More baby formula is heading to store shelves as early as this weekend

More baby formula is expected on store shelves as soon as this weekend through a variety of government efforts.


Jacob Conrad yeah, it would be good if you weren't talking about something you have no physical understanding of. I breastfed for 3.5 was all.the things it was cracked up to be for me. But it is really hard for some women. And in a country where we barely wait women stop postpartum bleeding before we expect them back at work (in the rare job that actually has maternity leave), establishing a good milk supply is really a crapshoot. When you want to compare maternity leave and maternaland pediatric medical care support, paid postpartum doula services and paid childcare as is available in other countries, THEN you can maybe get back to be a condescending judge of women just trying to feed their babies in between conference calls.

You have no grasp of how difficult and painful, and emotionally and physically draining it is, and that's in good circumstances. But yes. There are and there always have been women who can't produce sufficient milk, for one reason or the other, or who need their medications more than their babies need the breast, or who have to have one of those pesk y job things, or who get sick, or die, or who are raising adopted babies, or who just can't deal with the postpartum depression/psychosis AND breastfeed.

And yes. The physical pain of breastfeeding is unbearable for some.

And again. As with all things related to women's bodies, it's 100% not your business why she chooses to use the magic of formula, or why having an infant attached to her breastfeeding for 12 hours a day is too.kuch for her. Trust her.

Paul Pascuzzi Wow! Not certain if your are deflecting, or, you simply missed the entire point.

The point is simple. I’m not as concerned about how we got here as I am about the response. These emergency actions being put in place for formula, could have been handled months ago. Thus the comment regarding the FDA’s budget and amount of employees.

You went on in great detail about why the plant was shut down and monopolies. If you know this and I know this, why didn’t this administration know?

In summary, if this administration was too incompetent to not see this coming, he indeed pooped the bed.

Ronica Skarphol Brownson tired of the beatup. I attempted to show a societal problem in USA that the facts clearly show.

Nothing changes if you don't highlight it and say hey, look, there seems to be a problem here. The numbers say this, now we are seeing this, and the trend is this.

If it came off as "mansplaining" then I am sorry. Perhaps that is more the attitudes of the audience than the author, so used to the crap spewd out from GOP on what women can and can't do.

Enjoy your lives 'merica. GOP has won without even trying.

Lynn Marie This is a problem caused by corporate greed and monopoly. Maybe you should run for the Presidency since you believe fixing this problem is as easy as snapping your fingers.

We all know Trump couldn't figure out how to immediately fix COVID. Two years later, Biden is still cleaning up the mess that was supposed to go away by Easter 2020. Not to mention that fixing the problem took SOCIALISM, which the last administration hated and consistently votes against...even when it comes to feeding babies.

Perhaps Biden should have kept the factory open and fed babies poisoned formula. Maybe that would help strengthen the average IQ of people in our country.

It all comes down to corporate greed!

Diane Rinderknecht Presnell I'm not saying everyone. No where did I say everyone.

But when only 25% of babies are breast feed exclusively to 6 months of age, despite expert recommendations, and it appears to be largedly isolated to USA. Not exclusively, but certainly significantly. There is a problem.

No where have I said about an indivual. I am talking the wider picture which the facts highlight.

And it is now exacerbated by a shortage of processed formula.

It is not an attack on any mother. Never was, and was never meant to be if that was how some people read it. That is on them, not me.

Lynn McWilliams Pape doesn’t matter. Democrats have control of all 3 branches. Democrats voted down on build back better. Nothing more, nothing less.

We can debate the actual bill if you like but democrats have full control and that includes eliminating the filibuster and moving forward with whatever you like. You want build back better? Pass it. I’ll get rich off of it so I don’t really care. You want to kill babies up to the minute of birth? Pass it. You want to ban guns? Pass it. Now is your chance as democrats have full control.

You can’t blame republicans though as they do not have control of any branch.

[...What’s Khan talking about with this “imported government” business? Why hasn’t our media informed us about these alarming developments in an unstable nuclear country? And, WHO imported the government? From WHERE? I surely don’t know, because I’ve been fed a tasteless diet of US media about monkeypox, but some people online seem to think that it is related to Joe Biden for some reason:

...(Khan: “We have entered Punjab and will InshAllah be heading towards Islamabad. No amount of state oppression and fascism by this imported govt can stop or deter our march.”)

Just last month, Khan was removed from office after a parliamentary vote of no confidence. According to sources online, since then Khan has blamed a Biden Administration “regime change” operation to punish him for visiting Russia’s president Putin, and for refusing to go along to the US State Department’s demands over the Ukraine war. Probably just kooky talk. Joe would never do that.

Late yesterday, Disclose.TV reported from Islamabad, showing the massive convoy basically occupying the capital and reported that the Pakistani government is now ordering troops there.]...See more:


Diane Huggins maybe read more.

It's about USA and its fixation with processed foods.

The crisis is a symptom of that.

And the facts are clear that US has a significantly lower rate of breast feeding compared to most of the developed world, which can be directly associated with big food and their ongoing misleading information combined with poor follow up care and support in health outcomes.

As I said above, I'm entitled to an opinion on factual data. I am not entitled to an opinion on how a woman lives their life. Her body, her life, her choice.

But 'merica, it is broken.

Angie Cook Does that scenario make up 75% of woman who have a baby up to 6 months of age who don't breast feed exclusively as per recommendations.

The stats in other countries are much closer to recommendations or higher.

My point is it is indicitive of a wider issue in the USA, not individuals. At no point have I targeted individuals.

A fixation on processed food. And as someone pointed out, poor postpartum care and support in the USA combined with poor worker rights. e.g. in NZ we have 26 weeks paid parental leave, and for the most part, supportive employers.

10ºJacob Conrad lol not always us women can't control nature some don't produce some don't produce enough I have four kids and hardly produced any they all went to formula to survive some babies die trying to breastfeed from mothers who don't produce enough hardly and have no clue there are lots of reasons . I got mrsa from one of my c sections and couldn't breast feed it was dangerous and it dried up while having more surgery in the hospital anyways . Lots of mom's go back to work as well bc most families need two paychecks to live now a days. Read history on wet nurses etc formula over the years
