Khloé Kardashian expecting second child with Tristan Thompson | CNN

The Kardashian family is growing again.


Eriberto Martin I guess she just wants her children to be born with the same father. Still, he has cheated on her and the have a surrogate carrying their baby. He's not going to stop cheating. He has disrespected her so many times. He really doesn't care she has feelings for him. He doesn't want to be tied down with one woman. Still, she rather had a baby with his supermarket and her eggs and have one carrying their baby in someone else's uterus. This is what wealthy people are doing now days. I believe I would have wanted to have my third child by surrogate, because I would get very sick for all the 9 months and severely suffered from postpartum depression and it was so awful. I went through it twice. I have two wonderful sons. My first son was a colicky baby. So no sleeping for me and the nonstop crying, because he was having stomach issues and the asthma. Us mother's are very strong, but like I said, if I would have had a third child I would have loved to have a third child by a surrogate and not suffer as I truly did. Instead of gaining weight I stayed my normal weight until being close to birth that I gained weight. I never got fat pregnant. I ate well, but I would throw up. Giving birth was another very painful ordeal. I was given medication to speed up my contractions so I didn't get any labor breaks. Okay, I got carried away. It's great to be wealthy.

There are those that have been working on their plans for success in their lives for ALL their lives, but unfortunately have fallen short, and then along comes a family that seemed to have NO plan, other than being themselves, and publicizing their daily activities to the public, and they succeed beyond anyone's wildest dreams. This will generate an awful amount of resentment from some that may feel cheated. The fact is: this entire situation was well crafted. Example #1: everyone tuning in to see the results of the most recent plastic surgery. Example #2: What black celebrity, or athlete will they date next? Example #3: what will their mulatto kids look like? Example #4: constantly watching to see if there is actually chemistry between the couples, because you have your doubts. Instead of resenting someone that has manipulated the system in an unconventional way, maybe we should try to learn from them.

Congratulations to her. She has always wanted True to have a full sibling. Tristan might be a cheating lover but he appears to be a good father to his children (at least, the ones he wanted with his exes and not the one foisted on him by his ex trainer). Khloe has a right to make her decision. Whatever Khloe does will attract both positive and negative talks.

In life, some of our decisions will not make sense to other people but as long as they make sense to us and we are fine with the consequences, we need to shut down naysayers.

Julie E Ehlers & you simply reek of disrespect. Just get over it already, it’s not your life to be obsessing over, you’re being weird & obsessive by continuing in these comments over & over about it. Do you seriously have nothing better to concern yourself with than the status of Khloe’s feelings about herself? Like why don’t you go improve something about yourself like that stank unnecessary attitude you have towards a woman you don’t even know, you should start with that. Go fix yourself you’ve by far have made no points or anything productive here, now hush.

Ok well. First of all I think Kyloe is a good mother. Tristan is a horney jerk can’t keep his —- in his pants n continues to have babies everywhere. He better keep his job bc he will have a lot of child support to pay.
Last time I remember kloe said that they were good friends n good parenting with each other. But she wasn’t ready for him to get back together. But apparently wants a baby from Tristan n it had to be surrogate, n it worked n it’s the same daddy. Which I get it. But he says he is ready but he isn’t, he got another woman pregnant. WTH? I hope she finds a good man who will love her for who she is. But I don’t get why she is still seeing him. He has done a lot of crap to her. It’s like get with it girl, move on from Tristan. You deserve better.

So…. of all the bunch (the kardash) She is/was maybe my favorite. After what happened with that men I was just sad for her. Now I am disappointed… he does not…. Deserve another child with her. And sadly he is gonna use these circumstance as an excuse to take her Back. In a year She is getting Back with him. For sure. I am done feeling sad for her. You can be happy having multiple baby daddies or one. He has to many kids and will have more with more woman, and She is gonna end up racing them alone. So what is the difference? I always hoped She will find someone to make her happy in the future, will respect and be Loyal to her. I don't think this is the right way. That's why men like him never learn... her kids eventualy will know what happened. This is just messy

They conceived before she knew about the other baby momma. Doesn’t matter. Wish her the best and hopefully she might find happiness some day with a man that truly respects and loves her. Unfortunately, it’s hard to come by those men and especially when she is surrounded by athletes or musicians in the famous pool surrounded by young beautiful groupies worshipping the ground these men walk on. They can have whatever they want and they all do. Goes with the territory. She will never find true love unless she chooses a different lifestyle in the man she chooses to fall in love with. My opinion.

Kem L. Benjamin my dad is a Tristan Thompson. I’m a product of a situation like this. My dad was very well off $ and so was my mother. But Khloe is basing her decision off her experience and her wants. Not in the best interest of her kids. Because her dad had 1 baby mama but why have kids with a man that doesn’t share that same values?? He was ok with leaving a pregnant women and cheating on her when she was pregnant. He showed her who he is and yet another child? If she would have waited so he could show her loyalty she would have seen this 3rd baby mama and child. But rushing to have more children doesn’t fix a relationship.

Gabriela Waggoner, they work hard , more like everyone else are the laborers and their inner circle built up their businesses, they worked hard on their ideas while everyone else worked harder to make it happen, they sit in their mansions and are at fashion shows around the world, while others are working hard to establish that family, they are not anything that I waste my time on, don't watch their shows or follow them, not my kind example, they're just show offs and boasters,them having money doesn't make a difference to me,they can't take it with them in the end, just leaving it to their kids to make them rich and lazy, ppl like this don't have a clue what hard work is, they are not laborers

10ºKem L. Benjamin And he doesn’t share the same view as HER that’s why HE has 3 baby mamas AND MOST IMPORTANT she isn’t thinking about 2 kids vs 1 being raised in separate homes. My father has multiple kids with 3 separate mothers like him it was and is very difficult. It really effected us in a negative way. As her kids grow up they will feel the absences, no amount of good parenting will matter or money . Thristian he’s unpredictable and who knows how many more kids he will have with other women. Look at Lamar Odom a ball player that was on top and now he’s doing reality shows and doesn’t have a reputation with his kids of being a good father and he seems like a nice person but good people make mistakes. And she is doing so just to say she has 1 baby daddy. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH having kids by 1 person but BOTH should think this way. But it won’t benefit the kids much but your reputation.
