Macy Gray and Bette Midler face backlash for comments criticized as transphobic

Both of their comments did not go over well.


Robert Neff on January 3rd 2019 I had a major ischemic stroke. This left the left hand side of my body unusable. Yes I was left-handed. It also created several other issues from essential tremors and other things. All caused from A congenital heart defect they never thought I had which required three heart operations thereafter. So the way in which I am speaking to you right now is dependent completely on Google. I use voice to text speech recognition in order to write what I'm writing. But thank you for your very hurtful assumptive statement.
You are correct that there was a word that was incorrect. But the device that I have to use doesn't make it very easy to make that correction that Google chose.

I don’t see the controversy. Unless I’m missing something, the way I heard Bette’s comment was that you can be trans, gay, whatever you want to call yourself, but don’t try to change the meaning of ‘woman’ for the rest of us who are born anatomically women and are happy with that fact. She doesn’t want to be re-classified just because of your re-classification. She is the original open minded performer from my youth. She embraced everyone and especially those who were living on the edge of society. The artist, the gay, the drag queen, the trans person etc.
I think people are too hung up on labels. The point is to be accepting of each other as we want to be accepted and I think Bette has always done that.

Like, wtf, I don’t think any human being is better than any other human being by birthright alone, but there is a difference between a person born female, and a person who had to undergo major surgery, and removal of body parts to feel like what society has taught them a woman should be.

I think that anything that forces a person to mutilate their bodies is definitely rooted in some deviation from the norm.

Like I’m a homosexual man, I realize that is a deviation from the norm, because if all men were homos the human race would go extinct.

Things are in a sorry state of absurdity when BETTE MIDLER isn’t liberal enough.

Yours truly,

John Q. Homo.

I'm a ciswoman, as are most of my women friends. And while I agree, my experiences as a woman are a bit different than my trans friends experience are as a know what? The same is true between me and the other ciswoman, too.

Why do you think when you get two or more of us together who have given birth, (especially if you get us around the newly pregnant?) we all can't HELP but open our yaps and blab about it? Have you ever once heard the same story shared by different people?

How TF am I or my experiences diminished by someone else?

As Arielle Tschinkel said, "Trans women existing doesn't make me any less of a woman, no matter how different our experiences may be. it's just ridiculous at its core honestly."

Syd Delz what human rights and what false the false narrative? this whole thread is a mess at this point. it's a shame that nobody here is interested in having a 'conversation' but more interested in bullying because it's so easy to do so while hiding behind a screen! ... This was the original comment about the article: "So basically if I don't define a woman the same way you do I should be bullied. They can have their opinions if they want. Their opinions were not inciting violence against anyone so what is the problem. Alphabet bullies be doing way too much trying to force everyone to be like them. And personally I agree with Macy Gray." There is absolutely no false narrative or anything against human rights here.

The problem here is balancing strategy with ideology. At the end of the day, language evolves no matter what either way; It’s not like we’re speaking and typing in Shakespearean English here. As a result, modern pronouns will eventually become a natural part of our dialect in the long run anyways. But when people like AOC push the issue on a mainstream American population that clearly isn’t ready for it just yet, she risks having them vote the GOP back in the White House in 2024 as a backlash to what they view as hyper-progressive culture. What’s more important? Being called “They/The’re/Them” right now, or having the GOP back in power fighting to strip your marriage, gay, and civil rights away just like they’ve have proven to have no problem doing with the Dobbs decision a week or so ago?

Damien Lombardi frankly, it doesn’t matter how they feel when the fear is irrational. Similar excuses were used as this country attempted to desegregate. Regardless, that is a digression from the original point that no one other than the person in question can determine their gender. It’s not for others to decide, no matter how much they incorrectly think they have the right to do so. If I were to purposely misgender you because I think I know what you are better than you do, you would not only correct me, you would be offended I had made such an assumption. So offer people the same respect you feel you deserve.

So here's the thing. They are both HALF right and HALF wrong. Yes, a transwoman can never be biologically a woman, which transsexuals agree with. The change is cosmetic. BUT, we are pretty much our brains - are we not? And the brain can absolutely be a woman, while in a male body. Doesn't that make them women - really? Bette Middler is attacking the use of substitute names for women - but few DEMAND people actually use these in general. They are used when reffering to a group of people where some are trans men or binary but capable of having babies. I would say the bigger issue is, as an example, fairness in sports where transwomen have huge advantages (many transpeople agree that this is unfair), and making sure the transition process is screening out non-trans young people. A red flag raised by psykologists. The trans debate is really messy as everyone on both sides are generalizing and prescribing each other oppinions they may not have. There is no agreement on either side - to make that clear. As a gay man I'm not impressed with either side of this debate.

Because we live in a world which telling your truth is not what other people and media wants to hear! No one has to agree personally with what you do or believe to be your truth. If their truth is not going to stop your truth then stop making a big fuss! They and no one else has to agree with trans lifestyle. Once upon time people were able to state their truth without all the backlash but nowadays people are inconsiderate of other people truth. This country is becoming more of a forceful rather than United. The more forceful the more division the civil war is in affect!

10ºAnd this is why there’s a Red wave coming. People are absolutely sick of this idea that if your opinion is different from what the LGBTQ says then your are some kind of Phobic. News flash… it’s not. This country needs a hard reset where we play in reality and science, not just feelings and opinions. I’m all for everyone to do as they wish with themselves… but this notion that others need to bow down and forcefully change their views is nuts. Women are women. Trans women are a type of woman but not 100% women. I fully support Macy and Bette on their stand.
