Senators race against the clock to finish writing gun safety legislation | CNN Politics

Senators are racing against the clock to try to nail down the details on a bipartisan gun safety package before they leave Capitol Hill for the weekend.


Paul Lee I’ve brought up with states you think would support amending the Constitution, because the numbers just aren’t there in support of disbanding the second amendment, more states have moved towards loosing restrictions on firearms then states that have tighten their restrictions. Half of the states now recognize the citizens right to conceal carry a weapon on their body without a license, there are also several states that have signed into laws notifying federal gun laws, and do not allow the ATF to operate within their borders, and states are also allowing Suppressors to be made without registering them with the ATF. I

In order for gun control to get passed on the national level the majority of the representatives in a majority of the states would have to agree with increasing certain restrictions on guns and even though most Americans may support further restrictions, I question how well that survey portrays the various demographics across the country.

As far as you being a gun owner and being in favor of assault weapons ban, nobody asked, and honestly an assault weapons ban is unconstitutional, as the A.R. 15 is in common use, and banning the most popular rifle in America would be against the Second Amendment.

As for Mexico building the wall, that’s absolutely irrelevant to the conversation however it is very interesting that the people that thought that that would happen are still living in your mind rent free several years after Trump made that promise, also even though there’s a lot of gun owners that supported Trump, there are not a lot of true Second Amendment supporters that do because Trump was anti-Second Amendment.

Chris Jeske now for the reality of it...

If there was actually a clear consensus of what "most Americans" wanted... such legislation would already exist...just cause you say "most american" doesn't make that statement true even if you heard it from some media group poll or some politician or actor repeated it....

And no one is legally taking any guns away from from anyone ever...

to legally and consitutionally confiscate weapons of any kind you would first have to amend or repeal not just the 2nd amendment but also the 4th 5th and 14th amendments as well...

Even after the 1986 assault rifle ban they never sought to confiscate or have anyone turn in these weapons...

That said ...realistically you are never going to see another weapons ban of any type...

The Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller, case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on June 26, 2008, held that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to possess firearms independent of service in a state militia and to use firearms for traditionally lawful purposes, including self-defense...

This Supreme Court also concluded that protected under the 2nd amendment specifically were guns "in common use" this would encompass all semi automatic firearms, which are the most common today....this would inherently also include the AR15 platform...the most common sporting rifle in use today...

Derrick Sanz Sanders Buying a gun via private sale and stealing a gun are two very different things. There isn't a lot of data as to where the guns involved in gun crimes actually come from (stolen, legally obtained, etc), just that they were illegally purchased on the street. Requiring a background check for private sales won't change the black market. It's not doing it now in the states where it's required. We have actual data. We have a lot of laws in place that we don't want to enforce. It puts people at odds with the current criminal/social justice reforms. There are other large issues as well, but that one is key.

Paul Schaller well if you are a dealer then you know the devastating injuries this type of rifle can cause, but yet you still defend the sale and use of these weapons,. You are part of the problem. You want hide behind weapons like these and say they are just a hunting rifle, bull. I have hunters in my family, none own or use this type of rifle. You want to defend hunting with this weapon like in your article, then it is clear these people are extremely skilled hunters, if not the same thing that happens to the victims like in Evalde. This weapon would destroy the animal being hunted. So unless you are saying hunting is no longer a sport or a necessity to feed a family and all you are doing is going out to obliterated a target, then these weapons are definitely not needed.

Marie Anderson Ok so my family member was mentally unstable and got into an argument and went to a gun store and picked up a gun and went and took his families life. How about if there was a waiting period to buy that gun? How about if there was a check on his mental status per his Dr. or even his wife? How about if there was a mental health evaluation done. He was scheduled to go see his Dr. the next day becuase of his escalating mental issues. What if he didnt buy the gun and he was able to get the help he needed instead. Dont tell me there is nothing that can be done and dont talk to people who have lived a real life amytiville horror with your nonsense that there is nothing we can do.

“A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of the free states, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”. That’s what the second amendment says. Marco. Those militias did end up becoming the National Guard. Oh. I found this too. “All 50 states prohibit private, unauthorized militias and military units from engaging in activities reserved for the state militia, including law enforcement activities”. Here’s this too. “Federal law allows states to form militias. These are reserve organizations under the authority of state governments and regulated by the National Guard Bureau. These are two basic kids of militias- State Defense Forces (also known as State Guards, State Militia Reserves or State Military Reserves or State Militias) and Naval Militias”. Do I need to say anything else?

Paul Schaller no, I am not copying and pasting, nor will I stop. Your talking point is just the extreme right approach to all issues in this country. My rights, my rights. Fine you want your gun rights and second amendment rights fine. That was written back in the day when flintlock pistols and muskets were all the rage. How about we return to those days and those are the only 2 weapons any one can possess. I mean those were the weapons our founding fathers wrote about, correct? It would solve so many issues it would allow people to still protect your family and property and it would eliminate any mass shootings as it elimates the ability to have numerous rounds shot one after another. So you believe that the second amendment was written as the end all be all. You want to stake everything on that and what was written over 200 years ago in a different time and circumstances, then you are foolish. The Constitution and the ammendment do not mention numerous things and even women or women's rights. Do hang your hat on the 2nd ammendment and your rights, what about the rights of people, children, families right not to lose a loved one to gun violence?

Kellie Saunders you really think that they’re gonna post fax? They post what they want you to see. Just like before the war started with Russia yesterday that we only got 5% of our oil from Russia I googled it and found wish I would’ve screenshot of it because a couple weeks later you go back that is completely gone disappeared not even out there. And now it’s one of the top places that we get our oil from. So again I don’t trust my government at all they take bribes they are crooked they get rich off of us

Chaley Seth Smith brilliant logic. What next? Ask me for lotto numbers? The majority of Americans are for stricter gun laws. As we see more school shootings, those numbers will only increase. It’s only a matter of time. While people like you put your freedom over lives of innocent kids. People like you have no room to complain when it comes to school shootings. I’m a proud gun owner and I’m ok with a ban on assault rifles. For me, it beats having to listen to the fears of my 7 year old son. No child should have to worry about these things at their age. You do you. I’m sure you thought Mexico was gonna pay for the wall too.

10ºLike aways this is pointed at Republicans as a blame game and it’s nothing new I guess. Democrats want to allow everyone criminals and all to get away with everything definitely in California like when that jerk ran over that woman and her baby but only got five months probation and not a single day in prison, how easy will that be to get off the record and purchase a firearm later on? Pretty easy and you can thank the democrats for allowing him to get away with it and others like him. Are for all the robberies taking place and no action being done about it. But when it comes to guns know matter what state Chicago, California, are New York it’s always Republicans. I got a idea, stop going soft on all the criminals out there and find out how to get the guns away from the criminals that have them starting in Chicago maybe by allowing the law enforcements to actually enforce the law would help, and leave the people that obey the law alone.
