Officials urge Americans over 50 to get Covid-19 booster right away, but younger adults have to wait

Americans under 50 are watching the lightning spread of the BA.5 subvariant and wondering about their own protection.


Melanie L. Moseley That has nothing to do with my original comment. I always find it funny when people say how well the vaccine works everywhere else is the world except for Massachusetts. Or could it be Massachusetts has the best hospitals and doctors in the world and they are extremely accurate in their reporting? I'm really appreciative of the state for being so transparent otherwise I would be uniformed like most people. That being said the vaccine kind of works. I understand that but most healthy young people don't need it. Are you willing to get vaccinated every 5 months for the rest of your life just to reduce your chances of dying by .13% Good luck with that

Dan Smith its not slightly...but I'll take your answer as progress. I hope you read the data. I really do . You are at much higher risk from covid unvaccinated. Covid has killed 1. 02 million is 2 years in the U.S. 6.36 million globally. How many has the vaccine killed? Amd that doesn't include those that survive but now have long covid leading to mounting medical debt. We have the most expensive healthcare in the world. Why would you not protect yourself. 10 to 30% who have had covid have lingering symptoms. Seriously f**k that. Protect yourself. Have a great day.

Kelly Nolan many Of my patients that are vaccinated got Covid. Some severe but I didn't get it. Why is that? Look many nurses did not get the vaccine and lost their jobs. Even though they did not have Covid. The side affects for many vaccinated Covid positive have been severe. Look up the VEARS report from the CDC. Last I checked there were 15,000 deaths. Many disabled. Blood clots. Pericarditis in young boys. Athletes dying. Gillian Barre MS. And some people medically can't have any vaccines. It's funny how my body my choice only works for abortions. And because you as a vaccinated person can get Covid and spread it makes you no different than me. I am the one taking the risk not you. So you take care of you and I will take care of me. You don't know my story. Nuff said

Noreen Bryan actually I did see the YouTube video & his exact words were that the vaccines would prevent people from getting the surge of the "Delta" variant.
That's a different variant than the initial Covid 19. And those who got initial Covid vaccs, he indicated would be protected against Delta.
Now truly, I don't know if that claim ever did turn out to be true. Because Delta came after the initial Covid & I didn't or don't follow all the variants.
I got my vaccines & that's all I care about.

And p.s. no, my fingers aren't broken. But YOU (like another woman I was engaging in conversation with earlier today)
don't seem to realize that FB etiquette is such that if a person makes a claim, they should be able to back up their claim with the info.

Kevin Smith insulin, polio etc was not experimental drugs they were researched years before getting it out there and is successful...."covid" vax was discovered and administed in few months time!!!! Thank God I'm an antivaxxer and a proud one! My natural immune system I'm born with does a fantastic job. Oh by the way you actually believe the government with their numbers on " covid deaths" people were dying with underlying illnesses like heart attacks , cancer etc......strange how it stated on their death certificates they died with "covid " the government plays with words and the whole world fear!!! After all that is their agenda and you are one of its victims! Emma Matthews thought you might want to read the comments on here. Enjoy!

Abraham Mathew how do I say this nicely. Your immune system might not be strong enough to fight the virus by itself. No shame in that as it is a deadly virus. The vaccine is just a training ground for your immune system to fight. Virus are a protein connection to a DNA. Once in your body it will multiply using your cells own reproduction mechanism against you. Unvaccinated people will take up 2 weeks before their immune system will begin to fight back fully, while the virus multiply. Vaccinated people will have the antibodies for covid ready. However this is still a fight and covid is capable of doing a lot of damage. Some people have stronger immunity and will be able to fight off covid better. However viral load is important and the more covid viruses you have in you effects your chances of survival. It's best for your immunity to start fighting right away.

Yo Chesnutis exactly. It’s amazing how many people weren’t washing their hands. The vaccine I believe doesn’t work well. I actually contracted it a few months ago from a vaccinated person and I was sick maybe 2 days and my daughter had a runny nose (I never would have tested her If I wasn’t positive because she wasn’t even sick and she has cystic fibrosis). I’ve had influenza and it’s a hundred or even a thousand times worse !! Not to mention many other viruses I’ve had which made me sick as hell. This is the most tame virus I’ve ever contracted.

Noreen Bryan ya that's true and I think it did work better then since the vaccine at that time was made to virtually keep you from getting any symptoms As time went on we kept getting more variants and the vaccines haven't work as well. Not that he should of said it would prevent you from getting it in the beginning but, it sure reduced any chance of dying and many had no symptoms at all. Now with new variants and no new vaccines for these different variants we are getting sick again. Fortunately, these variants aren't as destructive as Covid 19 was.

Liz Allen it’s still a valid question for a medical professional and it is relevant to your personal health history. The doctor may tell you that this new variant isn’t as bad and your health is good and you don’t need the 2nd booster. The doctor may tell you, that yes, this booster covers the new variant, but you’re healthy enough to not need it or to wait or that you may need it if your health history is not good. You may still have good natural immunity if you’ve had Covid and this new variant may not impact you as much as someone with no immunity.

Whether this booster covers the new variant or not, Facebook is not the right place to get correct medical info. Use the cdc site or another well established medical site (ex: Mayo Clinic) to get the truth.

10ºSalina Jane we research everything unlike the blind leading the blind. Many nurses got the vaccine to keep their jobs. And many have had side affects. Also. Let's see. I don't wear a dirty mask that is cloth. People don't wash their cloth masks. Lol. I wash my hands and carry hand sanitizer with me. I keep my distance. I disinfect surfaces. I disinfect the handle on shopping carts.
What I do see is vaccinated people not wearing masks. Not social distancing. I actually had someone say. Oh I don't wear a mask because I am vaccinated. But they can get Covid and spread it. So what do I do. I protect myself from them. Because they don't protect themselves nor others.
