Watch cowboy lasso cow loose on busy interstate

Commuters on I-40 in Oklahoma City were treated to a free rodeo show when a loose cow began a high-speed horseback chase through morning traffic.


Several years ago, I had an experience with cattle that taught a life lesson.
First, never wrap a rope around your arm when you are roping a cow.
I worked at Toms, we made potato chips at this plant on second shift. I would occasionally help out a neighbor with his cattle, a herd of around 10 cows. One needed to be checked and given a shot, so I roped her. I knew the rule about the rope but forgot because I wanted the rope out of my way. Before I could wrap the slack around a fence corner post, she hit the end of it and off I went. I kept up running for about 1000 feet or so then went down, all the time trying to unwrap my arm. She was dragging me all over the place and I was working hard to unwrap the rope.
Just before I got it unwrapped, she fell over. We were both a bit beat up but mostly OK.
After we got done I ate, showered and went to work. I got out of my car and a lady I worked with got out of hers right by me and busted out laughing. I asked her what. She said look at your feet. I had on one blue sneaker, and a white one.
Lesson two. Always look at your shoes. People were laughing all night.