Sports host Rich Eisen calls out Ted Cruz and Mike Lee

Rich Eisen made an impassioned plea to pressure lawmakers to get something done on "common sense" gun laws. Read the latest on the Texas school shooting:


speaking of AR-15s, be careful of what you wish for. It is no different from any other semi-automatic gun. It has just been cosmetically modified to look sinister. In fact, since it only shoots a .223 caliber bullet, some states have outlawed it for hunting big game. It was made to shoot at targets 3 football fields away, not for close quarter combat, where handguns are much more effective and where the caliber of the bullets usually is bigger. I suspect that shooters gravitate to the guns’ sinister looks rather than to its usefulness in indoor settings. Take them away, and a shooter will likely choose a more effective close range weapon with more stopping power.

i am sickened by what took place i can't imagine.... kids do not need guards at school or teachers toting guns... they need a happy place to learn.... ....... your republicans should be so ashamed .. everyone wants the police defunded...but when it comes to wanting help who do you call....this is a small town that maybe never had a lot of crime and everyone expects the police to be like the police on T.V shows..... remember hind sight is always 20/20..they admitted they did something wrong ... now you news people are so focused on the police.. that the N.R.A and republicans will keep pointing at the police when they should be pointing at themselves. .PUT THE LIGHT BACK ON THE PEOPLE WHO WILL NOT PASS A SIMPLE LAW

Denise Stover true,guns don’t kill,it’s the person holding or using the gun that has the ability to kill!!! I believe,that if there are laws passed,those laws should be targeted at the people who want to kill people using the AR 15 assault rifle or hand guns with 15 round clips!!! All but one mass shooter has been under the age of 20 years old!!! Pass reasonable legislation that targets people under the age of 20 years old!!! Need to do everything we can to keep weapons such as the AR 15,and semi automatic pistols with 15 round clips away from anyone who is 25 years age or younger!!! And punish parents that leave there weapons out for kids and young adults to have free access to!!!

How about holding people accountable. CNN betrayal to the real story is sad. This guy had severe mental issues but none of it was taking seriously. For those of you screaming background checks we have those in place already. Go listen to the kids that knew him, he was a bully he tortured animals and shot at people with a pellet gun. Nothing was done because society needs to be more forgiving. Now children are dead because of the lawlessness that is allowed in this country. I want to know where he got the guns if his parents knew about the guns and is it true he was already in trouble for planning a shooting of a school in 2022. If so society failed not the Gun manufacture. It’s time to call out the real problems not make excuses for the criminals.

Scott Ringgold, No. We're not saying the same thing actually. You said that there are NO background checks at some guns shows. As if there are not regulations at these gun shows, when in fact there are plenty. That is false. All gun shows have background checks, but not all sellers/buyers have to complete a background check. And the number of sales and purchases do matter. There are laws pertaining to the number of guns that a person can buy and sell, and the intent for which they are being bought and sold. The fact is that a private citizen can sell a firearm without a background check whether at a gun show or not. But if you try to buy or sell a bunch of them, you will attract attention from the ATF and most likely violate federal firearm laws.

April Olsen Sres ya como se mide la paz vida Derechos Humanos seguridad protección defensa Soberanía democracia constitución leyes reformas justicia pobreza hambre riqueza IMPUESTOS EXCAVACIÓN guerras Epidemias armas muertos Conflictos clima ambiente crisis humanitaria alimentaria Inversion presupuesto Desarrollo deuda déficit fundacion solidaridad ayuda Crecimiento bienestar empresa banca económia monedas comercio agro campo Territorios mares ríos océanos salud educación etc y MUNDIALLL!!!! Con tanta despoblacion destruccion desestabilidad ARMAS países y lugares que ya ni existen EXTERMINADOS NADA otros hundiéndose muriendo de hambre en guerra confictos tanto MUERTO ENFERMO EXPROPIACIÓN INTERVENCIÓN COOPERACIÓN detenido tanta PROTESTA ACTIVISMOS PAROS ARMAS MISILES bombardeos etc pero cada vez somos los de cada país zona lugar región los que ya no estamos y MUNDIALLL!??? Tanto y económia MURIENDO PERDIENDOLO TODOodo hasta la VIDA DERECHOS HUMANOS SEGURIDAD PROTECION SOBERANÍA ECONOMÍAS Comercio iglesia productos producion salud educación empresa banca económia monedas etc y MUNDIALLL... Y otros EMERGIENDO CRECIENDO ENRIQUECIENDO LIDERANDO lo que era NUESTRO PRIVATIZADO Inversion Extranjea alianzas ya TODOooo Diverso Globalizado Allegados Familiar para acomodar a OTROS y MUNDIALLL!??? Sres porque NUNCA TERMINÓ LA INVASION CONQUISTA COLONIZACIÓN REVOLUCIÓN PROTESTA ACTIVISMOS BOMBARDEO GUERRAS BRECHAS etc y MUNDIALLL!?? Porque el OTRO NUNCA FUE IMPORTANTE y MUNDIALLL!?? Y los OTROS los de CADA PAÍS ZONA REGIÓN lugar!?? Como se cuidó el RECURSO HUMANO ANIMAL ECOSISTEMICO ECONÓMICO PRODUCTIVO Verde AGUA TERRITORIOS INSTITUCIÓNES etc y MUNDIALLL!!!! Porque ya Todooo REPARTIENDOSE REGALANDOSE SUBASTANDO yéndose liquidando vendiendo abandonado de Fundacion ayuda y los OTROS!? Que pasará con cada PAÍS, sus ECONÓMIA moneda seguridad Recursos Educación salud empleo empresas banca Alimentos PRODUCCIÓN productos comercio Territorios agua con nuestras oportunidades defensa FUTURO sin los de cada país o cada vez menos y Mundialll!??? Quien pondrá en ORDEN este DESCONTROL DESORDEN CAOS MUNDIALLL!??? porque nunca terminó la GUERRA MUNDIALLL!??

Aden Rung Reading is hard for some. There was many specifically named that’s true. Then there was the loop hole I referred too.

``(B) a semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a
detachable magazine and has at least 2 of--
``(i) a folding or telescoping stock;
``(ii) a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously
beneath the action of the weapon;
``(iii) a bayonet mount;
``(iv) a flash suppressor or threaded barrel
designed to accommodate a flash suppressor; and
``(v) a grenade launcher;
``(C) a semiautomatic pistol that has an ability to accept
a detachable magazine and has at least 2 of--
``(i) an ammunition magazine that attaches to the
pistol outside of the pistol grip;
``(ii) a threaded barrel capable of accepting a
barrel extender, flash suppressor, forward handgrip, or
``(iii) a shroud that is attached to, or partially
or completely encircles, the barrel and that permits
the shooter to hold the firearm with the nontrigger
hand without being burned;
``(iv) a manufactured weight of 50 ounces or more
when the pistol is unloaded; and
``(v) a semiautomatic version of an automatic
firearm; and
``(D) a semiautomatic shotgun that has at least 2 of--
``(i) a folding or telescoping stock;
``(ii) a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously
beneath the action of the weapon;
``(iii) a fixed magazine capacity in excess of 5
rounds; and
``(iv) an ability to accept a detachable

I would be glad to put up the sales of the listed manufacturers who modified their guns to fit this exemption.
