Maryland man arrested after allegedly assaulting men he believed were gay in a Washington, DC, park

A Maryland man was arrested Thursday for allegedly assaulting men he believed were gay over a three-year period in a Washington, DC, park


Tom Charles No it’s not. For info conservatives won’t stand for hate. You’ve been conned by the media and democrats into hating conservatives who only want what’s best for ALL Americans. We want AMERICANS to come first. Like I said. We don’t care how you life your life. Just stop trying to indoctrinate children into your lifestyle. Let them grow up and decide for themselves. School is to educate for better  opportunities, make a better living, betterment of society. It’s not there to recruit, hate, etc…. Sexuality is to be taught at home by parents. Has no place in elementary, secondary or high schools.

Sydney Willis Well first of all, ma'am, I am not a supporter of Trump nor have I even been. Also, I have never lived in Appalachia, I am educated, and I abhor Populism, so therefore I cannot be a hillbilly.

As far as "arguing with a woman", do you mean my single reply to the chick who made a comment? That is hardly an argument. Perhaps you were referring to my replies to that creampuff, Les? He may refer to himself in the feminine form, (wouldn't be surprising), but you would have to ask him.

So, as far as your hissy fit, I said to the original commentor that the alleged suspect didn't deserve a life term for assault. That is a fact. Also a fact is an earlier comment I made that "hate crimes" are bogus and unnecessary. If a group of thugs decided mug random people in a park, or if they chose women walking alone, or if they targeted twinks rumping behind bushes, the result is the same. You probably love labeling things as "hate", so you can feel even more virtuous...hence the hysterics and flailing of your little arms at me. Calm yourself, tiger.

Sad it happens . It shows what we as humanity can do to others ️️️we haven’t learn anything yet from WW2 examples .
Women and children dying because of hatred . The human indifference toward others ️️️.
Look Russia and Ukraine .
Oppression in China . Communism . …..
Human indifference. No love for others .
Just pure hatred anger . Desires of hurting others . Don’t matter if it is a child , woman or the sick or an elder .
That’s how humanity it’s now ️️️️.
After all the people went through . Religious , philosophers , history , social fighters , human examples ………..nothing works . We are still the same human beast with instinct of hatred indifference coldness . The attitude of I don’t care .
Just pray God does not send a punishment for all of us ️️️️

Ilanit Manor It’s an effort to stop the indoctrination of children, to stop filling their heads with nonsense like men can get pregnant, men can become a woman or woman a man by simply announcing it. It’s an effort to end the insanity the left has poisoned public schools. I’m a conservative and I’m telling you we don’t care how you live your life. It’s when you March into schools and fill those innocent children with anti science ideologies. We don’t care if you’re gay or whatever. Just leave the schools and children alone, they’re there to get an education for their future so they can take care of themselves and not be a burden on society. 

will literally be in shock if i don't see some right wing christian saying that type of thing is understandable and completely justifiable this point i fully expect the right wing christian repubs to openly say that he is a hero and behavior like that should be encouraged.. and no i am not being sarcastict in my heart of hearts i honestly and sincerly belive that maine stream right wing christian repubs are completely ok with ppl that are LGBTQ Being Assaulted and Murdered simply based on perceived orientation . comment is based on my opinion only and i am only speaking for myself

Liz Allen queer and trans folks, particularly queer and trans youth, are at far outsized risk for being physically and verbally assaulted, and at far higher risk for self-harm *because of homophobic bullying* vs any of the other social groups you mentioned.
Yes, all bullying and abuse matters, but this is highlighting the exceptional risk of bullying and abuse that queer and trans folks face every day.
Minimizing or erasing the exceptional nature of bullying of queer and trans folks is itself a form of homophobic bullying.

This is The Trevor Project’s 2021 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health.️‍⚧️

42% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year, including more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth.

LGBTQ youth who had access to spaces that affirmed their sexual orientation and gender identity reported lower rates of attempting suicide.

More than 80% of LGBTQ youth stated that COVID-19 made their living situation more stressful — and only 1 in 3 LGBTQ youth found their home to be LGBTQ-affirming.

13% of LGBTQ youth reported being subjected to conversion therapy [largely religiously driven in the US with the help of unethical psychologists], with 83% reporting it occurred when they were under age 18.

48% of LGBTQ youth reported they wanted counseling from a mental health professional but were unable to receive it in the past year.

Transgender and nonbinary youth who reported having pronouns respected by all of the people they lived with attempted suicide at half the rate of those who did not have their pronouns respected by anyone with whom they lived.

Transgender and nonbinary youth who were able to change their name and/or gender marker on legal documents, such as driver’s licenses and birth certificates, reported lower rates of attempting suicide.

94% of LGBTQ youth reported that recent politics negatively impacted their mental health.