8-year-old shot and killed by his younger brother in what authorities believe was a tragic accident

An 8-year-old boy was shot and killed by his 5-year-old brother Thursday in what Arkansas authorities believe was an accidental shooting



Debbie Drelich Guest I lived through something very similar. I grew up on a farm. We knew what death meant. We had lost loved ones and pets by the age of 5 and knew they were never coming back. The poor little boy and his parents are going to carry this forever. Yes they should have secured the gun. Children are curious. Even if it was locked away, kids watch and figure out how to get into things when no one is looking. They see things on TV and often try to emulate them. It is a very heartbreaking situation.

Katy McDowell You have no idea what truly took place or if they were being irresponsible about the guns at all or the circumstances surrounding what occurred. Your comment is quite frankly cruel and vulgar and only speaks to who you are. 1st of all even if they weren't irresponsible they will pay the price for the rest of their life and that is enough is enough and our system is not supposed to be about punishment. Our system is supposed to be about holding people accountable and making certain that they are not a danger to society. I can assure you that both of these things have already been remedied. Let's hope that you never end up as judge or on a jury because you are a cruel person who likely lacks critical thinking and just likes to jump to it conclusions that Are very sad and hurtful to this world. If everyone is like you and that brainwashed by our society then this world doesn't stand a chance. I'm hoping that people learn that our criminal Justice system is supposed to be about protecting and serving not dishing out punishment that we have proven over and over again does not work.. I'm sorry that you are so indoctrinated and that you have clearly lived such a tragic life to accept those indoctrinations. I hope you get better soon.

Its not more gun control that is needed its more enforcement of gun laws. All gun related laws. Countless people violate gun laws and recieve nothing but a small fine or a lawyer pleads the case down and the gun charges get dropped completely. Any crime commited with a gun should carry mandatory sentence with no option for the charges to be dropped. In instances like this the parents need to be charged for negligence and be barred from owning firearms. If we started holding people in this country accountable maybe the wokes would see that there is a huge difference between responsible gun owners and the wingnuts who we ALL agree shouldnt have firearms. Instead of the current attitude that if a wackjob kills with a gun it shouldnt be blamed on every single gun owner. Maybe people woild realize that some dipsticks dont care about safety like the parents in this story but most gun owners are overly cautious with their firearms. This country has a bad habit of being lenient on all crime until it becomes a serious issue and then the mob wants to blame everyone for everything. Blame the system. Blame the actual people who commited the crime or ducked the safety measure...stop blaming everyone. That just galvanizes opposition and becomes a low brow screaming match

This ONLY happens when parents who have kids that don't shoot guns themselves. Have NEVER been taught gun safety. So when they see daddy's gun. They think it's a toy and tragedies like this happen.
If you bring a gun into your home. You need to show it to your kids. Tell them the 3 rules of gun saftey. Let them watch youtube videos on what it can do. And finally go out and shoot with them so they know IT'S NOT A TOY!
P.S. Drop the mag. Rack the slide and make weapon safe before you just leave it on the nightstand with one in the tube!

The fact that people argue so much about this displays what a failure we are as a society. So much for pro-life. Protect the zygote, but guns have more rights than living, sentient humans. We should collectively be disgusted that this is the leading cause of death in children, and we should be doing everything possible to prevent any more senseless deaths happening, to children! And anyone who says “there’s nothing we can do” has become desensitized. There are absolutely things we can do, if we just put forth effort. Because I refuse to stop going grocery shopping, sending my kids to school, going to parades etc. Those are the freedoms my children and I have that are being taken away by random idiots who have access to weapons of war. The NRA should be so embarrassed that they don’t care which civilians can buy such a streamlined sophisticated weapon. But those who enlist in the military go through rigorous background checks and training. We should treat these weapons as something that only elite marksman can obtain.

Like I said, these comments prove, the sheep are feeding well. Sure let's point fingers, let's turn this into another gun debate. All I meant it's let's show some empathy to the a broken family that will never be the same and prayer for the young 8 year old for a moment before you start pointing fingers and get into your gun debates again tomorrow. I pray that no one here or anywhere has to feel the loss of a loved one by someone with a gun and then a major news outlet like CNN and their fans puts your family on blast for being negligent instead of showing some empathy.

In Finland we would consider it as a wrongdoing of the adult , that allowed a child to get hands on loaded gun . Like if a person has a car , and gives it to a drunk person to drive without a licence is wrongdoing by the car owner . He or she pays the bills of damage , not the insurance company. There are no gun accidents by children in Finland, while all can carry a gun and many own those . This is professional handling of deadly instrument . You do not give poisons to kids to play with either . Nor nuclear materials .

Kyle Nordmeyer yes people kill people, guns don't on their own they need people to pull the trigger. Why do you need guns in a modern society? Is America under the threat of invasion from Mexico, Canada or another country? OK Russia is close by but the Ukrainians are doing a good job at keeping them at bay with a much smaller less well equipped army but the US army is much larger and much better equipped. What do you fear as a country! People who drink and drive, DUI you call it get fined, go to prison etc but drink in moderation is fine. Again what use is an AR15? Apart from being able to kill lots of people. Also it is not about mental illness. Switzerland has high gun ownership as well but a very low gun crime rate. Gun crime in America says more about American society, like you are still cowboys and it is still the wild west.

Stop calling these "accidents"
There's no reason why the gun should not be secure
Also, gun should not be loaded
If you have children. You know they will somehow manage to get into everything
If you have money to buy a weapon, then also spend on a good gun safe.
If you have children and weapons you know the risk you're taking!
For God's sake, we get things so they can't turn on the burners, we get things so they can't play with electric sockets, we get things so they can't open doors...
It's not an accident and we need to prosecute the adults.
After all "all life matters"

10ºPaula Ellis, you probably won’t remember this, but when I was in high school and wanted to look something up, I had to hope the home encyclopedia had an article about it. If if didn’t or wasn’t sufficient, I had to go through the library and look through the card catalog for a book or big green books for an article about it. You then had to locate the book in dusty stacks or locate the article in bigger green books or (God forbid) microfiche. Now, we have reliable information literally in the palm of our hands and people choose to spout misinformation rather than just picking up their phones. Make it make sense. Why do they do that???
