One more sign the housing market is cooling off

The pullback was driven by declines in both single-family and multi-family new home construction.


Karine Morgan well Karine it was not that long ago, 7 years, that I bought my house and our economy is strong just like California and Massachusetts.

I agree, we have many many challenges. We need to advocate for more affordable housing and also resolve.. resolve.. homelessness.

I am responding to overall job wages and our huge gross domestic product, and safety net.

Our education is highly funded and our success in education is one of the highest in the country and we have over 30% of our population with a college degree… which equates to higher income.

I have worked with a national organization, so I am closely affiliated with other states. Compare states like Mississippi,Alabama, Kentucky,West Virginia and the Midwest to Washington. .. housing, education,economic development,
corruption and support of federal taxes. We have to pay their taxes because they can’t. Without Washington,
Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, Maryland and North Carolina.. who would pay their bills.

Our management of the pandemic, though many were not happy allowed us to have the least deaths per capita as did our strong infrastructure of hospitals.

Wash is not perfect at all. Inequality, homelessness,affordable housing and more needs to be addressed. I have lobbied for a homeless program similar to Finland’s. It is working and other Scandinavian countries are following suit.

Overall, our state is one of the few states considered the best place to live on multiple standards.

Please advocate to your congress woman/man. It does help. If there is anything I can do to help you, seriously, I will advocate your concerns. I’m not smug but here to help

Gary Dawson Biden didn’t cause a global inflation problem! You think he has that power? The economic situation across the globe has many factors and the pandemic was the beginning, big oil stopped producing because they lost billions when no one was driving and people were working from home, gas prices affects supplies. What policies of Biden’s attributed to this? The US President doesn’t control OPEC.

Trump went into an agreement with OPEC+ (after Saudi Arabia was told the US would withdraw military troops helping protect SA if they didn’t reduce their oil product to greatly reduce oil production to help protect US oil companies. They were suppose to agree to increase production but got greedy and like the higher prices. They had to make up for the billions they lost in 2020. They aren’t fully increasing production on purpose. Why decrease it if they can make the same profits selling less oil? Maybe it’s time people stop being so dependent on oil! Conserve!

Imagine ... you will be eligible to enter a class action suit against trump because he ripped you off. He also probably did irreparable harm to you in ways you can't imagine, given you are still defending him
But now that they have proven he was committing fraud *again* in his donation collecting since the election he lost it must leave your panties in a bunch, right?
Of course I am assuming you donated and you're not just a big mouth.
I wouldn't waste time personally, he has a very long line (hundreds) of civil suits already that should wipe him out. But it's still fun to think about how awkward it will be for you to transition.

Stock market had 2-nd worst January in 90 years.. Recently we had the worst 6-week average in 90-years, we are in a bear market! three months of negative GDP another quarter of negative we will be officially in a recession️ We have food shortages predicted. We need to quit using the corn for ethanol because it cost more than regular gasoline to produce and it’s just propped up by the government subsidies. Utilize that land for other crops and use the corn for food we are predicted to have food shortages it would be great if the administration would plan ahead and not do like baby formula. we had 5 million more people working in January 2021 that we did in January 2022. The reason unemployment is so low is because people living off the government or taking early retirement or just quit looking because they’re getting free money!! 40 year record on inflation interest-rate climbing at record 20 year records! This didn’t happen under Trump before Covid or after Covid. CNN and other liberal news media needs to start reporting the news the way it actually happens. If Trump was still president they would have how many Covid deaths on the right side of the screen 24 seven. Joe Bidens has had 620,000 deaths from Covid while having the benefit of 3 vaccines + boosters! very little is being said about it!

Oh gee Steve..I don't's see..uh..oh, yeah..COVID! Much less and demand..AND..when crude is same price now as it was over a year ago but the price at the pump is close to double, that is price gouging! He had NO control over that. The oil companies do it because they can.
Congress has much more control than you think. And guess who's running THAT sh*tshow? Good ol' boy Mitch, who announced publicly his goal in life was to do everything in his power to see that nothing got passed. McConnell and his cronies are extremely wealthy and couldn't give a rat's patoot about the average American.
We can disagree about this until Pluto becomes a planet again. Nothing will change until Mitch is gone and his replacement, regardless of party, is willing to work with both sides and support the commander in chief to improve our economy and the lives of all of us..
And while you're investigating, review how often we have inflation and recessions and then see how often those occur following a Republican administration..when the elected Dem admin has to try and clean up the aftermath. We're here now on that same situation. There is no magic wand.
Turning an economy around that the last guy screwed America over with takes time..even more time when the person who could help more than anyone (Mitch) fights it every step of the way.
Don't know YOUR age but I'll be 74 next month, am an Independent. President Truman was in office when I was born. The economic records are available for everyone to review!

Matt Borgquist trump
Inherited a great economy from Obama and ruined it
He disbanded the pandemic response Team Snd then did nothing about the pandemic. Literally ignoring the warning call he got from China because he was afraid it might hurt his stock market when pretty much most people don’t use the stock market because I can’t afford it
Then offered no help to citizens 600$ ThAts it. He’s out of touch w reality. Where was his healthcare plan he kept saying it was coming out and well we never ever saw one because he never did anything he never planned anything yet Biden had to take over the Afghanistan fiasco that Trump created because he never even included the Afghan government instead of planning moving people out of there would be this and all that equipment fine and how to do it in three weeks it was basically a miracle
If trump
Was in office we’d be under an authoritarian. Dictator
Seditious trump wanted Marshall law to take over the country
The constitution- you say. Meanwhile woman’s body autonomy is being stripped by red states.
Are you even watching the hearings to find out the truth!
Trump Snd others need to be in gitmo. 
His comments on grab her by p - should have been the end. The party of family values. What a joke.
Plus if you actually read the federalist papers the second amendment never actually gave regular citizens rights to bear arms as you recall back that regular people didn’t even have the right to vote it was only the rich white men that owned land there’s no way and holy hack that they ever wanted regular people to have guns only if we were under attack under a well regulated militia! 
at least we are having coherent speeches vs the rambleathon narc talk of a madman with the vocabulary of a drunk 1st grader

Lisa Ayres yes what has really happened during COVID to exacerbate the rise in values is the supply and Demand ratio, little inventory (lots don’t want to move—during COVID) and then the other half decided to change their life and reassess where they want to live because remote let them or they took early or electively early retirement buyouts deciding to retire early; so a lot of demand quickly presented plus some pent up demand at a time when supply and labor chains were severely depressed to meet any demand in new inventory , plus ultra low rates adding fuel to the demand that was there to get into a home. Stocks had done amazingly well for all investors and retiring portfolios so accounts looked great and cash was heavy on top of those retirees having built up lots of cash in their current home they were selling to purchase new. So a flood of cash available. Now the stocks are tanking rates are rising and soon values will follow so back down the hill. I’m in real estate in my area of sarasota Florida it wasn’t many investors it was retirees with tons of cash, my home sold for 300,000 over list price in 4 hours to a cash heavy retiree.

Jigga Flames Some make mean, ludicrous, erroneous comments on other people’s pages, then post darling ones of a man freeing a chipmunk from netting on their own.
Man up, man. Donald Trump violated the law. He poses a “clear and present danger” to democracy in out country.
We only had two choices and as much as you admire the loser of the presidential election, Biden has to try to put us back on a reasonable track while putting up with those who know little and would dismantle our government before learn and admit the truth and try to support the United States of America.

...the very first day that moron took over, he shut off projects meant to move oil and natural gas into our markets. Then he cut off access to three of the biggest oil reserves.
Don’t tell me that failure occupying the WH doesn’t control the price of fuel. His “green policy” did this. The failed policies of the leftists liberals in California effectively shut down the ports, and most transport companies that can no longer run their trucks in that state.
This isn’t a FOX news piece, it’s facts from hard working trucking families like mine. Our family has run OTR for three generations, and ours might be the last thanks to Biden.

10ºKaren Loftis Powell I completely agree ! These prices are nuts. Here in Western Canada we are in the most expensive RE market on the continent. But that’s not the fault of current owners like some suggest. It’s the fault of current buyers and developers simply not keeping up with increased need due to increased population.
As long as buyers keep panicking and paying anything the prices go up.
I sold my home last year bought a place almost twice as big and out waited the sellers (in our smoking hot local market) and got the place for nearly 55k lower than asking.
