Bette Midler and Macy Gray address backlash over comments deemed transphobic | CNN

Bette Midler and Macy Gray have each responded to criticism some recent comments they made were transphobic


Danae Raykovitz-Robinson because I read the same thing you read, in her comments, and we come to different conclusions on what is being said. I guess it depends on if we are looking to be offended or not. LOOK, I am a pissed off woman, who feels very much like the Supreme court is attacking women, and women's rights. I do NOT feel that because of other people NOT wanting to be called a woman, that we should stop calling anyone that. I have a right to be made, and come out saying, I don't want to be called a bleeder (that is really vulgar in my opinion) nor a birthing person, I am and will always be a woman, a lady. There shouldn't be a massive thing to start changing pronouns to make sure no one misgenders another at the expense of a whole group of people. We need to stop trying to cancel someone because they don't agree with everything you say. JK Rowling is an example, someone that was loved by a community had that same community turn on her, and call her horrible names. Simply because she didn't agree with everything they said.

Jeremy Nantz Look this is all semantics. That's good because that's primarily what the argument about, but what it means is *why* do you want to make the language work one way or another.

WE decide the utility of the language we use, and colloquially speaking nobody is making sure to put the "trans" part in "trans men" when interacting with them socially in real life, so the question is "Why would you feel the need to insist on the distinction?"

The alternative is recognizing that what that "distinction" means is that "trans" is just a kind of man, rather than "not a real man."

That helps more people by ensuring inclusion in institutional and social access whereas insisting on emphasizing the trans part excludes them by way of prejudice and stigma persists. But remembering that they're trans allows for their inclusion also reproductive rights and natal care *without being assumed to be women.*

Sadie Young phobia literally means a strong and/or irrational fear of something, f.x. arachnophobia - a fear of spiders. Over the past 50-60 years this has been skewed a bit with first homophobia (which literally means fear of man) and then the rest of the hate feelings.

Personally I don't give a toss what people do with their bodies, but I will admit to feeling confused by the way the whole alphabet is being employed - it seems new definitions are added every week. It makes me wonder if we over the past decade or two have raised children, who at every turn have been told how special they are at everything they do, that there is still a need to stand out, even by miniscule differences.

So, yes, people in general can be ignorant - it doesn't necessarily mean they are haters, merely that they could have given up trying to keep up with the ever changing pronouns, directions, options, and labels.

Nik Koch So since you have so much knowledge then why is the trans community up in arms by what she said? the LGBTQ+ community was all a gaga over JK rowling until she didn't agree that trans females should play in cis gender sports. NOW they are ready to cancel her, and Bette. So please tell me in what way was Bette transphobic? Why is it if you don't agree with everything the one side said it is okay to be nasty and accuse people of being transphobic. If you can't help maybe someone else will, because it is a legit question. I don't care if you are transgender or not. You be who you want to be. I just hope someone can answer without being nasty or calling names, because I might not agree with everything you stand for. To be honest, I doubt there is a person alive in which I totally agree with everything they say, as I am my own person, and have my own opinions, which I should be allowed to be. 6

Lucinda Demarest We have to remember our focus and keep our allies, she spoke an opinion and it was badly worded. Who hasn’t, and her consequences were equal to her misstep (“oops, sorry not how I meant it” and it’s not even news now). JK Rowling doubled down on her opinion and she lacks some empathy one would expect from someone who was both homeless and wrote as a champion of the different, but apparently not too different she drew that line. The SCOTUS isn’t stopping at women’s rights, so why divide from the LGBTQA+ community when we are a much larger group to contend with together.

The term transphobic should be mocked, derided and dumped. It is an absolute assault on common sense. It is used as a cudjel to silence legitimate discussion and opinion. Many young peoples lives are being destroyed because the most radical elements want to force the most extreme gender theories the world has ever seen, acting as if Trans is a biological reality, people born that way with no way out. But then go look at the increasing number of people who do want out but were butchered so a few radical activists can feel better about themselves? There is a major lawsuit in the UK now involving a man who was manipulated to believe he was trans, and this when he suffered deep distress. Individuals with mental health issues are often exploited by individuals who care more for an ideology than their patients? This speudo scientific movement should be resisted.

You want the government to do what is forbidden. Race, color, gender, even place of origin a individual does not control. Egalitarianism under the guise of equality is unconstitutional. Individual freedoms and liberties are civic in nature with boundaries. This notion of equality when you mean Egalitarianism encroaches on individual freedoms and liberties. Case in point, the Civil Rights Act has never challenged societies, cultures or religion. The Civil Rights Act did not define disagreement or someone being obligated to take a side, base symbols or flags. Can’t wait for you to get more Democrats in Congress to pass Abortion as a right. I am going to sue to strike down the law on the basis that you are implying that it is right, that others who disagree shares a responsibility in someone else’s individual freedoms. The same thing will be used to challenge any LGBT law.

Gi Gisela Marques I'm guessing you only read part of my comment to Lee... the part you don't understand. There are trans men who can still give birth, have uteri, and might need or want an abortion. SO, although I understand Lee's point, overturning Roe v Wade isn't just a woman's issue, it's a health issue. It doesn't give or protect women's rights to equal pay, job rights, voting rights... it's about freely choosing what happens in a person's body. So get off your high horse and start questioning why Congress hasn't brought the Equal Rights Amendment back to the floor now that 2/3 of the states have finally ratified it.

Ruth Thomas Oh please… just stop this already! There are women and trans women. There are men and trans man. It is not up to you or any man to tell women what they should be calles or that we now have to accept the erasing of our rights, of our fights. It is not up to you to tell us ehat we should be calles and to say you feel like a woman/female because you don”t know what it is to feel like a biological woman/female. You haven’t gone through what we have growing up. So yes, fight to be accepted but don”t try to erase us because we will not accept it.

10º"Birthing person" specifically refers to someone giving birth, not just anyone or any woman. "Menstruators" doesn't refer to post menopausal women, women with amenorrhea, or anyone else who DOESN'T GET THEIR PERIODS. It's only used when actually discussing menstruation such as for hygiene products or medicines that control it. So pretending these terms remove women just because they include anyone they actually apply to is just plain false. I get that our rights are being taken away. They're not being taken away by people merely being clinically accurate and that's the trouble here! Do not support TERFs! You don't want clinical accuracy, you get people who call a fertilized egg a person and can take our hormonal birth control because preventing implantation is "abortion". You ARE what's undermining women!
