Analysis: Republicans heading to NRA convention expose hypocrisy of blaming Democrats for politicizing mass shootings

"Some Republicans have an odd way of not politicizing the horrific Texas school massacre", writes Stephen Collinson | Analysis


Jan McBean They do care about their constituents and are listening to us. More gun restrictions on law abiding citizens of any party will not stop or legislate evil and violence out of existence.

Let’s tackle the real subject of mental health, lack of security in schools (banks, celebrities, politicians all heavily protected but not our kids?), lack of education/poverty in impoverished neighborhoods that are the overwhelming majority of gun crime as well as actually punishing any and all gun crimes to the harshest extent every time. When you attack the NRA you attack nearly have the country that are gun owners and not all of them if many are actually NRA members. More rights for all, never less.

The Republican politicians who will be in attendance will lie and say Democrats are going to take their guns(as they did when Clinton and Obama won....and did nothing). They will do this to create a panic and people will run out to buy more AR15's. The NRA will reward them with millions of dollars of "contributions". We've seen this again and again and again. Mass shootings are very lucrative for Republicans and gun manufacturers...$$$

They will also talk about mental health with absolutely no intention to do anything about it. Helping those who need it but can't afford it "socialism" so if you need help the Republican response is FU. And they will win reelection in this broken and soulless nation.

The gun which he would have gotten no matter what(check out Chicago and how easy they get guns in a gun free zone)!!!! So if you want a gun it can be obtained. I believe we need more stringent gun laws on age, kind of gun and other items talked about. However do not punish the common ordinary citizen and take their guns because of a few who are mentally incompetent!!! With laws, which are in place in some places and not followed a nationwide do not sell a gun to list this could be prevented. The gun does not kill, thick person holding it kills!!!

The fact is that these Republicans know who and what their voter base is, and that's who they play to. Keep in mind, even though it's a federal office, the voting is done in district or in state only. The rest of us can stand on a mountain top screaming at how bad these people are, and it has zero in the way of influence on the people able to vote for them. When your voting base is top heavy with gun nuts, you tell them you'll die defending their gun rights because that's what gets you their votes and their money.

With all or most negative comments I see about the republicans heading to the NRA convention. Right after the killing of 19 children and 2 teachers. Not showing ANY sympathy for those killed or their families and blaming the democrats for something they (republicans) don’t want NO part of, in gun control. They only care about the BIG money that they are getting from the NRA and gun makers. All I have to say to you is!! STOP complaining and get AIL your information that is needed to vote. Make your way to the polls and sending them packing without a job. By Voting BLUE all the way.

I don’t have a problem with firearm ownership by civilians. I have a problem with the refusal to understand the demographic of most mass school shooters and the enacting of laws that directly address that. There is no good reason why we can’t deny CIVILIAN males under the age of 24 (age of brain maturity) access to all firearms! There is no good reason for still allowing part purchases online by individuals that allows them to put together a firearm! There is no good reason to allow schools to evade putting in optimal protections: Double bullet proof doors to create a portico with cameras out side the first set of doors and inside the portico. Armed guard inside both sets of doors with ability to lock down the school. All doors should be locked always. This applies to classrooms as well; doors closed and locked. Bulletproof reinforcements to slide over doors so they can’t be shot open. Secondary emergency egress. No one auto buzzed in ever! No one holding doors for people not appropriately vetted to be buzzed in. Security doing that NOT OFFICE STAFF!

Marie Anderson he didn't buy a handgun.. he bought those two rifles and a bunch of ammunition on two separate occasions. They showed the store that he bought it from on the news.. some big store in Texas I don't remember the name of it. I haven't heard whether he had a driver's license or not maybe he had a state ID I don't know. I don't know where he got the credit card they're saying he had a debit card and that he had money in the bank. Maybe he's stole his grandma's credit card or bank card. He clearly had a problem with her he shot her in the face so I wouldn't put it past him to have gotten in her purse and taken her credit or debit card. Or maybe he had made some money of his own somehow. I don't know.

There is a REASON the NRA chose its headquarters in VA. (From: Carolyn, working class, key writer behind a $1.4 million dollar savings on a double tech charge in VA, key writer behind a Fairfax VA website election time error the FRIDAY before the General Elections, key writer informing the VA College Board office that the College Board practice tests are out of order (Practice test 9 and 10 are the most current and at the end), key writer behind telling many groups that key people in Fairfax VA deleted a VA Board Approved math book, Big Ideas, from the Community/E-book County wide instructional page...and RFK's third cousin)... There is a manipulative kind of control in some parts of VA which is disgusting, connects to image and money (feel free to be Kings/Queens in private and please try to support PUBLIC interests in public), and feel some people in VA do not know that the days of Kings and Queens are over; now, VA has a democratically elected system,

Daniel Combs I agree with you. That was not my point of asking. The reason I’m asking these questions is the left is trying to say how easy it is to get a gun but it seems awful funny to me that he went in and bought one and spent all this money when he didn’t even have a job at the time and he had quit his job several weeks prior. Yeah they should’ve flagged him big-time when he was arrested before and maybe this wouldn’t have happened. It has nothing to do with guns. Like I have said before he was not alone in this. People can call me a conspiracy theory but there is more to this than we are being told. Too many mass shootings have happened in the last several weeks after none reported during Covid.

10ºJenna Wilder oh yeah, place a defensive wall around any conscience you MIGHT have with word games using Human taxonomy.

And for you, born or preborn matters NOT to you. You would prefer they be murdered in the room then you ignore them once they are born. What have YOU done for children/mothers who need help? NOTHING, likely. Your ”concern” is velleity cloaked in false indignation directed at those who choose life. I help support children by many means. Christian Children's Fund. Sunday school class sponsorship donations. (Her name is Esther) My church donations. Pregnancy crisis center and others all RECEIVE donations from us. You? Likely you're selfish and give NOTHING.
