Scientists designed a humanoid robotic finger with living humanlike skin

For the first time, scientists learned to grow humanlike skin on a robotic finger using cells, a new study shows


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AI neuroscience and its entrepreneurs are act like a traitors, as well as likely to be committing transnational organised crimes.
USA, UK, Australia, Canada, UN, India etc, seems to have a wolf in their midst, a kind of fruadster game, with same authors and directors on both sides.
Meaning of traitors.
Someone who violates an allegiance and betrays their country; someone guilty of treason; one who, in breach of trust, delivers their country to an enemy, or yields up any fort or place entrusted to his defense, or surrenders an army or body of troops to the enemy, unless when vanquished.
As John F. Kennedy had say "Mankind must put an to war before the war will put an end to mankind."
Why US are likely to behave as a traitors seems to be bury away their late Presidents without proper investigation towards neuroscientists, a kind of criminals suspect, why they are lack of criminals investigate on AI neuroscientists eg. Forensic their DNA , investigate details, identity and profession in the laboratory of neuroscientists before other president also might get harm.
Relevant story about neuroscience from songs, story and movies.
Koduko Japanese mythical story
Cain and Abel story
Avatar, PK, Pixels and Matrix etc.
Another one bites the Dust by Queen
Knockin on heaven's door by Bob Dylan
Highway Star by Deep Purple
Women from Tokyo by Deep Purple
Thunderstruck by AC/DC
The trooper by Iron Maiden
Civil war by Gun and Roses
Smoke on the Water by Deep Purple

Japanese dark magic Secret
Dark tower movie
Back to black by AC/DC
Paint it Black by Rolling Stones
Season in the Sun by Jacque brel
Immigration by Led Zeppelin
Nuclear Power
Let there be Rock by AC/DC
Stephen Hawking
Photographer by Ed Sheeran
Bad habits by Ed Sheeran
Atomic habits by James Clear
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”
— Albert Einstein

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