A stunning moment in American history decades in the making will reshape politics | CNN Politics

"The day that remade America was decades in the making,” writes Stephen Collinson | Analysis



Protasio K Jedidiah Men are primarily responsible for unplanned pregnancies, not women. Women do their part, for the most part. Men have the easiest cheapest form of contraception which is highly effective, and they rarely use it. Men abandon their kids far more than women do. While men spend more time with their kids than previous generations, they still fall far short of what women do. So men really should not have a voice in this, because you are far from being equal in terms of responsibility. It's so easy to be "against abortion" but if the laws were written to hold men accountable, suddenly you would change your tune. By that I mean child support at 6 weeks gestation, laws that hold men liable if they did not use a condom etc. etc. So easy to to have an opinion, harder to put on a condom. And, this is not about babies but misogyny. Most of the horrendous things done, like the Uvalade shooting, are done by males. So this is a deflection because it's something women do. The only reason men don't have abortions is because they can't get pregnant. But it's a diversion because males do awful things in society. Abortion is all you have and in reality most are caused by males not being equally responsible.

Nobody is forcing anybody to be pregnant. Get a grip people, you all are acting pathetic. Quit getting your info from tictoc and pick up a book or read an article. This is 0% about women and 110% about the difference between state and federal governments. Abortion was never a right granted by the constitution. You can yell all you want about the majority, but the supreme court does not operate on majority opinion. Just imagine the change and help you could add to this issue if you spent half as much time engaging in your state and local legislatures as you do whining on social media. And the amazing part is most of the problems you keep complaining about this ruling fixes! And you don't even realize it lol

Adriana Because Romania is SUCH a bastion of freedom and democracy historically. Wasn’t Romania a COMMUNIST country until like 1989 or something like that?? Yet somehow you have the unmitigated nerve to talk down to Americans about “rights” and freedoms??

This issue isn’t about “women’s bodies”. It’s about a separate body that belongs to a developing child in her womb that many believe also has rights and deserves protection. You obviously disagree with that perspective. Duly noted. So do many Americans. Which is why we have a special POLITICAL PROCESS known as DEMOCRACY. Ever heard of it?? Because…. I realize that concept might be foreign or new to someone in Romania.

In said Democratic political process, the PEOPLE all get to give their input via this thing called a VOTE!! And THAT is how we arrive at determining what the rules are.

So no, I don’t personally get to “decide on what women can do with their own bodies”. But I, just like every other American, make or female, ABSOLUTELY have a say on this and any other matter. With my VOTE!! With OUR votes!!

So get over it, get over yourself, and get bent. That’s how it works now.deal with it. None of your crying and whining about ab issue in a country on the other side of the world from you matters. We have MUCH bigger and more important things to deal with than f@&$ing abortion. Abortion isn’t even close to being in the top 10 of important issues we need to address in this country AND world.

Stop your hysterics. You’ll be fine. I promise.

SUPREME COURT: Catholics have taken over our America!
Five of the six Catholics on the Supreme Court got rid of Women's Rights to their own bodies. They went against the separation of Church and State. Some even lied under oath during their job interview saying they would not remove Roe vs Wade. They went against our Democracy where the government is to be a government of the people, for the people, and by the people, instead of their Catholic religion.
Their religious views teach that women are inferior to men. That women are inadequate to even lead a small church, denying women from having a voice in preaching. After taking away women’s abortion rights, next, they will take away their voices by taking away their voting rights as well. As their goal is to put women back to the time of silence, not being able to own property and only being a servant to men.
This is what their religion teaches them Now, just like the Catholic Crusade in the past, they are rising up and taking over the country by force. Forcing American to follow their religious laws against women.
1 Timothy 2-12: I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, she must remain quiet, no voice.
Ephesians 5:22-24 Wives submit everything to their husbands. The husband is the head of the wife (slave to her master). He is the one who rules over her and decides what she can do.
1 Peter 3-11 Women are subjects to their husbands.
1 Timothy 2-11 Women are to be quiet and submissive to men.
Corinthians 14:35 It is shameful for women to speak, if they have a question let them ask their father.
1 Corinthians 11-3 The head of a wife is her husband (because she does not have enough sense to think for herself)
Titus 2:4-5 Train young women to be submissive to their husbands (like an obedient dog)
Colossian 3-22 Slaves, obey those who are your earthly masters (Catholics used this to make Black people slaves in America)
Catholic women are docile enough to be slaves to men because they see themselves as being worthless. They cannot even speak but be mute with no brain as they allow men to control them. If that is what they feel is right then let them be treated that way, but we as Americans will not let them enslave our women as they have done theirs.
This is not the first time that they have influenced their religion over the people. They did it in Germany when they murdered six million Jews and took over their government.

Gregory St. James Mundy #abortion #prochoice #righttolife #roevwade #women #rights

Joe Biden, and most of the democratic party are the most dangerous threat to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.............PERIOD. They have no spine, they only care about Americans who will lick thier boots, they all want power and money. And everyone else they want to cancel!!! Look 24 hours after our highest court politicians and the President are talking about ganging up and canceling the supreme court and are giving protestor the green light to attack other American citizens, I am dumbstruck that people can't see how dangerous this is. You want to open pandoras box and pit the country against each other in a war???? Think about it for a second democrats look at your people they are weak marshmellows it would last 3 dats and you will be destroyed.

Way easier for Employers to help women have abortions than to help families to take care of their children. In the old days and even now, Employers could ask if a woman was married and not hire her, because she may leave, or be too busy to with her child. And even now and in the past If they suspect you could be pregnant, it could be very difficult to get a new job.

Groups like Feminists for Life have a history (of working to make it possible for women to keep their unborn children and bring them to life.)

Tina Sprogø Hovmand : Tina Hovmand...page 14 and 15 of Dobbs dissent: "“As an initial matter, note a mistake in the just preceding sentence. We referred there to the “people” who ratified the Fourteenth Amendment: What rights did those “people” have in their heads at the time? But, of course, “people” did not ratify the Fourteenth Amendment. Men did. So it is perhaps not so surprising that the ratifiers were not perfectly attuned to the importance of reproductive rights for women’s liberty, or for their capacity to participate as equal members of our Nation. Indeed, the ratifiers—both in 1868 and when the original Constitution was approved in 1788—”..If one took this argument to its logical conclusion, one could argue that all laws and amendments passed before there were women legislators have been invalid. One could argue there was no valid Supreme Court decision until the 1980’s when Sandra O’Connor became the first female justice.

Todd Fisher But, you believe you should have the right to "kill" potential children with sefl-gratification and a box of tissues, so spare us your sanctimonious, self-righteous, FFS! People who think like you are hypocrites! SCOTUS is downright supporting special interests of the political right minority in both expanding guns and recinding women's rights to autonomy and privacy. SCOTUS is CORRUPT! This extreme right-wing SCOTUS got there by three minority presidents (did not win the popular vote), George H and George W and Donald T and with the senate Republicans aka McConnell stealing Obama's Supreme Court nominee then under the same circumstance nominating and appointing a SCOTUS, FFS! This SCOTUS does not represent the majority of Americans and it is not a democratic Court. As Eli Mystal said, if you're an Uzi, a white-hetero-male, one version of Christianity, a Cooperation you have rights, but women and others to come who do not fit the 'personal norms' of this SCOTUS, not so much! Vote the Republicans out. Expand the Court. Return to democracy not a secular Court!

Jeff Ricy Actually, you're just a parrot with no point but to bounce back on your right-wing extremist ignorance and arrogant stupidity! SCOTUS is downright supporting special interests of the political right minority in both expanding guns and rescinding women's rights to autonomy and privacy. SCOTUS is CORRUPT! This extreme right-wing SCOTUS got there by three minority presidents (did not win the popular vote), George H and George W and Donald T and with the senate Republicans aka McConnell stealing Obama's Supreme Court nominee then under the same circumstance nominating and appointing a SCOTUS, FFS! This SCOTUS does not represent the majority of Americans and it is not a democratic Court. As Eli Mystal said, if you're an Uzi, a white-hetero-male, one version of Christianity, a Cooperation you have rights, but women and others to come who do not fit the 'personal norms' of this SCOTUS, not so much! Vote the Republicans out. Expand the Court. Return to democracy not a secular Court!

10ºMelanie Draiker what happened? You were doing so good. Neither of the three judges said that they would not overturn it. Otherwise it would have been all over the place, and you know that. So wrong there. Stolen? All three were appointed just as lawfully as any other supreme court judge. The senate was republican controlled during Obama's nomination and would not have received the votes. Enough senators stated that they would not vote. So instead of wasting taxpayer money on time casting votes for a nominee that had no chance, the vote just wasn't held. So you are wrong there too.
