The cost of $4.99 rotisserie chickens: Costco gets sued for animal mistreatment

Costco now faces a lawsuit from two shareholders claiming that the company and its top executives violated animal welfare laws


The folks at CNN must be trying to cut out competition for one of their chicken growing Corporations. If they really wanted to do something about the industry they would be going after the people cross breeding these boiler chickens. They are bred to grow so fast that they can no longer move and end up not being able to go get food or water. Not all chicken mature at the same time so naturally you have some maturing quicker the most of the rest and they end up dying. I love how this article just leaves out what will happen after 6 weeks. A perfect example of how they just leave out the gory part. A quote from the article. “At six weeks old, these hybrid birds are ready for slaughter and will dress out at around three to five pounds each, which is a nice size for roasting, grilling or breaking down into parts. Don’t hold them for longer than six weeks.” https://backyardpoultry.i...oiler-chickens/

Tristis Ward I should have been more clear then. Not saying it's OK. More that clutching pearl and saying "Wow, Costco is terrible!" should realize it's not just them, it's everywhere. Unfortunately just like the herbicides and pesticides used in big farming operations, it's all about the fastest, cheapest, least labor intensive way to make profit. Zero concern for the quality of life of the animals or the health of the people consuming the food or the health of the planet. If we all start making small choices to do what we can (and I realize not everyone has the ability to raise birds or grow a garden but even say a pot of herbs or something in a sunny window is something) those things have ripple effects.

Don't go punishing Costco and thinking the problems been fixed cuz its the whole system.

“…. As more consumers learn of the mistreatment of Costco chickens, the benefits reaped using loss-leading rotisserie chickens to drive customer traffic and purchases . . . will vanish or greatly diminish because consumer preferences to not buy products made illegally or unethically will trump the lure of a 'cheap' chicken."

I think you fail to realize how little the average American cares about chickens, and how much were willing to look past in order to save a few bucks. Yeah, you stick some sad music over adoption videos for polar bears and it gets the money rolling in…but chickens? Bruh, that’s dinner.

No, I don’t condone what Costco is alleged to have done. Animal abuse, even for animals for consumption is wrong…but relying on the public opinion to drive them out of business likely won’t happen.

Um... if you think that issue is unique to Costco then you are fooling yourself. Sorry to those who want to feel high and mighty but generally if you are eating grocery store chicken you are eating a bird raised in standard factory farm practices. Even the "free range" chickens might not even see sunlight. It just means they aren't caged inside their huge warehouse run. Oh and they trim off half their beaks so they can't peck each other to death.

And I'm a person who loves to eat chicken so I'm as guilty of participating in this as the rest of you but I'm hoping to start raising meat birds myself in the future so at least my food has fresh air and sunshine and gets to enjoy being a chicken for a few weeks before it's dinner time.

Mike Hill Let’s say we discovered that plants actually have something akin to what we understand as “sentience”. In this case, the crucial difference is that we need to eat plants to survive, but we don’t have to eat animals. Furthermore, more plants are used for meat production than for vegetable production because the animals we eat are fed plants, and they can eat way more than us. So if we truly care about plants, it is better to minimize plant usage by feeding humans directly with them, rather than feeding many more plants to animals to then eat ourselves. Honestly, it really isn’t about who feels pain and how much pain. It’s about causing the least harm possible to living beings with practical solutions i.e. boycotting these industries.

I think many people go out and pay big bucks for "free range" chickens, convincing themselves that those chickens are treated like royalty, and they probably even have a lullaby sung to them to put them to sleep just before their heads are chopped off. I always loved the FACT that the main difference between free range chickens and regular farm raised chickens is that the regular ones have to peck their food out of their own excrement on concrete. But the free range ones get to peck their food out of their own excrement on dirt! Big difference, right!

Manuel Tayag it doesn’t sound like you eat it either . There are many Costco and I was speaking on behalf of the stores I’ve visited . So by you saying you give it to the homeless from my experience is not a good deed . If it’s so fat I would not give it to anyone . No one should eat chicken who are more and likely abused and you can’t even eat it you have to always pick out fat . Every bit . I purchased it more than one time to make that review . It’s from my experience and unfortunately it wasn’t good . The poor chickens. It was that bad that I had to comment

Now the trumpista mentality in poluting every crack in the food chain. If they carry it on the egg producers, the bacon producers, the lunch meat producers, the milk producers, the butter, sour cream, the whipping cream, the hamburger producers, the fish nuggets, tuna salad, pink salmon and any living creature not named here, slaughtered for our food! - - - So do they understand the consumption of protein in this world? There are some countries that do not wholly rely on the magnitude of the industries that provide this nation with unlimited access to the proteins provided by dead and mistreated animals. To become a total vegan or vegetarian is a leap that 90% of citizens aren't going to take! To those who bury your heads in the sand = = = wake up and smell the bacon frying!
