Минобороны РФ публикует кадры ведения боя подразделением ВДВ в ходе специальной военной операции

Минобороны РФ публикует кадры ведения боя подразделением ВДВ в ходе специальной военной операции. При поддержке артиллерии российские десантники подавили сопротивление опорного пункта ВСУ, после чего отбили и контратаку. Были уничтожены два БТР и около 20 военнослужащих ВСУ. Организация Meta Platforms Inc. (соцсети Facebook, Instagram) признана экстремистской, её деятельность запрещена на территории России по решению Тверского суда Москвы от 21.03.2022



David Rimanich For 8 years, Ukraine fought with its citizens in the Donbas, because citizens did not want to live with nationalists/fascists in the same state. For 8 years she bombed her cities and killed civilians. No one paid attention, except Russia. There was no Russian army, except for armed residents and volunteers. When Russia ran out of patience, then Russia came to this war and began to protect the citizens of the LPR and the DPR.. now the Ukrainian troops are retreating with heavy losses. The scale of the penetration of national fascism into the layers of the army and society of Ukraine is being revealed.. it's scary to watch, because the Soviet Union and the United States fought and destroyed German fascism together. Unfortunately, now America supports these fascists at its own expense.. you just know that the Russians will defeat the fascists again..