Former First Lady Michelle Obama makes a special appearance to commemorate Juneteenth. Hear her remarks about the historic day. Watch Juneteenth: A Global Celebration for Freedom live Sunday at 8 p.m. ET


Brian Wynn um the time she said "First time I'm proud to be an American" was taken out of context ridiculously.
Yep People just fail to see things through her lens as an African American. She loves the country, she's just NOT in love with some of its past, and that's how one should take what she said

You come from people who have a legacy of atrocities against humanity but you want to point your finger at Obama...
You ll lie , and bare false witness against someone who never even did one thing to cause divisiveness and division...
That is your people's history.

You sir, are nothing..... pure hate , you lack the honesty and the dignity to tell the truth ....

Why don't you just admit you hate Obama because of the color of his skin....

The same woman that couldn’t stand living in the White House because of its history. BOTH Obama’s could have used themselves to unite the nation by saying “see, if you work hard and chase your dreams, you can be anything you want. You too could be president no matter how you got your start.” Unfortunately they push division and hate. Instead of saying “we live in the most important house in the nation” she said “I can’t stand living here because it was built by slaves.” They were a fckin joke and fueled the hatred for law enforcement and whites.

the Obamas, spend millions on vacations, entertainment and playing golf. Their Christmas vacation to Hawaii alone cost $4 million. They take separate planes at a cost of $180,000 per hour per plane. The cost of their trips includes food, staff, friends, security and lodging. A golf outing with Tiger Woods cost $1.6 million. Using the official White House calendar and media reports, a report from the Government Accountability Institute states that Obama spends more time on vacation and playing golf than in economic meetings.
Their parties include entertainment and dinners at the White House for celebrities, such as Barbra Streisand, Jay-Z and Beyonce. Do the math, our royal family costs taxpayers millions annually.
If the Obamas were to cancel one vacation, do you know how many White House tours we could provide our children.
