Parole recommended for Manson family member Patricia Krenwinkel | CNN

A parole board has recommended that former Charles Manson follower and convicted murderer Patricia Krenwinkel should be released


Michelle Spackman I definitely believe all of these kids (at the time) were manipulated and brainwashed at the time. I remember when this occurred, I was 10 at the time, but really did not understand the total scope of it until later . Manson was the face of evil and dying in prison was too good for him. These were just beginning their adult lives when they were manipulated by Manson. I have mixed feelings about them being released. From everything I have read , they have done alot to help other prisoners. My biggest concern is can they really function on the outside after being locked away for half of a century?

Yes she was convicted of 7 murders however of those seven she actually killed one which was Abigail Folger the others she got convicted on was because she was present. The majority of the victims were killed by either Tex Watson or Susan Adkins. However with this said she should pay for her crimes, she’s been locked up for 53 years, is this enough I personally don’t know. According to her previous parole hearings she has apologized and asked taken responsibility for her actions. She has been a model prisoner no infractions has received her college degree while in prison. With all this said she took the life of another in a very hideous crime. Personally I have never been to any of her parole hearings so I don’t know why the board made this decision. I don’t believe I have much to fear from a 74 year old woman. Prisons are in theory suppose to rehab but then again can you rehab someone from this type of crime? I am not judge or jury but I am sure the parole board made a decision based on information that was presented to them. I will let my higher power make the final judgement on her because honestly that’s not my job.

Kim McCoy Evans Yeah, I do agree that they were brainwashed. However I don't think that means they should be let off. Not only is there the concern about how they might function in the wider world, it sets a precedent. Let's use another example- domestic terrorism. Dylann Roof entered Charleston Church- a historically black church- and gunned down 9 innocent people in a racially motivated shooting; a hate crime. He identifies as a neo-nazi and a racist...People are not born racists or neo-nazis they are radicalized. So would Dylann Roof have done this if he was not radicalized and brainwashed? Probably not. That being said, can we excuse it just because it might 'not' have happened under difference circumstances? No.. We can't. And thankfully Dylann Roof will never see the light of day again- at least not outside of a cell, and while this case is somewhat different I must ask again... Where's the precedent? At what point do we draw that line and say what brainwashing is more forgivable?

It's extremally sad, and disturbing, what she and the others did back then. However, I believe in Redemption: being saved from previous sin, error, or evil actions. It's clear that most people think without any sense of forgiveness for this and other acts, but I do. Remember: There should be a part of every person some sense of forgiveness, but many lack that. I learned how to forgive many years ago, here it is: The facts of the murders are evil, but if you let the evil enter your way of responding to the evil committed by others remain in you, than evil wins out, not goodness. Case in point:

Sharon Robinson that's the freedom we have in this country. Truly, the system works well in most cases. Imagine it like an invisible carrot we are dangling in front of murders. If you're a good girl we might let you out at sometime. Which can make the inmate want to be a productive prisoners. If I was sentenced to life with out the possibility of parol. I would A.) hurt myself because I have no life left, or B.) Cause as much anarchy as I could because what else can they do to me? A few of Mason's followers have been recommended over the years for parol, but none have actually gotten released. If for some crazy reason she is released could you imagine how much of a cultural shell shock society would be to her?

She's seen and done more in prison than she was convicted of... institutionalized..she thinks she wants out..who wouldn't..reality is she doesn't know how.she doesn't have street smarts. she has routines of being awake every 2hours ..people on this side of the fence do not understand.out here that's insomnia.what does lack of sleep and isolation do to someone?what is she capable of today? She went in and things were alot different compared to today? literally not understand how the world works where is she gonna move in and be the cat lady on the corner without a home car job sure a half way house..ok so she gets a HOME HELP WITH A JOB STABLE ATTEMPT TO GO FORWARD and HOMELESS DO NOT ?HOW IS SHE GONNA PAY PAROLES FEES ? HOMELESS COUOD SURE USE SOME OF THESE SERVICES AND THEY Didn't TAKE Anyone's LIFE.. Setting her up for disaster.AND LEAVING THE HOMELAND HOMELESS TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES.

If you knowing and willingly take a life or are involved in committing a crime and life is loss ( so no involuntary manslaughter) and there is enough evidence to convict. - you should lose the right for life, liberty, and the pursuit of freedom. Now could we move a remorseful and rehabilitated persons to different types of prison facilities and allow them to have a different quality of life than a small prison cell and provide some benefit to society - I think it may be worthwhile to try.

I won’t get too deep into the debate about execution - but there may be extenuating cases that should merit an expedited path to that end (e.g., Serial killers, terrorists).

The big question here is would Manson's followers have done what they did if not manipulated? Most likely the answer is no. That being said they destroyed lives, lives that family members, friends, and other loved ones will never get back. I would be content with her being moved to a mental health facility to live out the rest of her days, but total freedom? After aligning with a serial killer and aiding in 7 deaths? I don't think there should be freedom from that. I believe in reforming prisoners, but I also think there's a line when it comes to criminal activity that once you've stepped over it there's no coming back.

What if she gets addicted to Fox News and Hannity implies they kill people? Will she be as wicked as Trump supporters? Being a part of a cult got her in her mess, and today's GOP is 100% cult who kill people for political purposes alone, all based on lies, millions of creepy people stockpiling guns to make sure we all live by the verifiable lies they chose to believe, a verifiably wrong reality they live in with more weapons than facts in their heads. Today's GOP is Helter Skelter, Jim Jones, 1600s witch hunt rebirth where creepy sit around shooting opioids in their veins while plotting to kidnap governors.

She'll fit right in with today's GOP is what I am saying. Thus, she's no threat any more than the GOP today who is making us Nazi Germany. She actually might be able to give a heads up to what is coming for Trump supporters = prison.

10ºAs for the Dhul-Qarnayn dam, it is found in a strait in the middle of the furnished land that divides it into two lands, but the Dhul-Qarnayn dam has a large opening from the top and is not sealed, but it is smooth and thin that they cannot show in order to descend to a world without the dam on the opposite side, but Gog and Magog have an opening from The other side and their outlet is from the northern gate, but the Antichrist does not want to expel them unless the dam of Dhul-Qarnayn is destroyed, because the first resurrection of those whom God destroyed and who were infidels is tied to the demolition of the dam of Dhul-Qarnayn, and God Almighty said: 95 ( Until, when Gog and Magog were conquered, and they were descending from every hill. وقال تعالى على لسان ذي القرنين في قصة ذي القرنين: {قَالَ هَٰذَا رَحْمَةٌ مِّن رَّبِّي فَإِذَا جَاءَ وَعْدُ رَبِّي جَعَلَهُ دَكَّاءَ وَكَانَ وَعْدُ رَبِّي حَقًّا ﴿٩٨﴾ وَتَرَكْنَا بَعْضَهُمْ يَوْمَئِذٍ يَمُوجُ فِي بَعْضٍ وَنُفِخَ فِي الصُّورِ فَجَمَعْنَاهُمْ جَمْعًا ﴿٩٩﴾} صدق الله العظيم [الكهفSo come to look at the time that the Companions of the Cave stayed in to spend their second sleep in the Almighty’s saying: {And they have increased by nine} God the Great believed, and that is nothing but nine solar years according to the day the sun revolves around itself, and we have taught you before how much one solar year equals according to your days, it is equal to a thousand years of what you promise. So the nine solar years that were mentioned in the Almighty’s verse {and they have increased nine} also equal nine thousand years according to your 24 hour days.

So, my people, how was Nasir al-Yamani able to deduce this amazing calculation for you with the utmost accuracy, so that it produces an equal outcome for the time of the first people of the Cave’s sleep and the time of their second sleep, so that two equal outcomes appear to you according to your 24 hour days with extreme accuracy? The first: {And they stayed in their cave for three hundred years} and that is in the years of the moon, and after the transformation according to our days, 24 hours, the result will appear to you = nine thousand years of what you count, and then you will find the other interpretation of the Almighty’s saying: The result will appear to you = nine thousand years of what you count! Glory to God, how does this result agree with the knowledge that three days were calculated and these days differ greatly in length from each other, for the length of your day is 24 hours, the length of the day of the moon is twice your day thirty times, the length of the day of the sun is twice your day a thousand times, and its month is twice your month a thousand times, and its year is twice your year a thousand times ! ].
