IRS chief refers Comey, McCabe audit decision to inspector general for review

The head of the Internal Revenue Service has asked a watchdog to investigate the decision to conduct rare tax audits of former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, the agency announced.


Franklin Strum well , if for example there is an extremely rare cancer that statistically affects one in every 300,000 people and four people living in different households on the same block of a street are all diagnosed with it. Logical deduction would suggest there is something triggering that cancer in the shared environment, water, workplace or other factor that those people shared.

Common sense, logic, odds, the ability to make deductions and the capacity to think, it’s pretty strange when we reach the point where people demand that common sense should be probable with facts they refuse to believe anyway.

When the form of audit used is extremely rare and both individuals targeted had the same high ranking position and were labeled enemies of the same man in power, with the ability to select the person who would have power in those agencies, and they both were audited in consecutive years after being forced out in similar manner by that man, it becomes quite obvious.

Alex Tracy more important than who??? Better than who????
that is the problem. Republicans will vote for the worst person in history even a predator as long as it is a Republican. Living in the Deep South I have seen them vote even for a horrible evil person that they hate rather than vote for a democrat now that is insanity!!!!!!!!
Neither are you cut out for politics because you have an absolute closed mind
I have voted both Republican and Democrat, whichever I feel would be good for the country but never will I vote republican again. They want to take us into fascism and under dictatorship or dictator like trump
My family lived through fascism and I do not want to see it in this country
But I do not care what you think of me as you are of no significance
But the sad thing republicans with zealot Christians are taking away women’s right. Will also probably take away the rights of the LGBTQ and gay marriage and maybe even more like voting rights
Biden by the way is NOT responsible for the price of gas or food or supplies and it is WORLDWIDE.
Trump and republicans did nothing but spew hate and division towards Democrats who by the way are just as much AMERICAN as you are. You are no better than Democrats just because you are a Republican
It is a sad time in this country

Cynthia Rogers here's a good question. If Tucker Carlson came up with a similar report about Biden....had no evidence... should we accept it as truth. You would say no.

But us voters need to believe CNN and New York Times when we know them and Trump don't get along and they have every reason to push anything against Trump, evidence or not?

American voters need to be smarter and challenge the media especially when there is no actual evidence. But that doesn't happen because American voters are so easily influenced.

I will wait on the IG investigation unlike majority of Voters

Joe Spyak he follows so much of what Hitler did and definitely attempted a coup to remain in power even though he lost trump is like Hitler was in 1933-1934 and like his followers they support 100% without any questions in fact trump can do absolutely nothing wrong as far as they are concerned just like Hitler followers
trump cabinet praised him hitler like drowning him in praise fit for an autocrat being hitler like hero worshipping
trump riled up his base with calls that the USA was l humiliated the same as Hitler
support him 100% and never ever criticize him
if trump called for imprisoning his adversaries his followers would agree and fox it
trump followers love him as a god and that is dangerous
trump scapegoats Mexicans (brown people) and lazy minorities same as Hitler
mexicans are taking away our job same as hitler but not Mexicans
but we can only hope he or someone like he does not gain power again

Cynthia Rogers here's the problem with your statement.

Drug tests are at random. But there have been people get picked at multiple times.

Unusual things happen.

But anyway in a court of law you need evidence. CNN and New York Times are looking at how voters are so controlled by the media,. they could say anything without actual evidence and people would believe it.

You have the head of the IRS say there was no political motive and he has no involvement plus he sent the referral to the IG. Then you have CNN and New York Times who can't even come up with one slice of evidence proving the audit is politically motivated. However, there is evidence the New York Times and CNN are politically motivated against Trump . So anything they say especially when they can't produce any evidence just theories should be taken with a grain of salt.

Not wonder why the IRS chief and the FBI director don't go after any other criminals since the criminals are within the IRS and the FBI directors mainly , agents ,all in America knows well that law enforcement follow by or including the IRS managers and directors are in crime themselves . I did file Whistleblowers with the FBI , IRS/ICE , California State Auditor and Tax and Fair Administration in Sacramento California , accusing Macy's Sacramento ,California for Money laundering using employees payroll as covered up all stated and documented and revise by the IRS account officers at the Headquarters in Sacramento California , the Staff manager Deborah kept me from talking to a federal agent , after i was asked to do so ,The IRS washed out the money they recollected from me in taxes for money i have never got paid by Macy's i reported to Ca. State Auditor since DFEH Sacramento Ca. and EEOC Oakland are involved in it corruption and obstruction of Justice . Therefore , since money laundering activities are considered a threat to the Nation a domestic and international terrorism according to the IRS /ICE web-pages to report criminal activities . Regards to all in pro of Justice and report public officials fro wrongdoing including IRS and FBI somebody will help me or help us all to pursue Justice . From Sacramento ,California U.S.A. Marco Franco or Marco Antonio Franco Suarez
