What we learned from the Uvalde shooting video, and what remains unknown | CNN

The 82 minutes of disturbing footage from the massacre at Robb Elementary School show police officers, some armed with rifles and ballistic shields, massed in a hallway for more than an hour before entering a classroom and killing the gunman.



They were following orders” insert inner rage”Sometimes those orders aren’t the right thing to do. Protect and serve is a motto but they also work in systems and processes that are often unhelpful in situations like this. I don’t have a lot of faith as a teacher that society really wants to prevent more of these things from happening. We really need to work on prevention. Everything after is just cleaning up bodies and taking out the suspect alive or dead. In most of these school shootings and other mass shootings there have been signs, big signs the shooter was not stable. Once a crazed shooter has a gun in their hand and victims in their shooting range , it’s a crime scene by the times the cops get there or in this case and the case of parkland the cops decide to act. It’s very disturbing.

Shannon Finn every agency goes through training yearly to keep there certification which is once a year. On average only 20% of a police force is continously trained in these situations. Which is the swat team. When you get into small police forces, they don't typically go thru continuous training. When officers only do this once a year and then experience it for real, there can be a lot of hesitation and panic. I have seen it countless times with new soldiers that have gone through more training that the average police officer. Not defending the police in this situation, but everyone is focusing on that police chief and what is being leaked. There had to be someone in that hallway who was taking command in there. All the officers in scene have been interviewed. Until the official report and interviews are released, nobody knows why those officers were doing what they did and if someone else was telling them what to do in the hallway.

Sharon Mahofski since you want to bring that up, it has been ruled in court and mentioned several times it is not law enforcement's responsibility either. Yet we see law enforcement constantly wanting to take away our right to self-defense, here we see in action law enforcement holding firearms in order to defend themselves only. The double standards and hypocrisy are astounding.

As a parent it is my responsibility to protect my children, why is law enforcement actively engaged in trying to disarm you and I along with these other people who encourage such things when we are the ones responsible for defending ourselves?

Stop with the double standards and hypocrisy already. She thinks it's good the cops didn't do anything and feels it's important we are all disarmed. Go take care of the bad people with guns then with her words. Having an opinion is one thing but an opinion that hurts everyone is just nonsense.

Karen Eaddy Warfield I watched the whole thing as well and I was horrified especially that the Officer that got the text from his wife who was one the Teachers in the classroom that eventually died stood there as well. I know he couldn’t have gone in by himself, and I’m sure looking back at this he has to feel a lot of resentment and anger about how it was handled. The kids inside were braver than they were. Some of them along with the Teacher may have lived if they got in right away and took out the shooter. They most likely bled to death in all that time. These poor kids will have have scars that are unseen for the rest of their lives as they relive this day. The lack of trust they will have now with the people who they know should have saved them. The Parents outside knowing the kids were being shot at and killed while the Police were standing around like scared cowards. It’s just beyond incomprehensible. I honestly feel had the shooter come out that room the Police wouldhave shot each other trying to take him out in the way they made the formation in that hallway.

Brandi Lingard not all of them and the officer that ran after being sprayed with debris had only his service revolver. Did you watch the video or you just on here to throw insults as if you know what your talking about.
My comment had more to do with banning these weapons than anything else. That’s if you actually read it. I’m in no way condoning what they did or making excuses for what they did but the AR-15 is the weapon of choice for these shootings and we want to arm teachers ( after police officers ran away ) to defend themselves and children against these shootings is assinine!

Pamela McGrath Solomon That's an extremely ignorant comment. If you would stop listening to what politicians tell you and do your own research, you'd know that an AR-15 is no more powerful than any of the weapons the officers had. Indeed, less so than many of them. An AR-15 is not a weapon of war. There are military versions of it, but he did not use a military version of it. Those are heavily restricted. He used a civilian version, which fires no faster than any other weapon, does not fire more powerful ammunition, and is no different essentially than many hunting weapons.

This is EXACTLY what police learned NOT TO DO from Columbine—over 23 years ago! Police have procedures in place from Columbine—where inactivity & inaction led to the library massacre and the death of William Sanders (due to lack of medical attention).

Is it not enough that we expect children, teachers, and staff to blindly go about their lives in fear of THIS? GOP lawmakers say that “arming teachers” is the solution. How can that be, if the ONE GROUP OF PEOPLE who SHOULD BE RELIED UPON to go into ARMED CONFLICT SITUATIONS can’t perform under pressure?

Edited to add: let’s not forget, this isn’t the first time law enforcement has failed our children. An armed school resource officer failed to stop Cruz from entering Marjory Stoneman Douglas, and failed to enter the building when he heard shots being fired. 17 people died that day.

Brad Rosenblatt Where the heck did you get that I was so far left idea thinking? What right did I advocate to take away from you ? Why wouldn't my opion count as much as yours? There's no ignorance in wanting compromise. What do you propose should be done about the senseless gun violence in this country or maybe the killings are just the price we as Americans have to pay to own a Semi Automatic AR-15 human hunting rifle with large capacity mags and high velocity ammo?
Have you ever read the 2nd amendment or have you let the NRA interpretate it for you?

Shawn Reges I grew up with guns and was very pro-gun until in more recent years. It took time to actually process that I was victimized by gun violence a good amount. Because I was so comfortable around them. And I also believe in my abilities to defend myself without a gun so… I know, I’m a weak little sheep. I’d also much rather die by a gun without one than see one more mass shooting of anyone, but especially children and in a place where they are meant to shape their minds, identities, relationships and futures. A place that should ALWAYS be safe.

10ºRobin Barnhill "Defensive use of guns by crime victims is a common occurrence, although the exact number remains disputed (Cook and Ludwig, 1996; Kleck, 2001a). Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million (Kleck, 2001a), in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008 (BJS, 2010)...."

Half a million defensive gun uses in a year means over 1,300 people a day don't become crime victims due to their 2nd Amendment rights.

