The Hajj is back and Saudi Arabia is hoping to cash in

Muslims from the world over return to Saudi Arabia this week to perform the annual Hajj pilgrimage after a two-year hiatus caused by Covid-19 restrictions.


"why did I make this post (one I wanted to) two because let’s observe the reality of the situation…. You have a person that is not financially able to go and practice their religion, they strongly desire to practice their faith…. If their god is powerful, he will provide the funding." Joseph Colvin This is YOUR belief based on YOUR chosen religion. Not everyone believes as you do. Again, what was your true *intention* of each comment? Go back and reread each one. If you answer that question honestly, I suspect you will find you were not coming from a place of altruism, love, or encouragement. That doesn't seem very Christ-like to me, if you in fact claim to be a true Christian.

Nancy, I made the post above turning his life over to Christ… why did I make this post (one I wanted to) two because let’s observe the reality of the situation…. You have a person that is not financially able to go and practice their religion, they strongly desire to practice their faith…. If their god is powerful, he will provide the funding.

An example of someone similar are the prophets of Baal, they wanted their god to consume the alter offering before Elijah. Their god failed and the true and living God showed up as a consuming fire.

We are saying that in this situation, that same all consuming God loves this person following a false god, but unless they turn their life to Christ, they wouldn’t have what they needed to be able to approach that God as he is too Holy.

Seriously CNN

For 2 freaking years, while evangelicals were preaching to allow their churches to be open, our mosques were closed, we missed on Friday prayers, Ramadan prayers and even Hajj wasn’t happening.
Even when things started opening, there was social distancing even though our prayers requires shoulder to shoulder.
2 years later our emotions are all high to finally see house of God and mosque of Prophet(SAWS) and that’s how you write an article?

Saudis cash in more with oil, you don’t have to say anything there, but man when it comes to our prayers, all you can think about is money?

The Living God is not financially incapable of providing, so the God I believe in has streets made of gold, he desires that above all things we may prosper and be in good health… that prosperity is financial as well…. so the relationship I have with my God, he has always provided for me and what I’m saying is…. I definitely comprehend that not everyone believes as me, but you do know unless the church goes beyond its own walls it will never grow?

I guess what your desiring is for me to feel ashamed for believing in the God I believe in, but why would I be ashamed of eternal life and a 100 fold return in this one with persecution? (Persecution, the thing that comes for holding on to your faith against massive scrutiny)

I believe your attempting to bring scrutiny but whatever, what has your relationship with the God of Miracles been like?

to all of those who pointed out "it's only once in life". There are 1.3 billions catholics in the world. Rome sees something like 5 millions tourists per day on average. If a visit to the Vatican were mandatory once in life for every Catholic, that would be 2.600 days of sold out Rome. Now please tell me it's not a good business, and it's the same fo the black stone. But of course, it's written in the Quran, which, like the Bible, comes from God himself. Oh wait, are you implying that, because there's only one God, the other one is fake? well, that's interesting indeed. Who's the biggest?

Fatma, the thing is, like he told the Pharisees and Sadducee’s, he is more than a prophet

What makes him less a prophet because someone of different faith takes on a similar position as them?

Please read the following so I can bring you to where I’m coming from, if Jesus is only a prophet and according to ancient scriptures dead prophets bones brought people back to life, 2 Kings 13:21, Jesus somehow was bringing people back to life and he himself was brought back to life after three days when all these other prophets were laid to rest including Muhammad, so where are you coming from?

There seems to be something drastically different about Jesus and it’s becoming more obvious as time goes on… he isn’t as powerless as religious people like to make him and Muslims like to make him just a prophet, but as I said earlier, Pharisees believe in a resurrection, but he told them he is more than a prophet and that’s what I’m telling you presently

Michael Kristoff we Muslims pray towards that "box" 5 times a day, that means we face that "box" direction to have our prayers accepted. That's also the home of Abraham, prophet Abraham built it with his son Ishmael. That's also one of the pillars of our religion, we all unite there, poor and rich, sick and healthy black and white. It's easy to be a mockery master and make fun of people you don't agree with, but that's just a sign that your brain has lucky charms on it and you have no clue what you're talking about my brother. People who actually know make a conversation, people who don't know make fun, I'll let you decide which one you are.

Alan Smith That's an odd claim, considering Israel(Judaic country) and majority of Europe and America(Christian Countries) rely on Arabia and its oil and are getting more oil than most of the Muslim countries.

I think the point to reconcile here is that subjective experiences are many, and there can be good Muslims and bad Muslims, just like there are good and bad in every corner of the world and religion. So to use our personal experience to cast judgement on people just because they have chosen the freedom to follow a particular religion actually goes against what America was built upon, the freedom to choose your religion.

And if you feel there's hate in the Muslim world for Judaic-Christian or Hindu people, I'd highly recommend reading what modern young people don't like so much these days called 'history'. And again before you cast your judgement, look to the extremists of the religions you've mentioned and find out how many deaths they've claimed that targeted Muslims in particular. And how many Muslim extremist groups you can name that have targeted non-Muslims 'more' than Muslims. Because so far, statistics show that the primary target of the so called "Islamic extremist" movements and groups are also Muslims, especially the women and the children.

Marilyn Jean Powell
اعتقد ان الضخ الإعلامي والأفلام الهوليهودية قد نجحا في خلق صورة نمطية لذى البعض. فبمجرد الحديث عن الدين او الإسلام بالتحديد. يكون عقلك الباطن صورة سيئة حول الإسلام. وتبدأ تتخيل وجوه مخيفة والكثير من الغبار والألوان الكئيبة.
حسنا هنالك مليار و نصف المليار من المسلمين حول العالم. ثقافاتهم مختلفة حضاراتهم و تقاليدهم مختلفة. يؤمنون بنفس الدين. منهم علماء في جميع المجالات و التخصصات. أطباء و مهندسين. هنالك مسلمون في جميع المناصب والمواقع. هل تعتبر أنك أذكى من 96% من سكان العالم. واللذين يعتنقون ديانات مختلفة. أنت فقط تخلط بين مفهوم الأديان. وبين السلوك البشري. إعتناق دين معين ليس شرط حتى تكون متعصب. لأن التعصب هو مرض نفسي وسلوك بشري. يحاول ذالك الشخص المريض ان يبحث عن مبرر لتصرفاته المريضة . ويمكن إيجاد أشخاص متعصبين في جميع مناحي الحياة. سواء كان التعصب سياسيا أو دينيا او ثقافيا او حتى رياضيا. عليك مراجعة التفاسير

10ºAnya Emanuele who told you that , you need a lot to learn
What western civilisation did !!!!
All knowledge come from Islamic world to Europe not the opposite
Most of your Scholars just robbers
Like Newton
Most of his laws stolen from Islamic Scholars such as Al-Biruni
How he explained The gravity and Al-Biruni has explained it before him with hundreds of years
When you do Surgery it's thanks to Muslims who invented the tools that used today
When you wash you face with Soap it's thanks to Muslims who invented it
As well the first ones flied aren't wrights Brother but "Abbas Ibn Farnas" before them with hundreds of years
When you wear your eyeglasses it's thanks to Abbas ibn Farnas as well
When you have the ability to study math it's thanks to Al-khawarizmi whm made it easy to be studied
As well without al-Algorithms we won't have phones of Laptops today without phones or laptops we won't see you here telling us that we didn't do anything to the world lol
Read little bit these bellow are just few of thousands of Islamic scholars without them Civilasation of today won't even exist
