US Secret Service members sent home from South Korea as Biden embarks on first Asia tour

Two United States Secret Service employees have been sent home from South Korea just as President Joe Biden embarks on his first Asia tour since taking office


This is what scares me the most: "According to a source familiar with the matter, a group of Secret Service employees went out to dinner in Seoul this week. After dinner, a small group broke off and visited multiple BARS"

They protect the pres, so why are they going to bars, like they forgot about COVID? I'm glad they were sent home and after they kept DJT safe for 4 years, I suspect they're burnt out. But, keeping Pres Biden safe is their top goal and his age makes him extra vulnerable to COVID (he could die like vaxxed Sec Colin Powell-RIP or get long COVID like a vaxxed and boosted person I know with 5 terrible pre-existing conditions). Stay masked up, even though our states and counties act like the pandemic is over because it's election time.

I'm sooo glad that our ballots out here have a None of These option for the upcoming primary (we needed that in the 2016 pres election)

I am so happy to have my lover back again after one good years of separation. I never thought we will live a happy life together again, but today, I am so glad for what chief did for me, for bringing back my lover to live together with me again. thank you so much papa. you can reach him via his Facebook page am so happy to have my lover back again after one good years of separation. I never thought we will live a happy life together again, but today, I am so glad for what chief did for me, for bringing back my lover to live together with me again. thank you so much papa. you can reach him via his Facebook page
