See how close rioters got to Pence as they breached the Capitol

In video animations showing the movement of former Vice President Mike Pence, the House select committee investigating January 6 revealed how close rioters got to Pence at one point after they entered the Capitol.


Trump is a 'clear and present danger to American democracy,' former judge tells Jan. 6 panel;amp;tsrc=twtr Democrats & the media keep saying trump is a DANGER to America but the only thing TRUMP is a danger to is the Political class in Washington DC . The Elite politicians in DC have everything to lose if TRUMP gets back in. They know TRUMP would close the border, deport criminal illegals, get the US out of foreign climate deals, ELIMINATE unnecessary government agencies and nix everything about climate change. They know TRUMP will have them all investigated and they know Trump will reopen the Pipelines that Joe Biden shut down and new drilling leases/permits would be APPROVED quickly. They all know TRUMP would fix what THEY broke and they probably would never be elected again. All we hear is 'Trump is a danger to democracy' when it is them who are a danger to our very existence & our freedoms Yep, TRUMP IS A DANGER BUT NOT TO AMERICA, BUT TO THEM. They know it.

Trump didn’t care if his own Vice President got hurt or killed and people are still supporting him. He was willing to overthrow the government to keep power and we wonder what is wrong with our society? He should be in jail. As far as the economy we have had recessions under Republican presidents as well as Democrat presidents. We live in boom and bust cycles. This is the aftermath of Covid. Who was president when Covid started? Who said initially it was nothing worse than the flu? Trump that’s who. I say this as a Republican myself. Trump has to go.

Maybe Trump didn’t do everything right. But it starting to look like he was right on about everything. He maybe wrong about January 6 but he was right about Biden. He’s destroying America. I’m just thinking he was right about over turning the election. He was just trying to save America. He saw what Biden was going to do to America. I’m thinking we would be in a better place now. We would have no inflation no wars no crime and plenty of gas. Keystones pipe would be done. The border wall would be now. I know for a fact we wouldn’t have 2 million illegals on welfare. I just think we would be better off. Prove me wrong???

Meanwhile 30 yr mortgage rates are up the highest since 1980 as Feds raise rates 3/4.
…Inflation highest in 40 years, the Southern border is a complete disaster as the Biden/Harris Administration does nothing to enforce the illegal immigration laws, families are searching everywhere to get baby formula while there is pallets of it being given away free to those illegal Immigrants at the border.
….We’re asking Saudi & Venezuela to sell U.S. oil as Biden Stops production here at home.
… Retirement plans plummeting in value daily.
….Can you say what an utter MESS Biden & the Democrats have gotten us into.
… It seems the Left likes paying more….hurts the poor & middle class the most

Lynne Hawkey the point is you can't overthrow a government without guns and heavy weaponry they didn't even call in the National Guard like they did when the Riots of 2020 that's how non-threatening it was. That obviously means they wanted it to happen,they let it happen to fit a narrative to influence their voters and it worked. Here you are trying to convince people it was an insurrection. If it was a true insurrection the Army would have been called in and there would have been major bloodshed. Bloodshed and death was from the capitol policeman that shot Ashley Babbitt in the neck. Maybe try to look at it from an independent view not a left or right View.

Sydney Koss how low can Biden and Kamala’s approval ratings go? How much higher will gas prices climb? How many more families and elderly will become homeless due to this failure of a president? We already have 161,000 homeless Americans in California and Biden is sending migrants here for us to house as AMERICANS live in filthy encampments. Democrats don’t care about the working class, the poor, the disabled or the elderly. Newsroom has spent billions in state and federal funding for homeless. Not one homeless shelter built. Not one. I hope people are seeing the misery your president and party has caused good Americans. I will never vote democrat again.

Rob Oyer Actually another one of his MAGA'S died from a heart attack from the insurrection and ashli Babbitt was unarmed but was clearly ready to attack the members that was hiding in that congressional room trying to protect themselves from those insurrectionist like ashli. Had she stayed outside and not break a window and try to climb through she just may be alive today her actions and misguided belief is why she's no longer living. And just how happy is her family now seeing she stormed the Capitol building and destroyed Capitol property and got shot all for a lie. It was one thing to believe it was a lie its another thing to actually have legitimate legal evidence that proves trump election fraud claims was all lies! Wonder how her family is dealing with this development.

Why are there any comments being made about not prosecuting Trump for Jan. 6th??? He knew exactly what he was doing and saying and his words and actions caused a violent riot, injuries and deaths. The average person on the street would be in jail if they even yelled "BOO" at someone and that person filed a complaint against them. It's time for Trump to be held accountable. He's not president anymore. He used his same old game plan that he has used over and over with his plans to overturn the election. He incited the mob to do his dirty work Jan. 6 and they are now the ones going to prison! Trump was more or less trying to get Pence attacked and maybe killed. That should be enough to put him in jail! He should NEVER be allowed to run for any political office again! It has been reported that Trump is now "out for blood". Imagine that!

John Baldea why is it one or the other? Why can’t both be bad?

There is a significant difference though. The BLM protests were about getting the police to treat minorities, specifically black people, the same as they do white people. Too many black individuals have been killed at the hands of police for bogus reasons.

January 6th was about overthrowing the government as well as killing opposition party leaders and their own Vice President. The president of our country incited people to commit illegal acts based on lies he told them just because he didn’t want to lose power.

10ºChris Sanders Trump was trying to save us as we can now see. He was absolutely right in everything he said Biden would do. Biden has done everything Trump predicted - making our lives miserable. If Trump didn't care about America, he would not have worked 20 hours a day. Trump improved the economy, brought businesses back, made us energy independent, brought down gas prices, improves people's savings/stock market, supported police, saw to prosecutions of criminals, kept leaders of other countries in check to keep war a bay and to keep America safe, and even went to places of natural destruction. Heck, after a hurricane, he and his wife went Florida, thanked everyone for their hard work in helping people; he even had the paperwork signed and in place before hurricanes hit so relief efforts would be quick. He DONATED supplies to people in need in Louisana after flooding. In North Carolina, he even helped in handing out hot meals to people in need after a Hurricane. He always went and surveyed the damage after natural disasters. Definitely the qualities of a leader.
