Miranda rights, abortion, Second Amendment: These are the cases the Supreme Court ruled on this week with major implications

The US Supreme Court handed down a bevy of decisions this week that will affect Americans across the country.



Aub Rey Phogojane I the word "abortion" simply means an ending. When you miscarry, your pregnancy is aborted. It is in your medical file as an aborted pregnancy. Sometimes, the medical procedure d&e is required to complete the miscarriage which is the exact same procedure one can get when they opt to end their pregnancy. They are medically the same procedure and are illegal. So women who have a miscarriage that dies not leave the body naturally is now in the position of having to choose between dying and committing a crime. The doctors bow have to choose between saving their patient and going to jail.

I have gone through a miscarriage. But I was so desperate to save pregnancy so I went to the hospital. They gave me a drip that stopped my contractions to have time to determine if the pregnancy could be saved. It could not. But because I wanted to stay pregnant, now my body would no longer expel the pregnancy naturally.

Do not call me dense because I know more about this than you. My actual knowledge of the subject is far more accurate than your understanding of the common vernacular use of the word "abortion". And when it comes to law, vernacular use doesn't matter, what matters is the words used in the law. And a miscarriage is a form of abortion.

Patricia Heisler-Sover basically the courts have pushed us to a Federalist type of government. It was 5 Republican Justices who ruled that women could legally obtain an abortion under the 14th amendment "right of privacy." These protections were taken away by the recent ruling, no if's ands or buts! You do realized it was states rights that allowed slavery, it was states rights that allowed segregation, it was states rights that allowed collection of poll taxes, it was states rights that allowed women and children to be taken advantage of in the work place....we can go on and on. With the trigger laws, if one state bans abortion then all women are not being treated equally. That why there is ranting and raving. It was the three Republican Justices who lied.

If it was truly about life they would stop hospitals from taking people off life support. But do you really think they will. If it was about christianity they would understand that God said there is only one God that granted us free will, not imposing on anyones body "FREE WILL" the real people who are christ like are not condeming, or controlling anyone, but allowing God to live through them so others can see the light. The wolves in sheep clothing try to cover themselves and say that it's about pro life but they don't really know what that means either. To be prolife you would have to respect everyones life and life decisions. It's the blind leading the blind

Matthew Charles so if you have read it you know she tried to have the legal election overturned. But if Fox propaganda doesn’t report it, you won’t believe it.

Newly revealed text messages show that Virginia “Ginni” Thomas — conservative activist and spouse of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas — wanted President Trump to take extreme measures to stay in office in the days following the 2020 election. The messages between her and then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows were provided to the congressional committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attacks and obtained by journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa.

Janet Russell You truly don't have a clue. The establishment clause essentially prohibits government from advancing AND INHIBITING religion. So when Maine doesn't have enough schools and offers to provide tuition assistance for private schools to compensate, they can't discriminate against what private school is picked, especially if that's the only one in your area. You can't use religion to discriminate. Period. That you don't see the difference in the details of this case as opposed to other church/state separations is your choice but the court got it right. Maine either stops supporting all private schools or they have to treat them equally with regard to tuition assistance. You folks always claim to be for the kids but when it comes down to it you never really are.

Joshua Tolentino The 'right" to an abortion was created by fiat by the Court in 1973. Even RBG admitted that Roe was a bad ruling, and was likely to be overturned. And the "will of the people" is absolutely irrelevant when it concerns the Judicial branch of government. Rulings should be based on the Constitution, not popular opinion. As to your question about "recourse"? The same recourse we have always had: the right to vote. If enough people want abortion to be legal in every state, they will vote in representatives to make it into law. And speaking of that, the legislature has only had FIFTY YEARS to do that very thing and have not done it! Are you sure you are pointing the finger at the right branch of government?

Carol Laughran Upton If all the Democrats want to have abortions and all the republicans want to keep their own babies, why can’t we all just get what we want!?
I’m so glad the courts gave us the the decision to decide. Have abortions Democrats! I’ll vote with you now on that.
You see Roe v Wade was the corrupt government vs the people. Now the people get to vote instead of the feds deciding for us. Now that’s democracy and we were protected by the constitution! That’s how our country was supposed to work in times like now.
Wake up, you’re being played and manipulated!

Michael Gaydos this isn't about getting my way. This is about an extremist version of their religion being forced onto a whole county, that has NO state/country religion. Just like the taliban do In Afghanistan. It's also about pure power. It has NOTHING to do with life. Nit to mention the bible does not mention abortion once. But it does say life begins at BIRTH and I "God" breaths life into you. The bible also says in numbers that priests can make a wife drink bitter waters to force a miscarriage if the husband suspect her of cheating amd being pregnant. These people are the furthest thing from Christ like. They don't give 2 shots about one's life after they are born. Nonnof these people are lining up to adopt the thousands of kids in foster care, homeless kids, ect.

Gerald Hallmets
On one level, a delusion; on another, you get what you vote for. Biden, a puppet of the extreme left, declared war on our fossil fuel producers and opened up our southern border for an invasion while sending taxpayer money to protect the Ukrainian border from the Russian invasion. Now Quid Pro Quo Joe is begging the Saudis to increase their oil production. As we plunge into a recession, American citizens are watching helplessly as demented Joe is steering the ship of state into the iceberg. CNN remains so overcome with Trump Derangement Syndrome they haven't yet noticed we are losing our country.

Recommended reading: "The Dying Citizen" by Victor Davis Hanson.

10ºNuts mike Matthew Hilliard distort everything to push their hateful narratives.

- Tribal schools in reservations typically include traditional spiritual teachings. No Democrats complain about that. And many Muslim enclaves in the US host primary schools in mosques that include Islamic education. No Democrats complain about that. In most large cities, religious based charter schools give inner city families an option away frim the violence & chaos that has ruined public schools. No Democrats complain about that.

They restrict their bigoted hate to specific groups and specific churches. Hence their dog whistle phrase "evangelicals". A way to label white, middle class, conservative christians. The Supreme Court squashed Democtats' discrimination.

- New York's policies for concealed permits were also discriminatory. Only wealthy elites and politically connected people would be approved. The civil right was being denied for the average person. It was a Jim Crow style system of denying rights to citizens. The Court also shut down that example of Democrat bigotry.
