US strikes al Qaeda-affiliated leader in Syria

The US has carried out a strike in Syria targeting a senior leader of Hurras al-Din, an al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist organization


Just imagine if another country carried out a strike in the US to take out someone they didn't like? All out war. Syria is a sovereign nation, and this action by the US is an act of war. The hypocrisy of the armed US bully is so f*ing blatant as is the cheering on propaganda by the media. A large part of the worlds populace hates the United States because of this and it's just a matter of time until many of them band together and say, enough is enough, and the citizens of the US will be very surprised to find themselves experiencing the terror that their government rained down on so many.

Gina Wesley I am Happy, I have a fun job, awesome family( because we didn't abort anyone) plenty of goodness in my life. I actually am just against Democrats and Communist- Kinda the same group. I do not loose my marbles of something I cannot control - Supreme Court , Presidency, Police doing their job. I have God in my life, so I get rewarded for many good things I do. I actually could care less if Trump became President again. I would be happier if we got ride of the Racist "I eat ice cream & wear depends" Biden.

Tammy Wade Varnado and 2500 servicemen died under Obama. But since you brought up unnecessary death. I’m going to expand your post.

In 1993, Bill Clinton sent the military into Somalia. An Army Ranger Unit was given a mission to capture a war lord. A request was made from command staff on the ground for the use of tanks to minimize the danger of the operation. Clinton denied the request. Blackhawk down happened and as a result of his denial it cost the lives of 17 Rangers and two Delta operators.

Also in 1993, Clinton illegally granted a request by the fbi for the use of tanks and incendiary gas on a compound in Waco Texas. 30 children burned to death. And Clinton struts around the dem party a hero.
