As global cases rise, researchers race to solve puzzle of mysterious hepatitis cases in children

The global toll of sudden and unexplained hepatitis in children has risen to 621 cases from 34 countries, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control said in an update on Thursday


yes it is.

and you are to be congrtaulated for properly using quotations.

but it needs to be pointed out that this is not a quote from the people working on the epi of this hepatitis outbreak

it's a theory. the hepatitis having been caused by being around dogs is also just a theory.

the protection from or absence of disease generally does not cause profound immunological changes, like lowering resistance to further disease. contracting a disease can and does , though. that's what secondary and opportunistic infections are, for starters.

and, it has been known for some time that hepatitis not only can be a complication of covid.
covid itself can present as hepatitis.

Okay so I read the comments. Now, it would help if Americans could read. Really. I mean they do have "auto-correct" so some of their comments make sense grammatically, but not in any way scientifically. Not one seems to know that there are FIVE types of hepatitis. Now, go read the article and I bet if you actually READ the article you'll see it doesn't mention WHICH OF THE FIVE the kids are getting. And it's NOT just in the US for all you who seem to hate the United States. know you can learn if you really really try

Rebecca Anom personally I’m not antivax. But I have seen certain things that make you question does it play a role in those succeptable? My younger sister was perfectly normal in developing until around 18 mo. She interacted and was verbal. My mom got her shots and she developed severe temp and other issues. Now at age 48, she still lives with them, is totally dependent on care and non verbal. You can’t tell me those shots didn’t play a role. And as far as being educated.. RN with degree here! Do I think vaccines cause autism? No.. do I think vaccines can cause issues in certain children? Absolutely! Sadly we don’t know which children will react and which ones won’t. Think about how you would feel if it was your child?

Victor Nogueras I had no side effects at all from the vaccines and the vaccine works.They keeps people from getting severe covid symptoms. I rather take my chances on the vaccine than on getting covid and suffering lung, kidney and heart damage or covid long haul syndrome. Nobody I know has gotten sick from the vaccine, but I know 10 people who died from covid and two who have permanent serious health issues because of covid. I gave done my homework and have also talked to my doctors. Maybe you need to read the medical journals, instead of the words of political biased media

This is what else Biden is doing!

The Biden Administration plans to empower the WHO Director-General to regulate and enforce United States Public Health Policy, including, but not limited to, the prevention and management of global pandemics.

It’s time to exit the WHO and the IHR International Health Regulations Agreement! Don’t let the Administration suspend our civil liberties and constitutional protections in the name of global cooperation. The United States must govern the affairs of its citizenry within the strict framework of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, under the consent of the governed.

Our November elections must run without foreign meddling and political gaming that allowed the 2020 general election to circumvent state elections laws and procedures, resulting in mass election fraud.

Call on all elected officials to stop the Biden Administration’s IHR Amendment from being signed and delivered to the WHO in Geneva and EXIT WHO TOGETHER AND IMMEDIATELY.

Patti Anne not three generations just for the records I got it after I was approx 12 years old. It was new at the time and moms got to do what doc says… I was born in 87 for a reference point . Also… I don’t hold a tiger to the vaccine, jab me as many times as you want because I’m a health care provider… and it was “required” for me to do so at one point… but alas you will get no where. Being a hcp I am at “high Risk” and with some Irish heritage I can tell if I didn’t have bad luck I’d have none… yet, I continue to remain Hep b free even at my age! Yay! Go me! Who would have thought I’d beat those freaking odds. Man… whew!

"That’s not to say, however, that the pandemic, with its social distancing, masks and other behavioral changes, may not have a hand in all this. It could very well be that after nearly two years of minimal exposure to infections, our immune systems are behaving differently."

And this is why I opposed masking children and isolating children.

Us humans sometimes act before we think about the potential long term consequences. Or, because the long term consequences are farther off than the near term, we suppose those consequences will be more bearable.

The world sacrificed the physical and mental health of its children in its race to panic over Covid.

Vaccines are researched extensively for an average of 15 years before being approved for use. A pharmaceutical company conducts medical research trials in a series of stages. Once safety is proven, the vaccine is tested in several thousand volunteers to make sure the vaccine actually works. These volunteers are followed for at least one year to be sure that no serious side effects occur.
Nothing in this world is 100% foolproof, including vaccine science. But the research trials that occur before licensing are very rigid. If you think there are a lot of vaccines on the market, imagine how many didn’t make it through the research phase of development.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) governs this whole process. The FDA is the watchdog for any medication that is sold over-the-counter or by prescription. There are extremely high standards that must be met before any product is allowed for human use.
After a vaccine is approved for use, long-term follow-up studies are done to assess for side effects, adverse reactions, and potency over a lifetime.

lockdowns ended a while ago. like, 2020. and lockdowns were a joke to start with.

you have that paragraph in quotes, but it is not a quote from anyone working on the problem.

why did you put quotes around it?

if our immune systems are behaving differently, it's far more likely the result of the presence of disease, not its absence.

lifting mask requirements ended up in huge illness spikes with unknown long term consequences for those getting ill. has it occurred to anyone else that perhaps covid alters the human immune system, giving rise to heaptitis and monkeypox clusters? it has occurred to me. and i do wonder what might be next.

the more cases, the more potential for mutation.

the more reinfections, the more organ damage.

people need to put on their big person panties and finally grasp that this is a marathon, not a sprint.

we completely blew our chance to end this 12 months ago.

see where we are?


This is in regard to the mysterious hepatitis issue currently in the news -- plaguing our children.

I am wondering if the common infant/child immunizations (that are required at birth and before entering school etc.) have been reviewed for possible contamination and thus causing infection, inflammation and injury to the liver?

While I am not sure if all of the affected countries use the same drug manufacturer(s) for their immunizations, it is worth exploring. The cohort/age range of the children is also a commonality for this possibility.

A batch or batches could have been contaminated and unreported by the manufacturer.

Just a thought... So sad
