding.

I think they are worried about the demographic in states and city's changing on purpose too fast .
Not over time naturally like it always has when immigrants go through immigration and beome a legal citizen.

The theory is enough illegal immigrantion comes in to the country on purpose through the open border , eventually enough will vote Democrat making the Republican party irrelevant.

I happen to think that theory is flawed

People know how to think for themselves.
Not all immigrants/minority would vote Democrat.
Some would vote Independent or Republican given the chance

Cubans for example are more likely to vote Republican than Democrat.
So would alot of Guatamalans funny enough.
Where someone from Mexico just arriving ,or someone from Hati or South America or even the Middle East may more than likely vote Democrat.

Where did Republicans get that idea that Democrats are trying to change the demographic and population on purpose with immigrantion to make the Republican party irrelevant?

Democrats themselves
Chuck Schumer and even Biden himself along with other politicians have talked about it in the past on video

Robby Roadsteamer Oh please.. Such a banal and obsequious comment from another uneducated sheep. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself, control, and ego. Like so many other brilliant people, he knows how to sway the opinions of ignorant, uneducated, and people who find comfort with affirmation from of some serving agenda or bias. Great way to get all those anti electric car drivers to buy one!! Lol
Where would Tesla be today without a 465 million dollar Bailout from Obama.
How about the 29 Billion dollar government contract to build a moon lander.
You are obviously not aware of what and how free speech works under different umbrellas. Private entities have terms of service that people agree to while using those services.
Dumbing down of America in full effect. So easy to mislead the most ignorant, fearful and least educated. Just keep drinking the kook-aid from the propaganda news you watch and try not to operate any heavy equipment.

This "friend" that disclosed this does not understand how settlement disclosure agreements work. I guarantee it said you can't disclose this to anyone other than your attorneys and maybe immediate family. So she violated that agreement by even telling her "friend". You have to be a special kind of retarded to think this is a legal way to release this.
Considering the penitence she settles for originally this was always a cash grab by a disgruntled employee because she coulda taken this to court if it were real and got at least a million. Especially in the middle of that me too garbage.

Marc Aldred is that last comment supposed to be written in English? How am I making myself look as opposed to how this article is making me feel?

“My day because SHE lied to you?” is not a rational or coherent thought at all. It doesn’t make any sense. Who is “she” and what did “she” lie to me about? You really need to work on your communication skills if you want to have intelligent conversations with people. Guess you have better things to do than to speak English properly? Your comments read like broken English gibberish. Ffs man, your country invented the language!! And you want to call me a joker. Yeah ok matey!!

Again, and I repeat, Jody Hice is a man, not a woman. He’s endorsed by Trump which these days isn’t the best endorsement out there. Maybe he will win, maybe he won’t. Either way, I can’t find anything about a random unidentified woman doing anything of note in Georgia on Tuesday May 24th.

“Oh, I think these were real friendships. It is pretty clear that Mr. Epstein and Mr. Trump socialized in the same circles. And it is quite clear that Mr. Clinton spent a lot of time on Jeffrey Epstein's private jet, found his way to Epstein's private island. And that doesn't necessarily mean that anything illegal or improper took place.

But those were friendships. This was not people meeting each other in a greeting line. They spent a certain amount of time together as social acquaintances and friends, and so, for that matter, did many other people. His political contributions have been mostly on the Democratic side, but they tapered off or stopped completely when he found himself in hot water in South Florida.”

Jodi Morgan again I don’t know how people can be so simplistic in understanding the situation. He was contacted a long time ago about this article. He was asked to give a comment. He said he wanted to circle back with his PR people and come back with a statement. He was stalling. He never came back with a statement. So they finally released the article. He’s known this was coming for a long time. His whole thing about liberals are going to be attacking him? That came long after he knew the article was coming to the presses. His “Im a Republican now” (hint: he always was. Look at his donor record) and “because I’m a republican the liberals are going to try to attack me” stuff was all just damage control. You’ve been duped.

Robby Roadsteamer he's a spoiled entitled brat
.just like the last loser president. Musk could care less about free speach..hes swapped sides to save himself from paying more taxes among other business interests. He moved from California..the state that he birthed his business because of taxes and regulations. He just doesn't like rules just like Trump..they think they're above rules, laws, and regulation. Just my opinion. It's unfathomable that the American public has resorted to worshipping those with money and placing them in positions of power. That's called an Oligarchy. We as the nation of opportunities need to remember that greed isn't a virtue!

10ºMarie Anderson if it was a brand new accusation I’d say maybe it was suspicious. But this is something settled many years ago and had an NDA. This is not new. Just because old news comes up doesn’t mean it’s not news. Like, if I find a body buried in your backyard and it was obviously there for 20 years are you claiming that that’s not news because it didn’t happen today? What if we’re neighbors and I hate you, and then I find the body. It doesn’t count? Because I only was looking for stuff because I don’t like you?
