Phoebe Bridgers leads anti-Supreme Court chant after Roe V. Wade ruling

Phoebe Bridgers vented her frustration at America’s high court during her Glastonbury Festival set.


Sarah DeWit Dan Hurlbut we do have universal health care in the US. They just don’t admit to it thanks to the disaster that is Obama care. This is how it works, employers and employees purchase insurance at inflated costs with high deductibles. Those who are self employed can purchase government sanctioned Obama their care insurance. People who are not citizens, don’t work or are on Medicare and Medicaid can go to any emergency room to get treated. It is against the law in the US for a hospital to turn away a patient. The people who pay inflated insurance premiums with high deductibles, pickup the tab. Why, because democrats always screw over the most productive people in the country.

It is unacceptable that American judges and politicians who strip the basic rights from millions of women in their own country should be allowed entry into other democracies like Canada, Western Europe, UK, etc. where women are free and full citizens. They cannot restrict freedom for people in their own country yet enjoy all that other free societies offer. These 6 Supreme Court Justice and Mitch McConnell as well as other Republicans must not be welcomed. There must be consequences. Those who make decisions that will restrict freedom at home and globally must face global consequences.

These people are fit even to wipe their shoes on the doormats of free societies.

There was only one abortion clinic in WV. It shut down Friday. The law on the books in WV (pre Roe) made abortion a felony with 3-10 years in PRISON. The new divide of the USA - 8 states will "immediately" ban abortion - (Utah, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Alabama and Louisiana). 6 states will ban abortion within 30 days - (Idaho, Wyoming, North Dakota, Texas, Mississippi and Tennessee). 6 states are "likely" to ban abortion - (Georgia, South Carolina, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio and West Virginia). 9 states are uncertain (Montana, Arizona, Nebraska, Kansas, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Florida). Since all these States now are either going to ban abortion completely or revisit abortion laws, what it shows is that the feminist agenda is falling apart before their eyes. Feminists are no longer "being feared and worshiped" as they demand. So, women can go rabid and say "I am a woman, HEAR ME ROAR," the only place they will be roaring is in a prison cell......

Don’t blame the Supreme Court for this. Blame Obama/Biden. The first 2 years of Obama/Biden presidency they had a majority in the House and super majority in the Senate. The Democrats could have passed a law that legalized abortion. They didn’t do that. This ruling does not ban abortions. It leaves it up to the states to control abortions or Congress can also make it a law. Democrats have a majority in both the House and Senate. Let’s see what they do. Democrats use abortion as a political issue and will do nothing. Today there are more birth control options for both men and women, early detection methods, and the morning after bill. The fetus feels pain at about 15 weeks. Abortion rips the fetus apart to remove it. I am all for abortions before the fetus feels pain but not after.

Kristy Gomez-Novy What has President Biden done for you?
-Lied about having 3 degrees
-Plagiarized Kennedy’s Speech word for word
-2014 Joe & Hunter (Burisma) partner with Ukrainian
-Joe bragged on TV he got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired by withholding funds to Ukrain
-Accused of Sexually assaulting Tara Reid
-are-entered the Paris Climate Accord
-canceled Keystone Pipeline
-halted leasing programs in ANWR
-issued a 60 day halt on all new oil & gas leases & drilling permits on Federal lands & water that accounted for 25% of US oil production
-directed federal agencies to eliminate all supports for fossil fuels with no plan in place
-imposed new regulations on oil, gas & methane emissions
-He spent 101 days in Delaware in his first year!
-Humiliated us on the world stage.
⁃ Open Southern Border Crisis
- 40-year high inflation
- Crime soaring
- Putin waging war
- Parents labeled terrorists
- Afghanistan debacle
- Authoritarian mandates
- China not held accountable
- Supply chain crisis
-Released the 20th highjacker from 911 from prison
-Biden said he was a Professor at Penn State, This is a LIE
-Biden’s DOJ refused to define ‘woman’
-Biden’s HUD refused to define ‘woman’
-Biden’s NIH refused to define ‘woman’
-Approval rating 33%
-Refuses to extend Title 42!
-Responsible for death of TX NG
-Record high gas prices
-supports unlawful targeting of Supreme court’s judges
-continual shortages of food
-Hunters Laptop
-Self inflicted Baby Formula shortage due to shutting down MI plant!
-Rent at a Record High
-As of May 19, 2022 Biden had gone 100 days without a media interview
-Biden went to Buffalo, NY but would not go to the Hate crime in Milwaukee.
-Dow marks first 8 week losing streak since 1923
-21 Black Staffers have left the WH
-Record high gas prices in all 50 states June 2, 2022!
-encourages a mini revolution if roe vs wade is over turned
-Consumer prices increased 8.6% in 12 months a new 40 yr high
-597,000 prisoners got the Covid relief money. Tom Cotton wrote an amendment to prevent this and EVERY Senate Democrat voted against it!
-President Joe Biden's recent claim of being appointed to the United States Naval Academy in 1965 by the late Sen. J. Caleb Boggs, R-Del., apparently has no archival evidence to back it up.
-Feds raises key rate 0.75 %, Largest hike since 1994
-45 Out Of 50 Democratic Senators REFUSE To Endorse Biden In 2024

KKK: Founded by Democrats
BLM: Founded by Democrats
ANTIFA: Founded by Democrats
ACORN: Founded by Democrats
CODE PINK: Founded by Democrats
OCCUPY WALL ST: Founded by Democrats
WEATHER UNDERGROUND: Founded by Democrats

Who wants to take your guns away?


A ver lo que están a favor del aborto, hay algo que se llama RESPONSABILIDAD, Porque como mujeres y hombres Responsables no se cuidan para no tener que abortar? Claro lo que pasa es que no quieren asumir las consecuencias después de tener relaciones sin protección, y no me digan que esto y aquello pura EXCUSAS, para no ser Responsables, Recuerden que cada acción tiene su consecuencias y además todo en esta vida se paga, de alguna o otra forma nuestras acciones tienen Consecuencias, Y nuestra actitud de decir que este es mi cuerpo y yo decido REFLEJA la actitud que tienen!!

Kristy Gomez-Novy Biden
◦ Biden revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline construction killing jobs (Jan 2021)
◦ Cancels construction of the Southern Border Wall (Jan 2021)
◦ Biden said if we kept (the minimum wage) indexed to inflation, people would be making $20 an hour is a lie (Feb 2021)
◦ Biden said he was arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela in SouthAfrica is a lie (Feb 20)
◦ Biden claims we are sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming over our Southern border which is a lie (Mar 2021)
◦ Biden said if you go to a gun show, you can buy whatever you want, and no background check is a lie (Apr2021)
◦ Biden waived sanctions against Russia allowing them to finish a pipeline to Germany. (May 2021)
◦ Biden left Bagram Air Base in the middle of the night without telling the new commander or any other countries (July 2021)
◦ Biden responsible for the deaths of 13 Marines (Aug 2021)
◦ Biden claims Al-Qaida is gone from Afghanistan, which was a lie (Aug 2021)
◦ Biden left 85 Billion of US Equipment for the Taliban (Aug 2021)
◦ Biden left thousands of Americans, SIV holders and allies to die at the hands of the Taliban (Sep 2021)
◦ Millions invading our southern border with no vaccinations and no vetting (Sep 2021)
◦ Biden’s IRS to begin monitoring bank accounts (Sep 2021)
◦ Key Inflation Measure at highest level since 1991, Outpacing Income Growth (Oct 21)
◦ Gas prices are the highest they have been in 7 years. (Oct 21)
◦ DHS cancels Border Wall Construction Contracts (Oct 21)
◦ Supply Chain Crisis (Oct 21)
◦ Gas prices hit 7 year high amid inflation woes (Oct 21)
◦ Wants to pay illegals $456,000.00 in reparations (Nov 21)
◦ Apologized to other nations for pulling out of Paris accord. (Nov 21)
◦ Inflation hit a 30 year record high (Nov 21)
◦ Said we will not be paying illegals separated at the border and blamed it on garbage from the media (Nov 21)
◦ A couple days later he flipped and said we will pay illegals separated at border (Nov 21)
◦ Harris approval rating is 28% (Nov 21)
◦ Sec 138514 in the BBB bill says Deduction for Union Dues!
◦ Biden’s pick for Treasury Department, Saule Omarova was arrested in 1995 for retail theft. (Nov 2021)
◦ The oil Biden took out of reserve was $42 a barrel when Trump filled it. By law Biden has to replace it and it’s now $74 a barrel (Dec 2021)
◦ Biden restricted travel from 8 countries due to Covid but refuses to close the Southern border. (Dec 2021)
◦ Inflation at highest level in 39 years; Gasoline up 58.1%, Food up 6.1%, Used Cars up 31.4%, Gas Utilities up 25.1%, Electricity up 6.5% (Dec 2021)
◦ Wholesale Prices surge to 9.6%, fastest pace in history. (Dec 2021)
◦ Biden’s approval rating at historic low at 41% (Dec 2021)
◦ Biden had a German Shepherd that bit numerous people but instead of getting a trainer and working with the Dog he gets rid of it and gets a new German Shepard puppy (Dec 2021)
◦ More people died in 2021 from Covid under Biden than under Trump in 2020 (Dec 2021)
◦ Biden tells Govenors there is no federal solution to deal with the omicron wave. (Dec 2021)
◦ Senator Cotton releases the information that the Boston Bomber and all inmates received a stimulus check.
◦ Encouraged a mini revolution if Roe vs Wade is overturned (Jun 22)
◦ Consumer prices increased 8.6% in 12 months a new 40 yr high
◦ President Joe Biden's recent claim of being appointed to the United States Naval Academy in 1965 by the late Sen. J. Caleb Boggs, R-Del., apparently has no archival evidence to back it up. (Jun 22)
◦ MASSIVE LOSS FOR BIDEN! 45 Out Of 50 Democratic Senators REFUSE To Endorse Biden In 2024 by Samuel ThompsonJune 16, 2022
