Analysis: Your phone could be used against you in an abortion case

"Google searches, location data and communications could all be used in an abortion prosecution," writes Zachary B. Wolf | Analysis


Blake Purvis I'm not American but I know there will be many with me if I say,
Nobody is coming for your guns, we simply want common sense gun controls.
Overturning roevswade is coming for abortions.
There are already so many places where it isn't possible and many more that are making it near impossible. They don't even need to vote, they fing loopholes in the law that just make it impossible for a clinic to exist without banning them and without making abortion illegal. This is already the case. Now you think its scare mongering to think these places that have acted on the edge of legality for years are not going to make it illegal and go after the women who seek an abortion? And you think these places care one once about democracy. They will do what they want.

No I can't because America is not going to tolerate the Republican party using the power that we gave them to then turn it against us in the form of threatening jail time to their fellow citizens for seeking a medical treatment even lawyers doctors health Care professionals and other professionals and women that leave the state to get a medical procedure all you can say is you got to be s******* me that we're even having this conversation without being mad as hell and telling the Republican party if you continue to engage in this behavior you will cease to be a political party in this country but that's not what's happening is it we get this type of talk instead and that's going to destroy America have a nice day

Bobby Maldonado condoms can break. The pill is not always effective. Accidents happen. Rapists don't care about condoms. Drug addicts don't care about condoms, and I don't care if being a drug addict is in itself a really bad decision, if that woman then fall pregnant, it is far kinder to abort than give birth to a baby that will be born highly addicted, ill, in pain and will likely have lifetime difficulties. On top of that not many people will want to adopt a baby like that so it will just end up in the system and be sent from family to family where it will be abused. So yes that woman should get an abortion.
