Yet another community in America is grieving the loss of family and friends. Among those killed are the parents of a 2-year-old boy, a former preschool teacher and a beloved grandfather.


Marcie Myerow oh, I see. From your post it appears that you want to dictate morality in society. What gives you the right? What if my morals are different than yours?

We have a very large portion of our society living on the edge, you call it degradation. They live on the edge at school and at home as the family struggles to pay the bills. You want a better society? Stop letting corporations pay such awful wages. Pay wages so that only 1 parent has to work. Pay wages that allow for sick days, vacation, college, new cars, houses, and every other essential in life. Instead of letting Zuckerberg own 4 yachts, tax free and 10 houses on multiple continents. (Or whatever his ridiculous assets are).

We have a constitution, in the very first amendment is a right to separation of state and religion. It's a good amendment. We should stick to it. Unless you want witches teaching your kids spells.

Your idea of family may not match mine either. Yet, you probably feel you get to decide what a family should be, right? Thought conservatives supported freedom. Do you?

It's not trans folks molesting children. It's your preachers, and the family members of 10 year old girls. Don't be afraid of what you know nothing about. Be afraid of what is happening right under your nose.

Cassel Ellis Do your research.
Maybe read the article? And all the many other articles about the shooting that are online right now. All the guns this warped domestic terrorist gun owner had were obtained legally - despite the fact that he had made numerous threats in the past that he was going to kill everybody and had had a suicide attempt? Yet the Republicans continue to vote against laws that would require an extensive background check and waiting period. You keep on spewing your gun loving propaganda, but know that nobody with a working brain believes you. 

George Ellis ah so that’s the only group you can get behind, a corrupt one that spends your membership money on a Beverly Hills shopping spree. Must feel great. Gun control and gun regulation are two entirely different things. Time to regulate the toys. For gun owners who watch as children are slaughtered to not to have any solutions is telling of the simple mindset they have. And if you won’t take responsibility for your guns, the people being murdered by them will speak from the grave eventually. The gun culture in this country is the laughing stock of the world. The USA is being made a fool of by its own interpretation of an ancient constitution amendment. Guns should be respected but apparently Americans are just fools with them. That’s how it looks.

Jean A. Williams I mean I’ll answer the question about having an AR. Because your answer to your own question is a very baseless accusation. Your claim is that everybody that’s ever bought an AR will someday kill a bunch of people. Can you show me your facts and where you found your answer for that? Americans have the right to own firearms, even these scary ones. Many buy them because they are great for home protection. Many reasons given on the news for how dangerous they are, aren’t exactly wrong. However it’s how the weapon is used that matters. Protecting one’s home and life is going to be easier with the right tools. Many Americans (I’ll say republican males) understand how our independence was won. They know that the average blue collar male grabbed his rifle and went to work. That same mindset runs deep in the American spirit. Those proud of the 3% who went to battle in the revolution have given many Americans a model of how to defend their nation. And if there ever was a reason for the American civilian to ever have to stand up and defend their nation against an enemy, they want the proper tools to do so.

I am an empath every one of these I feel physical pain and emotional pain for everyone involved as a victim or close eyewitness. And this has nothing to do with me actually but I don't understand why nothing is being done the second amendment does not mention if the type of gun can be regulated because there was only one when they wrote it so that is extremely antiquated in the first place and you know they had single fire shotguns to protect themselves from foreign invasion. In our country people are stockpiling them to go against our country or commit a mass shooting. AR-15s need to go. And yes I believe they should be removed from people who have them already all of them should be destroyed they should never be in civilian circulation again. And interestingly it mentions nothing about ammunition. So the right to ammunition doesn't actually exist. Especially high volume clips. There's a lot of room in that amendment to keep their right to have freaking guns but to make it much more difficult to get having actual paid for psychiatric evaluations and pass a background check and we most certainly can limit what type of gun people purchase I am completely anti-gun but I understand that it is part of the rights that are allowed in this country. But they were talking about guns that could only shoot one at a time and I firmly believe that those are the only guns that should be in the hands of citizens after jumping through all those loops. Someone popped up in one of the threads from Ireland and this isn't about the second amendment though they're horrified about guns in our country as well. It was during a discussion about abortion. And that abortion isn't something that people do necessarily because they don't want the baby a lot of people really really want the baby but their life is in danger. She explained to me that in her country a single woman died from an illegal back ally abortion. Think about that just one, they changed their entire Constitution to make sure that the right to have an abortion is permanent. Can you imagine if our country actually did something after one death we can't get them to do anything after kindergartners and third graders in high school students have all lost their lives and we do nothing. Which was something she could not understand. And revolving back she also couldn't understand why we don't regulate guns better and how it's possible for us to literally have 31,099 more shootings than every other country. We had 32,000. The average for first world countries is 0 to 3. How can we not look at that number and realize that we are in deep trouble in this country and it's not because someone's trying to take your rights is not because well for women it is we don't apparently deserve those anymore. Kind of blowing that whole life liberty pursuit of happiness thing. And that also could be used as justification for changing parts of the second amendment or rather adding more detail. If anybody is smart they know that everyone has lost the right to life liberty and happiness because we have to fear of mass shooting no matter where we are churches and safe the grocery store or movie theater School 4th of July a county Fair literally there's nowhere that you don't have the potential to be a victim of a mass shooting. And that's not paranoia it just keeps happening. But once again other countries are completely horrified by US. I can't even fathom if action and change happened after a single loss. It would be a dream. But it is very hard to explain that our country values the money from the NRA and guns higher than children. This friend was in Ireland I have a friend in New Zealand I have several in the UK and some in the Netherlands. All cannot understand why our country is the way it is. I don't know what it's going to take to make people wake up and sadly if kindergarteners and third graders didn't do it this government that is existing right now they're not going to do anything. I have said it all along this next generation coming up are completely different people can you imagine knowing the fragility of life in pre-K. From getting PTSD because down here we occasionally have realistic open shooter drills where the children are not told that it's fake and someone just completely in Black goes around beating on doors. They do call the parents the night before but they ask us not to tell...uh firg that I didn't even let her go to school that day. But these kids have grown up knowing that their life couldn't at any second. That gives you a very different viewpoint of the world. Obviously they are not going to be pro-gun, they are going to support equality for everyone. They're smarter than the generation in control right now. They've also grown up with the world at their fingertips so when someone says something asinine it takes them 14 seconds to have the truth. And I have a high schooler and a college student they do check. Because they don't take the word of textbooks knowing that they're antiquated and mostly lies. Most of his friends did research on their own and if they were 18 they got the vaccine despite their parents. Because they actually researched it and they believe in science. They also show more compassion and tenacity. And I think that the oligarchy is freaking out right now which is the cause of the insanity but they know this next generation is going to take them out of power and terrifyingly enough to them a percentage maybe even a pretty good one will be all people who are ten or brown some way. The idea to them that women and minorities could have equal power terrifies them.

Sylvia Johnson McAllister I will, but if you can show me anywhere in the constitution where it says abortion is a protected right I will agree. But, I would like to think that supreme court justices have a better understanding of the constitution then both you or I. The Supreme Court has made rulings I disagree with and made rulings I agree with but all we can hope as they are not politically motivated and are constitutionally sound. Roe versus Wade would be law of the land today if a suit had not made it all the way up through the circuit courts to the supreme court justifying late term abortion. This ruling was completely self-inflicted. The push for later and later term abortion‘s got this case brought to the court. We would have safe, federally protected legal abortions if this case was not filed. Any case brought to the supreme court on abortion would’ve ended the same way based on the constitutional status of said issue. Have you read the leaked opinion? Are you aware of the case in question? Again any right not specifically protected by the constitution goes back to the states. Again, this was totally self-inflicted. If, you are implying this decision was politically motivated then evidence of that should be brought to light. If there is no evidence of that and it is a sound ruling based on our founding documents the political motivation argument is null.

Marisette Collazo I agree with you about the death penalty. But the other thing…our leader is a democrat. It really hasn’t changed anything has it? Back when trump was in office and we had mass shootings, they would blame him. And now they blame him again. It’s not his fault. I don’t like the guy, I didn’t vote for him but it’s still not his fault. This isn’t a party issue, it’s a national crisis. I don’t know how to fix it by any means but blaming our leaders isn’t doing it. If anything, it gives the killers an excuse…

HL Naber the Chicago area has some of the most strict gun laws in the nation yet has some of the highest number of gun related deaths. What is missing from this racist report, and yes it is racist, is the fact that the other 8 deaths, and over 60 wounded in the greater Chicago area get no nationwide attention during the same time because they didn't happen in a mostly white upscale area. Guns aren't the problem. The complete lack of mental illness treatment is, but there is no money in mental illness treatment, so it gets absolutely no attention. This shooter, from past incidences, should have been labeled as mentally unstable, but that takes clinical evaluation, and treatment, that hasn't existed since the 1960s, when needed funding was stopped, and most mental institutions closed, not because there wasn't a need, but because there was no profit in it.

May this this little guy have a happy life despite this unbelievable and unnecessary tragedy and may he grow up and change the world, or at least his country. I don't understand how 120.5 guns per 100 woman, man and child is normal or even necessary.There are an estimated 408,495,000 guns in the US, how can this be normal!? Over 300 mass shootings so far this year in the US, how in the hell can that be normal. Your declaration of independence states "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" How can this be possible when you have to fear being shot everytime you leave your home. When does it become bad enough for politician to finally want to fix it, how many more innocent lives have to be lost? To the young parents who lost their lives from another senseless shooting, the parents who's two year old is orphan, I hope you can rest in peace! To all the victims who have lost their lives in this senseless shooting, my heart goes out to your families, may you rest in peace

10ºSylvia Johnson McAllister The government does not have religion and rvw turn back the states because it was not a cost usually protected right. Any right not explicitly protected by the constitution defaults back to the state and people, like it or not it was the correct call.
Any relevant examples?
You may want to bolster your argument with proof quickly because Democrats will lose the house, senate and presidency within the next three years. There are not enough people on your side that agree. Your policies are failed and divisive. Any non-biased poll will show you your ideology is not supported by the majority. Just because big tech, media, Hollywood etc. etc. those with the largest mouthpieces constantly affirm your thoughts and feelings does not make them blanket consensus. If you step out of your echo chamber you will see this is the case.
