Trump tried to call a member of the White House support staff talking with January 6 committee, sources say

Former President Trump tried to call a member of the White House support staff talking with the House Jan. 6 committee, two sources tell CNN.


Kevin Woodward: The First Amendment protects your right to assemble and express your views through protest. Your rights are permitted in what are known as “traditional public forums,” such as streets, sidewalks, and parks. You also likely have the right to speak out on other public property, like plazas in front of government buildings, as long as you are not blocking access to the government building or interfering with other purposes the property was designed for. You don’t need a permit to march in the streets or on sidewalks, as long as marchers don’t obstruct car or pedestrian traffic. A protest cannot be denied because the event is controversial or will express unpopular views.
So my question to you is, what law were they breaking?

Sharon Posey Sharon Bidens: 1- We have created the worst economy in decades.
2-We have reached inflation records in 40 years.
3- We work hard to go from being an energy independent nation, to becoming a nation totally dependent on the energy of our enemies.
4- We have been raising taxes on home and business owners.
5- We have been paying Americans stimulus checks to keep them from going back to work.
6- we have achieved the highest gasoline price in more than 10 years.
7- We have created more restrictions and protocols for entrepreneurs and new business.
8- We have widened the gap between rich and poor, hurting the middle class.
9- We have achieved a higher cost of living for all Americans.

Achievements in international security:
1-We have approved millions of taxpayer dollars to help protect the borders of foreign countries
2- we leave troops and military equipment in the hands of al qaeda extremists.
3- We have made China the number one economic power.
4- we have committed to pay from our taxpayers to international agreements and organizations, even if they will not work in the best interest of Americans.
5- We have committed ourselves not to intervene in any humanitarian crisis or human rights violations, committed by dictatorships and/or totalitarian regimes.
6- We have abandoned Ukraine under Russian fire in Putin's expansionist plan.

National Security Accomplishments:
1-we allowed minorities to destroy our cities, our country and our peace.
2- We have imprisoned a group of protesters against the government and electoral irregularities.
3- we have created laws to limit the freedom of expression of all Americans.
4- we have opened our southern border, allowing enemies to enter freely.
5- we have promoted the exodus through our southern border, creating an unprecedented crisis.
6- Under our current administration we have violence and delinquency in many cities around our country.
final message to the nation
I want to assure all Americans that we, as your administration, as your president, and as your party, are committed to turning the greatness of this nation into mediocrity and socialism.


Kristina Lay see this is case and point. You need to defect from the story with anything or anyone this is not about Biden is it , no it’s about Trump clear and simple but you can’t deal with the truths you think throwing someone else into the conversation will lessen the facts about trump Wrong ! This has nothing to do with anybody or anything but Trump so continue with your circus while we watch eating popcorn 
You are just simply proving my point as long as people believe what they want to believe the facts don’t even matter anymore

Bill Ervin ok I give, what crime did he commit? The DOJ would love to prosecute Trump on anything. Why have they not? Both Georgia and New York have been nothing. Where is the crime? These hearings are only to form public opinion. They could have given DOJ evidence of a crime but said they had nothing to give. People that believe in this are being filled with rage. A person full of rage for someone or something is easily manipulated to believe in that rage. This may be hard for you to comprehend. You can think of it as you think of trump supporters. Being in a cult.

weak,,, he called but no answer... means nothing... this committee is playing the country just like adam schift did about the russia hoax... this is all about getting the dem. voters out in mass..... how many cell phones in trumps company pop up as donald trump? cant people realize that after almost 7 years of looking into every little thing they can that there is nothing... at this point they are going to have to risk planting evidence to get him... believe me even then trump will be one step ahead of them... oh here is one for democrats,,, watch gas drop for the elections to get you to vote and then go back up afterwards...

Carole Menninger Or even the old documentary that featured the many some crying contractors he cheated out of payment in building his cheesy hotel empires some of whom lost their businesses entirely or apparently never read about his son's response to banks not lending them money for a new venture that no matter they could get plenty of money from Russia or the illegal aliens who were assisted in acquiring forged/ fake documentations to work at Westminster or the woman in Charlotte, VA cheated out of her vineyards and winery with false promises. And lets not forget their fake charity grifts..the list of their illegal, para illegal cheating sleazy immoral dealings is very long and very old and should be well known and despised by any decent person.

To Proos + Mimier

Testifying before the select committee is an all day thing: Cipollone and Hutchinson testified behind closed doors 8 and 9 hours (respectively).

Hutchinson eventually testified to specific points.

The DOJ filed a specific document stating that BANNON's 11th hour agreement to testify should not delay the trial date, especially since he only wants to testify, without providing the documents that were subpoenaed for production.

The reality is very simple: if Bannon testifies and acts like a clown, he will still be facing a trial for contempt, and jail time

The video of him acting like a clown will not be aired publicly and willful obstruction of Congress is a crime.

Alan Buechler then why was the economy at an all time high, gas was low, borders were secure, no war, energy independent, no inflation, vaccine in record time, mideast peace deal, hong komg was begging trump for help, korea stopped shooting missles, he shut down abortion, right to carry now in ny and jersey, embarrassed the libtards. Instead of bashing the gop why cant you brag about sloppy joe like we did trump. The world knows what happened in 2020 thats why our borders are open the dems are looking for votes are economy was in better shape during the height of the pandemic then it is now. Biden is a puppet its outside influences like you that try to break america. America is the best country in the world trump made america great again ever democratic city in america is a disaster thats why AOC got booed of stage during a recent concert she can take her polucies back to bartending school. Got get boosted and put your mask on and go back were your from.

Sharon Posey Sharon Thanks To Leftist Corruption, U.S. Military Recruiting Is In Total Free fall

Military Recruitment is being destroyed by The Religion of Woke and the New Far-Left Democratic Party

Podcast Military Historian Victor Davis Hanson

In the Shadow of D-Day
Joe Biden, who can’t remember D-Day but can’t wait to take your guns, should spur us to remember what happens when those with all the power have all the guns.

The Mountain of Data Showing How Authoritarian Democrats Have Become
Glenn Greenwald

Why Is the Left Worried Suddenly About the End of Democracy?

They are fearful and angry not because democracy does not work, but because it does despite their own media and political efforts to warp it.

America Is More Fragile Than the Left Understands

Like a stunned adolescent whose reckless incompetence totaled the family car, the Left seems shocked that America proved so fragile after all.

10ºJosh Baker What the hell kind of twisted facts and logic are you trying to present? Stenger and a number of capitol security board members resigned very soon after the event with Democrat and Republican outrage at their ( and their alone) decision not to call in the National guard. Their reasoning I suppose valid up to a certain point may have been not to further incite and escalate more potential mob violence with equal violence. Stenger also had cancer and died at aged 71 of it a few weeks ago. And yes, one of the arrested insurrectionists had publicly posted that it was time to kill all democrats, men, women and children. As if children are any political party. One irony is that many of these marauders did not and do not even vote. Just a bunch of chest beating A-holes who see themselves as the heroes of every low budget poorly made movie they ever watched.
