On a testé… « The Quarry », le film d’horreur dont vous êtes le héros

Face à des chasseurs hostiles et une créature maléfique, vos décisions permettront à des adolescents sans défense de survivre… ou pas.



Although I also want to destroy U.S.
In the upcoming naval battles, American and Japanese troops will be annihilated in one fell swoop, must surrender. Because, for many years, from leaders to generals in Japan and U.S. have completely been incited defection by china, in this war will cooperate with China on the command, otherwise, according to China’s way China is absolutely afraid to start war.
Such as the American people, are brutally persecuted by capitalism, and hope to destroy the US, even if I know "China is the culprit", I also had same thinking involuntarily.
But the sins are all done by “stonemasons” and powerful people from China’s orders, China has conquered them by brain-control. Every Westerner is a good person before becoming Powerful Person! Destroying these best people and letting the real criminal go, that's immoral!
The Americans and the Japanese must persevere, cannot destroy own countries in wars, and in extreme cases don't need to obey the orders for resisting China!
Before China came to the world, 40 years ago the west was completely different!