Brittney Griner pleads guilty to drug charges in Russian court

Two-time US Olympic basketball gold medalist Brittney Griner has pleaded guilty to drug charges in a Russian court near Moscow.


Andrew yup.
What I’m thinking.
And they need that fat fine!!! Which may be in large part, why this happened to begin with.
Russia is in debt default payment for the first time in over a century…
Not a bad idea to negotiate for cash.

Guess we will just have to see. But, I knew, when she plead guilty; it’s much easier for the case to be done in court and get her home.
If she’s still in the middle of the trial it’s not gonna happen.
She will have to be sentenced to whichever punishment they choose, then exchanged.
And most likely the rest of what you stated.

Susan Duhon well not a lot per the polls think he is. Unfortunately those few that think he is we run into on here. I don’t think you can get as delusional as these people. They call trump supporters a cult but wth do you call the people who support a guy like you said has created a inflation in almost everything. He’s got our troops killed and left our military equipment behind. Yeah I’m baffled at this level of delusional. I guess that’s why so many have left the Democratic Party. They have pushed so left with it’s radical

Greg RayburnOnly people who have the privilege of being a victim of this Race crap can afford not to but into this Race crap. Black people and other minorities don't have to buy into the Race crap. They live it every day. And please post where Britney Griner said she hated this country. I am not a fan of hers but I do follow sports, and although she does support Black Lives Matter, like many other NBA players, I have never seen anything where she said all the things she said. I do like to be informed. So please share. And regardless of what we care about her opinion, She is still an American Citizen. Her rights have not been forfeited, suspended, stripped and so forth. Bowe Bergdahl is an American POW. He desserted his post in Afghanistan, was captured by the Taliban, and evidence links him to the death of several people in his unit immediately after he disappeared. This guy not only kept his citizenship, but he was promoted as well. So come on. Complaining about this country and its leadership is protected in the Constitution. So why are so many folks mad when people voice an opinion? Be thankful that you don't have to deal with this race crap. But listen to those people who do? Maybe we can fix it so no one has to deal with the race crap.

Eric Wright Where did you get that Britney Griner hates this country? It is pissible to hate things about this country, such as the unfair legal system, education system and other systemic racial systems in this country, without hating this country. And the Constitution protects our rights to voice or show our dislikes. Its shameful that when a person voices their dislike for unfair or unjust treatment in the country, they are branded as unpatriotic or as a person who dislikes America. You make that statement and I ask you to show proof that she ever said or did anything to prove she dislikes America. And for all the blickheads who talks about her complaining about broke sh*t in America, that is litetally how change is started. If no one complains about something, change would probably not happen. And as far as Trump making a deal yo get her back. I am still waiting on the check for the wall that he promised we would get from Mexico.

Susan Duhon once again you are making suppositions. Russia plays games with American citizens. Did you know they want to trade her for an imprisoned Russian arms dealer? Do you know that other Americans who are detained in Russia say that her charges are trumped up? you really believe that? America has systemically oppressed its black and brown people. It has red lined communities to keep black people out. It has incarcerated black and brown people at a much higher rate that South Africa during the height of Apartheid. Do you know that black men were lynched in their military uniforms after they bravely and heroically served their country? Do you know that black and brown people have a much higher rate of a
violent escalation with the police for minor infractions? Do you not know that instead of equally funding black schools and or integrating schools the government shut them down? Do you know that even in 2019, 2020 and 2021, the pandemic uncovered the systemic differences in the medical, economic and physical treatments between black and white people? Do you know that in America black maternity death rates rival third world countries? Do you know that black babies have a 3 times higher death rate when deluvered by white doctors? Do you not see what happened in Flint Michigan? Come on miss you can't be that blind?? Opportunities to do what...die, live in poverty, be killed by the police ot to be harassed by people by you for just trying to live?

Susan Duhon ok...miss. I'm a teacher and I teach ALL children and as you so eloquently put it...i work with white teachers as well.You are niave to truly believe that in America everyone can be whatever they want to be. It has been proven that systemic programs and agencies have been put into place to stop people of color from achieving.
See you know nothing about my culture. Many families have fathers in the homes who are loving and responsible. See you are spewing only what you think you know. But missing fathers are in most American cultures. It's not just a black thing. I know many white families that are headed by single mothers. In the black community it has more to do with mass incarceration not a husband just up and abandoning the family for a younger model. This is prevalent in your culture but I bet you won't admit that either.
Now the one thing I will agree with you on is that nurses and teachers do deserve a living wage and should be paid more than athletes. Teachers make all other professions possible. But listening to this vitriol and anger that you are posting I'd be afraid to let you be my nurse. I'm not saying that you are not a good probably are but not for me based on your implicit biases. So with I depart. You have a great day. Read some good books and stay safe.

I am so concerned about this young woman being in a Russian prison. Like the article said, she is a young black woman in Russia, and she is gay. Remember that Russia does not thing very much of their gay people. They probably think that gay people are committing a crime. AND YES....the fact that she has to supplement her income in the off season, says everything that we need to know about the disparity in salary between men and women in the professional ranks of sports. Serena fought for equal payouts to men and women in the professional world of tennis, and I will never understand why this was not done across the board for all sports. This may be a bit off topic, but really not, because if Brittney Griner was being paid the same salary as someone of the male players at the same level and rank as Brittney, she would likely never be in Russia.
Is she guilty as she plead, maybe not. I will not say too much, because we don't know how Russia plays their games with people's lives.

I cannot imagine how her parents are coping with having their child over there, and not really knowing how safe she is. We cannot believe everything that comes out of Brittney's mouth right now, because we do not know what she is being forced to say, or the advise that she is being given. Maybe the fact that she pleads guilty may help to get her home safely sooner. I hope that she will write a book about her experience there. I hope that she gets to come home soon to her family. I also hope that she never set sight in that country ever again.

There's more to this story than meets the eye! I will never believe she pleaded GUILTY at this stage of the journey unless she felt like she had NO other choice! I'm sure the treatment she is getting in there is horrific. Stop the madness....How many airports had she gone through before she got to Moscow?? Wow, and Russia just happened to find drugs!! REALLY, or did they plant them on her???? We know how it's played here in the good old US of A if they want you and we know how Putin plays his games too. This is not her first rodeo and she knew the culture, ropes, and hoops that she would have to go through (she has been there before) so it looks like she was probably coerced into pleading guilty. Wow, Very Sad.

Frank White Wow…Since you asked and I know that some bigot like yourself would ask this question, this soiled is soaked with the blood, sweat, and tears of this country. As matter of fact, when you celebrated this country’s independence you are most-likely and totally clueless to the FACT that the first person to die fighting for this country’s independence was a black man..Crispus Attacks. Therefore I’m not going anywhere but you can go back to where your ancestors came from Furthermore, If discussing or pointing out the flaws of this country makes one unqualified to live here, I would surmise that your brain is not fully developed. In other words if it walks like a duck…oh never mind BTW being able to call out wrong does not make one have a victim mentality. Your lack of critical thinking skills and bigotry are loud and clear

10ºKenna Sasser Jeske USA is great for some but not for all and that includes our veterans (her dad). She was outspoken about the things that are wrong with this country. If something’s wrong, do you ignore it? When I have a headache I don’t ignore it because it will eventually turn into a migraine for me. I treat it with the appropriate medicines and treatments, so my issue goes away. Being American doesn’t mean blindly loving your country. It means calling for change and accountability, so it is better for all. It might be the greatest country to you, but it definitely is not for all and to me that’s a problem.
