Georgia school district allows some employees -- but not teachers -- to carry weapons in schools

A Georgia school district has approved a policy that allows some employees to carry weapons in schools


BEWARE SCHOOL DISTRICTS LIKE UVALDE TEXAS - that offer protection to officers with weapons inside of grade schools, with shields and full training in how to take out armed threats too - doing nothing when an actual armed intruder gains accesses to children inside of a classroom and its "best" to shield officers who stand down after accepting pay to be every childs ultimate armed protector. Pay and a pension - and they put children in their graves by refusing to stand up to ONE ARMED INTRUDER and end it all - and at least save some of them. BEWARE THE LIES FROM PUBLIC ENTITIES LIKE SCHOOL DISTRICT OFFICIALS AND POLICE CHIEFS AND THEIR OFFICERS regarding caring about the safety and security of school children anywhere in the USA. Thats ALL a lie. North. South. East and West. In the USA today.

Michael Green I say start using the policies other countries have. I say start annual mandatory mental health evaluations for everyone who owns a gun, wants to purchase a gun, who is about to inherit a gun, or who lives in a household with a gun. I say no more guns EVER to those who have been arrested for domestic violence or any type of violence or has been mandated to participate in anger management or who have a DUI or a history of addiction. I guess those would be good places to start to keep guns out of the hands of troubled individuals. After all, if people are killing, then the sane thing to do is to keep the guns out of the hands of the people who may kill. Oh, and limits on the amount of ammo one can purchase. Almost forgot that. National database, insurance for gun owners.

John Mark Embalsado well how handy for the children that they have easy access to guns during a mental health crisis. I bet I would've had a problem with my mental health if I had to worry about school and mall etc shootings every day.

Our police force doesn't have to protect everybody all the time because people aren't running around with guns.

You like numbers, here's some. The 45,222 total gun deaths in 2020 were by far the most on record, representing a 14% increase from the year before, a 25% increase from five years earlier and a 43% increase from a decade prior.

I can tell you this, I don’t recall a school mass shooting at any school with armed staff, and I don’t mean a single SRO, I mean armed staff. The reality is when these cowardly murderers choose their targets, a gun free zone seems to be preferable. Life itself isn’t guaranteed, and this I know for a fact, others aren’t going to fight as hard as you might when your life is in danger. I am not saying there is any guarantee of success, but I can tell you I will have fought before being killed. It just makes sense that if you give people the most effective means to protect themselves, their odds of survival goes up drastically.

Brian Johnson So ex military but can’t shoot straight? Ok…. More and poor excuses keep coming. But anyway according to everyone up here y’all don’t care what happens to the kids at schools because when they get the same protection that the nuts in DC get and all the judges get y’all go crazy. And regarding pay somebody, that 40 billion that went to Ukraine could have not only paid the right people but only put the right alarm systems in just about all the schools. We take care of so many nations out there we minds well be their step father by now if you know what i mean. So be it.

James Barrow you must have some kind of connect with the fellow government that they’re going to pay anybody that can handle the gun more money I am X military I would not want the responsibility of being the one that had to handle the guy what if I accidentally shot one of my students or one of my staff trying to defend them that’s a lot to put on teachers principals building administrators etc. people want educators to be everything a counselor a lawyer a advocate and educator with little to no compensation I personally Have five of my students died this year it is a lot of emotion to put on someone

GUNS DO NOT GIVE YOU PRESTIGE—it is not an ACCESSORY….that is why it is called CONCEALED WEAPON. It is not an ACCESSORY WEAPON. Have we forgotten twenty years ago, when NATHANIEL BRAZILL at the age of 13 years, a student of DISTINCTION, shot his teacher in the face and killed him. You cannot have TEACHERS walking about with GUNS in the CLASS ROOMS. If it takes host of LAW ENFORCEMENT to control school children….are you that NAIVE to think one TEACHER could INTIMIDATE an OUT OF CONTROL class room….then they are more effective than ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS

If they have their concealed weapons permit then yes. But there are many teachers I know who should never be allowed to have a gun on them….
I want to be able to carry bc I refuse to be a sitting duck when schools don’t take care of out of control students and parents anymore. The amount of middle schoolers coming to school on the daily fighting everyone and bringing weapons is already higher than it should be….I am not ok with letting these kids kill me because the lack of parenting and even worse, the lack of human decency from admins and the district . putting in metal detectors has already been told no to me as, “it makes the school look bad”. You know what else makes a school look bad?! Dead children and adults because the powers that be are too afraid to expel an out of control student !!!

Jay Bob A narrative that the shooting did show though is that police have no constitutional duty or otherwise to protect citizens. That is disgusting. Why should citizens disarm themselves of their own way of protecting themselves especially when police have no duty to protect them? Shall we just leave them completely defenseless?
According to the United States Supreme Court, however, officers are not legally obliged to risk their lives for the community they swore to protect — despite the way their department’s motto brags about their duty to “protect and serve.” Thankfully, it seems that most police officers take such a motto seriously and bravely put their life on the line to help others. However, such praiseworthy attitudes among many in law enforcement don’t erase the fact that no such legal duty exists — regardless of the fact that most citizens believe that is precisely what all those tax dollars are being spent to ensure. https://thenevadaindepend...t-your-children

10ºTeresa Stewart What good would that do wind cops have no constitutional duty or otherwise to protect citizens by Supreme Court ruling?
According to the United States Supreme Court, however, officers are not legally obliged to risk their lives for the community they swore to protect — despite the way their department’s motto brags about their duty to “protect and serve.” Thankfully, it seems that most police officers take such a motto seriously and bravely put their life on the line to help others. However, such praiseworthy attitudes among many in law enforcement don’t erase the fact that no such legal duty exists — regardless of the fact that most citizens believe that is precisely what all those tax dollars are being spent to ensure. https://thenevadaindepend...t-your-children