Beyoncé has joined TikTok -- and my soul is ready

This is not a drill.


Joey Cruz I’m not sure who taught you that but I’m sorry that you have absolutely zero clue of what you’re talking about.

First: Christianity is cohesive to  Judaism. Which is thousands of years before slavery. It’s not a White man’s religion. Jews come from The Middle East not Europe. Anyone who believes that White people invented Christianity is not only ignorant on the topic but they’re also not taken seriously to scholars who study and have formal debates on the subject.

Secondly: What other religions are you referring to? Because I can guarantee you that any Christianity have taken any relation to them has been debunked a long time ago. Trust me, I’m well versed in this and I know which ones you may be referring to that hold no validity.

Lastly: To assert and assume that “is has done no good for me yo this point in my life” is not only a naïve thing to say but also highly inaccurate. God has blessed my life EXTREMELY…but it He never did another thing for me, eternal life through salvation Christ alone is the greatest gift of all.

Jennifer Renee Oh of course! We shall see! Once we were blind, but now we see, to sort of quote that famous tune. We're all wretches, sinners, miscreants. shaped in the image of god, right? Every single believer since Jesus left has said he will come back now, soon! And you keep waiting and waiting. And I am sure you too believe we are in the end time, because the signs! The signs. Yet you fail to address that Christian love is mandatory. The overwhelming majority of people who identify as Christians don’t really know that much about what they believe. Don’t really know that much about why they believe. Don’t really know that much about fallacies or what and what is not reasonable. Don’t really know that much about the history of the book that they praise. Most of them have not read the book that they praise. Yet I am the swine. LOL. You ridicule yourself.

Amani Akili You’re making a comment that is not cohesive to the topic at hand whatsoever. Your implying that “preparing your soul” for Beyoncés TikTok is the equivalent of preparing you soul for God for Christians. Thats a ridiculous assertion. It doesn’t take a genius to understand what the person at CNN meant when they made the statement.

Also, you equate her deeds to righteousness. Just because someone does something good that doesn’t necessarily make the person doing it good. That’s only logical.

Lastly you say “good Christians” sarcastically as if that’s a standard for Christians. Christians don’t think of ourselves as good. We’re all sinners who received grace from the One and only one who is good..God.

Lupe Darkbyrd It seem you’re you’re atheist or agnostic. You know what’s amazing to me is that you say that but you don’t live that out. Have you ever been in love? If so, do you say to yourself “I’m not really in love…it’s just chemical reactions in my brain”? That would be despairing. Actually, true atheism is despair….because Hitler, Stalin and many others are just on their way to the fertilizer pit with no consequences. You’re clearly talking about science which is a great branch of knowledge but there are other studies taught at every Ivy League College that are just as valid if not more valid than science depending on the study. Take for instance history, which is based upon the trustworthiness of eyewitness testimony. You can’t scientifically prove that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Science is a the repeatability of an experiment. Only through the evidence of history can that be proven.
You can’t have a scientific marriage or be a parent fully based on science. That’s a ridiculous assertion.

Jamaal White I do not believe it, it is true. This is a major difference. There is not one theory that establishes this, but multiple ones in the realms of biology, psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and the physical sciences. Simple example: Love. This is described as a feeling but is in essence nothing more than chemical reactions in the body. High levels of dopamine and a related hormone, norepinephrine, are released during attraction. These chemicals make us giddy, energetic, and euphoric, even leading to decreased appetite and insomnia, which means you actually can be so in love that you can’t eat and can’t sleep. Attachment is the predominant factor in long term relationships. Attachment mediates friendships, parent infant bonding, social interaction, and many other intimacies as well. The two primary hormones here are be oxytocin and vasopressin. Nothing mysterious or supernatural. Simple biology.

Jamaal White what I am implying sir is that you simply lacked understanding of what she said and chose to form your own understanding. This happens when you still live in a conscious or egotistical mind versus your subconscious mind. You can only see and comprehend what's in front of you which I get it completely.... this is why I mentioned the word WOKE. You may not have awakened yet. So because of that you think that just because someone speaks on preparing their soul for tik tok you view that as evil and demonic versus having the understanding that you are supposed to prepare your soul FOR ALL THAT YOU DO.

Tony Martinez Didn't the governor of New York also tell people to ignore the growing pandemic and go out and enjoy things? Funny how it is always about trump and his response to the pandemic but never about these responses to the pandemic that told people to go out and enjoy and ignore the growing virus
“It is important to support the Chinese community in New York City. Unfortunately many businesses and restaurants in Chinatown, Flushing and Sunset Park are suffering because some customers are afraid of the coronavirus. But those fears are not based on facts and science. The risk of infection to New Yorkers is low. There is no need to avoid public spaces. I urge everyone to dine and shop as usual,” said Speaker Corey Johnson.

Jaye Marshay an evil spirit can only commute with an evil doer. So my question is are YOU the evil spirit in this equation? I ask because how do you assume someone preparing their soul is a preparation for bad/evil? Is that what you do? Prepare your soul for evil? So it isn't possible that this woman who donates millions to help others in need isn't preparing her soul for the intent and purposes of good? Don't we all prepare our soul in some way? Or are you confused about that too? Just trying to figure out how you good Christians go right to judgement and evil all the time. Enlighten me

Jamaal White Oh, I see. So it is you who decides who goes to heaven, or hell? According to you Stalin and Hitler are "paying consequences." How do you know? Are you sure that it isn't just yourself wanting to there to be consequences and use religion as a crutch for that? See, where you and I differ is, that I know that my being in love is caused by the chemicals in my body, and at the same time, I fully appreciate the feeling it provides for me. That is to say, I love it. You seem to think these matters are mutually exclusive. History you say? There are no eyewitnesses for the Jewish people ever having wandered for 40 years in the desert. There is zero geological evidence for it, which SHOULD be there. And believe me, the best of the best geologists have searched for it. So, it is now just a story, in a book. By your logic, you should not be believing this history. I bet you do though. You told someone that love me or burn isn't Christianity? You've not been reading your bible properly. The two greatest commandments (not a choice, you MUST), are about loving god and loving your neighbor. It is mandatory. Love me, OR ELSE it is the pits of hell, eternal torture, is not a choice. It is immoral to present this as a choice. Only abusers do that. It's very much like North Korea where you have to love and admire and worship the Supreme Leader. The only difference is that North Koreans have the escape of death. With your god, hell is forever. That has nothing to do with love. I am sorry if your indoctrinated mind sees it as such. Decisions made under threat are not choices, they are forced by the threat. Therefor the Christian dogma is very immoral. And it comes from the even more immoral dogma of the sacrificial lamb who you can hoist all your sins onto, absolving you of responsibility. Because it is by grace alone you can be saved through this sacrifice. Stop promoting it as love, and call it what is is. Abuse. If you are now going to type that Jesus never spoke of hell, stop. And go read.
