Michigan GOP gubernatorial hopeful remains defiant ahead of court hearing related to January 6 charges

In a Republican candidates debate hosted by WOOD TV8 in Michigan, Kelley expressed no regret about his January 6 visit to Washington.



Kintu Lee The repubs, and the supporters of trump, are hell bent on undoing the gains in support of human beings in this country made over the last 80+ years, since Roosevelt. They are well on their way with the control they have gained over the judiciary and scotus. They are enacting laws and changing laws that may take a generation to overcome. They have momentum and are accountable to no one. They have been on this path since 1980. Yes, I wish to fight them tooth and nail, hard and for keeps, as if my life (and the quality of my life) depended upon it. For surely, in many ways, it does. My distaste of sinking to their level is outweighed by my fervent desire to protect this land and its promise and the future of my children, grandchildren, etc.

Laurie Aaland good luck w this Kangaroo court where in the end nothing is going to happen and all is just to change republican voter mind set about trump, which won’t happen. If anything this made him stronger.. no wonder hes the odds favorite to win the next election. Clearly January 6th was a intentional “controlled chaos” as many of my buddies from dc told me. This was all planned and protesters have been allowed to enter the building on their own free will without any resistance because capital police had been ordered to stand down at certain vantage points…cnn, foxnews, nbc wont tell you this though.. doesnt fit the current narrative.

Remember the top 2 Republicans running for office got caught submitting fraudulent petitions. The Michigan Courts ruled those top two could not be on the ballot. If it wasn’t for those two cheating, this guy wouldn’t be #1. Great state party: the top 3 candidates are all under investigation. 2 for fraudulent Petitions, and one for taking part in the January 6th insurrection. Kelly is on tape encouraging people to storm the Capitol and to go inside. I hope his case is decided by a judge. If it is a jury trial you know 34% will be Trump supporters and will not vote to convict him. 

Bob Long Jr In case you haven't been paying attention the Select Committee is rounding up these Traitors! Do you want the Dems to sink to their level with violence and death threats? And as far as Trump himself goes, He's a private citizen now and there just to much evidence and too many charges in too many jurisdictions to weasel his way out of it this time and he don't have the Office of the Presidency to protect him! 2 jurisdictions in New York, one in DC and voter official intimidation in Georgia over those 11,780 votes that weren't there! Prison is probably not in Trump's future but after everything he pulled, Trump won't even be allowed to run for a fking Dog Catcher, yet alone 4 more years of Incompetence and Revenge as President! LOL

Laurie Aaland it’s not real that’s why it’s political BS pushed by a propaganda network Laurie is this really a question? Tell me Laurie how many people die on Jan 6 protest? 1 shot by a cop with no gun, you liberals say nothing! We have another shooting kills 7 people 7 people died and you liberals think Jan 6 was a bigger deal you are sick!
It doesn’t even take a brain to see how democrats are killing the economy, peoples retirement, the country. Thank god for the SC and the ability they have to control the dysfunctional agenda until it all collapses.

A Yυmɑ Coυntү Sυρєɾioɾ Coυɾt Jυdցє ɾєᴄєntlү sєt ɑ nєw sєntєnᴄinց Һєɑɾinց foɾ Sɑn Ŀυis bɑllot Mυlє, Gɑdsdєn Elєmєntɑɾү SᴄҺool Distɾiᴄt Boɑɾd Mєmbєɾ ɑnd Ex-Mɑүoɾ of Sɑn Ŀυis Gυillєɾminɑ Fυєntєs. Fυєntєs ρlєɑdєd ցυiltү lɑst montҺ to Һєɾ ɾolє in ɑ soρҺistiᴄɑtєd bɑllot tɾɑffiᴄkinց ɾinց dυɾinց tҺє 2020 Pɾimɑɾү Elєᴄtion in Aɾizonɑ. SҺє wɑs ᴄɑυցҺt foɾցinց siցnɑtυɾєs ɑnd tɾɑffiᴄkinց bɑllots in Aυցυst 2020 bү Sɑn Ŀυis ɾєsidєnts wҺo filmєd Һєɾ υsinց υndєɾᴄoѵєɾ ᴄɑmєɾɑs. Initially, Fυєntєs ρlєɑdєd not ցυiltү; Һowєѵєɾ, ɑftєɾ tҺє ɾєlєɑsє of “2000 Mυlєs” fєɑtυɾinց wҺistlєblowєɾ tєstimonү fɾom Sɑn Ŀυis, Fυєntєs ᴄҺɑnցєd Һєɾ ρlєɑ to ցυiltү. TҺє ρɾosєᴄυtoɾs Һɑd tҺis footɑցє BEFORE tҺє 2020 Gєnєɾɑl Elєᴄtion bυt did notҺinց ɑboυt it. Fυєntєs’ sєntєnᴄinց Һєɑɾinց, ρɾєѵioυslү sᴄҺєdυlєd foɾ Jυnє 30tҺ, Һɑs bєєn ᴄontinυєd. TҺє nєw Һєɑɾinց is sєt foɾ Jυlү 7tҺ ɑt 1:30 ρm. cbsnews.com Still insist there was no cheating?
